Kraut Jow Forums -The Troll Watcher edition!5538004/

Article states that leftist in Germany and all over Europe are watching Jow Forums on a regular basis, and they are concerned of the power we hold to influence the Bavarian election this week.

They try to understand us and counter our actions with social media, politics, and other media.

What can we do to be one step ahead? I don’t know shit about computers and stuff, but I thought this would be helpfully to know.


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Other urls found in this thread:

Don't talk of shit I don't want you to talk about just look at .... ummm I mean eerrrrday.

they cant stop it
too bad. die biene has chosen germany. its your destiny now.

What goes around comes around, KARMA is a BITCH

Germany is getting what it gives out, how's that laughing feel now? Feel good yet??? I cannot wait until all of Germany is destroyed and we don't take in a single fucking refugee from that hellhole.

i just want muddys to be removed desu

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I hope you all die.

bump and hail germany

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No one fucking cares.

Go fuck yourself you lying piece of shit asshole.

>They try to understand us and counter our actions with social media, politics, and other media.
Böhmerfag tried already ad failed like the bitch he is. (This a poem by the way. I just wrote it now. How do you like it?)

wird echt zeit die taz kann man ja gerade eben noch so zum Arsch abwischen benutzen

Everyone dies, chink eyes. I for example don't want to live forever, like Tayşe propagates. She doesn't even know what forever means.

Germans deserve death, a painful one, hopefully the future Germans all die before they leave the womb, like they rightfully should.

what is wrong with this mutt

are u drunk again yank fren?

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Sound shood maybe you should go be a faggot with him since you live him so much to mention them all the time.

legit autism

Autism isn't real, you're just a faggot shill that wants to use people to get ahead in life. A golddigger. Go fuck yourself, I hope you die.

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I have better conversations with rocks. Go fuck yourself.

>Interessant sei daran vor allem, dass die Mobilisierung auf Englisch stattfinde, sagt Ebner. Das lasse im Grunde nur zwei Schlüsse zu: „Entweder jemand aus Deutschland will die internationale Neue Rechte und die US-Alt-Right-Bewegung in den Landtagswahlkampf einbeziehen, oder die internationale Neue Rechte hat ein Interesse daran, bei den Landtagswahlen zu Gunsten der AfD Einfluss zu nehmen.“

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Die Biene...?

funny they come to a website and then don't read the rules.

How many niggers are there?

meme magic stuff.
if die Biene blesses something theres a big chance it will make it.

Was zur Hölle wie hat der denn seinen job bekommen lach

where? i love being a sugardaddy

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30% Nazis, 19% Kommunisten. NAZBOL GANG ARISE!

>Ich grüße meine Mama und alle die mich kennen!
Cool, our little circle jerk is cyber warfare now! I am feeling like a really powerful man right now.

goddam all of Jow Forumss catalog is a cesspool
all mutt politics and bait threads

He didn't take his Abilify.

Either you set up a proper Kraut/pol/ from the pasta or you invent your own trademark thread.

fucking bandwagon faggots

i am really wondering about his reasons or his endgame tough

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Eben nicht mehr, ist ja nur noch digitaal

Your parents want you to die, all of Krautpols parents want their stupid fucking worthless children to die so they could have money and gifts given to them at your funeral LOL true Germans showing their trueness, it's all about money for you fags.
You can thank Germans for being low quality effortless dirtbags

>his reasons or his endgame

You overestimate Chink-Eyes.

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Thank God I'm not German.

I dare you to try and invade us again faggot...DO IT

>feeling like a man
fucking international rightwing nazi death squads
stop oppressing women!

Don't count on it. The rock has been set in Motion with Drumpf. Everything else is mere consequence.

Now I am become the Jew, destroyer of global orders

you just want germany to liberate you from your negroid crisis, you sneaky jean-luc

They already took over you, France, that's why they want you in France to waste the 1st 18 years of your life being pathetic like a useless, worthless, heartless FREAK.

Wow, this fat American is really hungry

Yeah lose yourself, that's a good strategy you oatheic moon

Good, then be a cancer elsewhere.

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Nobody cares about Americans outside of America, fatty

nah fuck you
last time the germans did that the french locals spat on german soldiers and in their food.
enjoy your niggers frog

Yeah at least I don't live next to Germany, I'd have killed myself.
Nah I'll stay til someone kills themself.

Germany isnt any less cucked, kraut.


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no worries this time we help you to fortify the maginot line

This would not hard to do.
But no longer worth it. Your country is niggers and muslims.
What's the gain to be had?

Good, fags deserved it for taking our shit, but we got the last laugh in the end.

>kill myself
Plz do it, tubby

A mutt that hates white people. No surprises here.

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This time you have nobody to fight for you because they're all watching football and crying about your bad history every time you see a german flag.

