Why do people tolerate this?

How can anyone look at this and not see whats going on? THIS is the epitome of racism, stupidity, and imperialism. If you were a real person, how can you look at this and not feel anything but blind rage and hate?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hey it's Lemon, don't you have more important things to be doing?
Your sister needs to be re-set into her grave

Oh look, another false flag thread.

A couple posts in the JIDF shill will call OP a kike, and post pro civic Nationalist memes.

what a troll... THIS HUG BETWEEN AN OLD WHITE GUY WHO IS THE PRESIDENT AND A BLACK GUY WHO NEVER HAD A FATHER IS ... it's love bro. it's what love looks like. hug your dad.

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You are all completely delusional. All I see when I see this disgusting image is an uneducated moron house nigger paying homage to his Priveleged Rapist overlord. This image is nothing but a celebration of White Nationalism, lack of education, and mental instability.

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We need Hoover to clean up Chicago. 150-200 year sentence for allegedly having a drug dealer killed.

"Larry Hoover, reputed leader of the Gangster Disciples street gang, is serving a 150- to 200-year murder sentence. A 1993 parole bid by Hoover was supported by several community leaders and politicians, including former Chicago Mayor Eugene Sawyer, who argued the convict was a peacemaker who could be a Pied Piper of reform to young people in violence-wracked neighborhoods. His bid for parole was turned down"

Larry Hoover:


“…The vision is for us to acquire marketable skills that will provide us with a legal avenue of financial support. The Vision dictates that we learn the political process of our community and become involved to the extent of having a voice in our destiny; that we conduct ourselves in a manner that is compatible to our community; that we frown upon the senseless rape, robbery, burglary, theft and murder that is rampant in our community; that we establish ourselves in business that is an asset to ourselves as well as to our community that we set examples that will make it safe for our youth to be part of us; and ultimately, that we eliminate the awesome rate of recidivism that is the experience of a large portion of our youth.”

The Vision is that we dedicate ourselves to a war on illiteracy; that we pursue professional business careers such as accounting, drafting, computer science, business management, etc; that we master the trades of industry such as brick masonry, building and road construction, textiles, machine shop, surveying, welding, etc., that we acquire knowledge and expertise in areas that are needed in our community, such as plumbing, carpentry, building management and maintenance, auto body repairs, auto mechanic, etc., that we prepare ourselves to become small business administrators in areas such as grocery stores, clothing stores, hardware’s, entertainment (lounges and dance halls), distributors of general household merchandise, etc., that we amass credentials such as certificates, diplomas and degrees as a statement to our desire to excel positively; that we expand our views to include the educational, economical, political and social realities of society; that we began to value the positive implications of righteous endeavors.”


If the left loses the black vote, they’re finished. Therefore I can, in the interest of wanting to see the democrat party disappear forever, support black people who want to MAGA

Yeah. Yawn. That’s exactly what CNN said.

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Even if Hoover was at one time capable of this stuff he is probably mentally disabled now by being in a super max and they won’t release him simply because they don’t want people to know what those conditions do to a person.

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I don't watch CNN, so I don't know what you're talking about. I'm a bit more enlightened than you plebes who just watch your Fox News and "Alternative Media" racists. I see exactly what's going on here.

Images like this make me sick and angry. Pure, unadulterated Nazism here folks.

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Back to you Lemon.

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Yes how dare a white man embrace a black man in friendship. He should be lynching him! You're so right!

Typical uneducated responses. I guess me and the hundreds of millions of people who agree with me on Twitter are wrong.

You just keep being the sick, angry little bitch you are and I'll be here having a chuckle at all your manufactured faux outrage.

We're uneducated, but your recourse is to cite the frothing unhinged morons on Twitter as if it's some kind of argument?


If Trump actually listens to Kanye and pulls off prison reform, if he replaces (((welfare))) with real opportunities, then Blacks will be voting GOP like it’s the 1880s

I'm not the angry one here. Keep on truckin' with your Russian influenced points of view, pawn. When the blue wave washes over you all, you'll know where you stand.

If he doesn't get banned, Mag Ugly Truth is fated to become a GOD of You Tube


Hateful little cunt

But it’s okay when you joke about dead ppl.
Oh wait they always do that in election.

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And we never see op again.

If you look at that and feel nothing but blind rage and hate your a stupid degenerate like the rest of the liberals

Relationship with Taylor ended, now Kanye is my bff

White Nationalism you say?

I'm not an overlord. Not a nationalist. Not racist, communist, Nazi, feminist or really any ist or ism out there. Not political. Don't care really one way or another for either.

I am a decent empath and I read energy well. I felt relief from Kanye. He felt he was being heard. He opened up some fairly metaphysical concepts and Trump seemed mildly uncomfortable because I'm not sure he was ready to discuss the multiverse or hero's journey.

The hug felt like mutual respect. I'm thinking perhaps my lens is slightly less clouded as I potentially carry less bias. I can feel your hate seeping through your post. It clouds your ability to see clearly from any perspective other than your own. That can be a huge blessing in some cases. In times like this is blocks your ability to see and know from an expanded perspective.