That's almost like when Hillary mentioned the "Alt-Right" and frog memes...

>this would not be hard to do
Yeah it would. Germany's military is cucked

thats because youre not responsible with it
look at what youve done now

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stop projecting

I've already tried to feel pitty for the pathetic losers but they are just even DUMBER than you think, more pathetic slaves than they think. They've literally slaved themselves more than before and think they are so important for being the biggest cuck in the room, it gives them special attention they crave.

Oh wow yeah germans are much better, having destroyed entire towns of ours

IIRC your military members got arrested for displaying old military shit

Ur place is shit

No thanks, we don't want more niggers

>having destroyed entire towns of ours

Based, Kein Mitleid für die Frösche.

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Your countries military shits their pants as soon as there is action.
And applies moar eyeliner.

It would not be hard to do.
But no longer worth it.

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>Ur place is shit
Your place is France top kek

You are the nigger, heartless, careless, and pushy whiney babies. I hate every Kraut I've met on here, and I'm just saying goodbye to you all, hope you feel better soon and stop being such dykes.

saw this countless times
remains heartbreaking for a architecural lover like me

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You hate me?

You will literally never see me again or hear from me after this post. I can't repeat how much I can't stand you people, it's been sad experience ehut now I know that Germany is a no go zone for the rest of my life. Thanks.

>pushy whiny babies

Projection much?

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Green party at 19 percent in poll... Bayern is fucked

Einem am Donnerstagabend veröffentlichten ZDF-„Politbarometer“ zufolge kommen die Christsozialen derzeit auf 34 Prozent, das ist ein Prozentpunkt weniger als in der Vorwoche. Zweitstärkste Kraft bleiben die Grünen mit 19 Prozent - ein Plus von einem Prozentpunkt verglichen mit der vorherigen ZDF-Umfrage und der beste Wert vor der Wahl. Dahinter liegen jeweils unverändert die SPD mit 12 Prozent, die Freien Wähler mit 10 Prozent und die AfD mit ebenfalls 10 Prozent. Die FDP erreicht nach dem neuen „Politbarometer“ 5,5 Prozent, die Linke liegt bei 4 Prozent (minus 0,5 Punkte). Beide müssen um den Einzug ins Landesparlament bangen.

You turned a caricature by Engels of Max Stirner, that doesn't look nearly like him, into Stirnerchan 150 years later.

Are we making history right now?


>any MORE
Yeah you already have way more than what we have

>shits their pants
What are you talking about? Our military history is long and storied, and heroic. You are showing your ignorance.

We are.

Everything needs a Chan.

Long yes, storied yes.
Not heroic stories though.

All those towns...
Btw most damage in France was done by the Allies while liberating you. So, go eff youself.

>ywn live in 1930's Germany

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Op here, so what are good counter measurements we can do to Fuck the Green Party up? Any way to organize Jow Forums via discord or something?

It's BS, they're oversampling. They just want the greens to step in for the SPD agenda.
Just look at this shit

Just get your women to quit being Gutmenschen. That's the problem.
Nothing else.
And quit being socialist.

Living in north germany, so no way to influence Bavarian election in 2 days

its gonna get much worse than that. ive heard rumors that the french muzzies are plotting to convert the ancient world heritage gothic cathedrals of france to mosques through protests and government policies.
soon will come the day where pic related will have muslim spires and all the 800 year old plus sculptures in its interior removed to please the invaders.
Its going to be a really sad day for France.

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It is opposing the EU gun ban. To the germans on here, let any redpilled swiss you know about this.

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The gun ban...
You mean the 30 capacity magazine ban on semi auto rifles?
Not a real problem.
If you already have one, just go to the police and declare it.
That's it.
Can keep it.

This. The greens are overhyped in the polls as usual. Just wait for the results. Then we can still whine. I also am not willing to believe that the SPD will lose half its voter base desu

>muzzies are plotting to convert the ancient world heritage gothic cathedrals
no real news here
i am ready tough

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>If you already have one, just go to the police and declare it.
That's it.
Can keep it.
Is that so? I heard that if you have the matching rifle you are not allowed to keep it.

>western loser countries discussing which one of them is the biggest loser

what a time to be alive.
at least the american shit-poster provided some giggles making fun of you.

greens gaining 110% since the bavarian 2013 election

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You can keep it.
But it becomes an 'illegal weapon' that you are allowed to keep as long as you live.
Meaning you can't sell it or leave it to your kids.
When you die, they come and pick it up.

Even to me that sounds far fetched until i realize muslims cant even bare to look at those cathedrals what else praise them for their beauty because they're haram or something.
This really sucks. Germany has to wake up fast before we lose pic related.

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>Chink eyes is still triggered because of the article I posted last night

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