At least Twitter is a legitimate platform for discussion, unlike this Orwellian nightmare of a site.

I heard Kanye say nothing about prison reform. All I heard was him ranting like a crazy man off his meds! His phone code was literally zeros, much like his and DRUMPFZ IQ!!

As a proud Democrat I'm not gonna sit here and take this FOUL language from some overpriveleged colonial. Maybe you should keep your nose out of politics you dont understand, unless you're too busy fending off dingos from your babies or drinking beer and beating your wives or whatever it is you do.


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Wrong? No. Your perspective is valid, but it is clouded by your own bias.

Twitter responses are perhaps not the best support for your claim brother. There are literally millions of fake profiles searching for the very same keywords and phrases you're using here to trigger replies. Twitter being on the same page as you proves nothing. Just like everyone else in this world you will be given validation for almost any belief you carry if you limit where you look.

when is kanye going to get up in lemons face

I don’t think Ye wants to be that close to AIDS

> Twitter is a legitimate platform for discussion

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>you will never personally hug the GEOTUS

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White nationalism is the kryptonite of BLM retards because there's no way you can be against it and at the same time pretend to be a sane BLM systematic systems of systemic racism kind of person

Reply my post fag.

>how can you look at this and not feel
muh feels
>a celebration of lack of education, and mental instability.

So you fit right in no? You roasties are so easy to spot.


People who think that this guy is serious are seriously retarded

Doesn't anyone see what really happened here?

Kanye got snubbed by Obama his entire presidency due to Taylor Swift. Trump (probably because he and Obama hate each other) befriended Kanye, and this is also why Taylor Swift came out politically as a Democrat.

The fact that Kanye is black and Obama was the first black president is also why Kanye has become such a big Trump supporter. Imagine if you were black and Black Jesus appeared, and said you were a nigger. This is why Kanye is overcompensating, justified anger at the Obama snub.

Look, I’m as stoked as anyone about the White House meeting and Kanye potentially swinging black voters to the Republican Party. I’m stoked he stole the mic from Taylor Swift yet again, upstaging her immediately after she came out as a Democrat. I’m happy to keep peddling the “the Democrats are the real racists” narrative, and the “based Kanye” narrative and all that.

But can we all take a minute to acknowledge that the left’s criticisms are actually pretty on point: Kanye doesn’t really know what’s going on in culture or politics right now, and he basically is acting like an Uncle Tom. Like, we literally all sit here talking about hating niggers and wanting an ethnostate and seeing Trumpian nationalism as a huge step towards getting rid of a lot of the social justice (((progress))) that has been “achieved” over the years for niggers. If you were a nigger and you knew what was really going on you would hate trump. Any semi-rational nigger should hate trump.

I feel like trump represents me, and the people who have his ear like Tucker and Hannity represent me to some extent—and I hate niggers.

Tldr: the left is right about Kanye being an uninformed Uncle Tom but let’s keep the “based Kanye” narrative going because I’ll happily encourage niggers to vote against their own interests, all the way to the white ethnostate

Shill post in every thread

Thinly vieled Obamaleaf?

damn son, at least my shitposts were believable

>two races coming together in union against a common enemy = racist

Care to elaborate on why it's nazi? Also just because many idiots think one way doesn't lend credibility to it.

Lol they pay this shill by the word I suppose. Well thanks for the effort buddy but you still arent convincing anyone.

Kanye is based

Well said, user. I agree

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You all know I’m right deep down you just don’t want to admit it because then you’d have to celebrate kanye being “based” in bad faith, knowing it was just a political maneuver

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same reason they tolerate this

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>THIS is the epitome of racism, stupidity, and imperialism.
How? Why? Please explain your reasoning.

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Hey don lemon, your bf has a new butt plug to try on you

the mental gymnastics is satisfying to watch. continue

Lost control of the narrative much? Haven't gotten the memo? Don't you get it, its over. You don't get to explain what can be clearly discerned via simple observation. You don't get to define words anymore. You aren't able choose the sides of the argument, it's done.
You're feeble attempts to define as valid, false antithesis to thesis to ramrod fake synthesis is over. There is truth. It isn't a viewpoint. Truth is EASILY discerned via: Logic, Common Sense and always always always Objective Evidence.

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glonald blimpf is going to be impeached very soon

Is this what jews feel like/see all the time watching white people?



Banned Kanye west speech at SNL with commentary!
Spread like wildfire, a good opportunity to redpill the normies !!! Dindus love kanye


Kanye will expose the Jew
>he will redpill the masses of NPCs
>he is a golem, and we will turn him against his Jewish masters. ......

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If you use essential oils and fresh cut flowers you can mask the smell of the sulfur.
Seriously though, why not get yourself a Bonsai plant or a Crystal or something to meditate on.

Ok seriously don faggot lemon needs to be killed, how is there not a single ethics advisor going "no you stupid faggot don't bring up people's dead family on air"

these are all based posts

its sad to me to realize it truly is impossible to satirize the left now. reality is truly more bizarre

this shill post though, is insidious, and nearly clever, but too obvious. hopefully most of you mossad faggots are just as dumb. we're onto you cunts.

Fox news is left of center jack. Dismissed