When did "Alt-Right" become a thing?

When did the term 'Alt-Right' become the main buzzword you see all the time now? I can't seem to find the origins of it, maybe that's what (((they))) intended though. Was it always an treated as an insult?

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Immediately after trump won the Republican nomination off the back of dank memes. The people who contributed to his success were too nebulous to be easily categorized and shut down, so the Globalists did the only smart thing I've ever seen them do: they made an organization up, gave it a shitty logo and let the first assclown come along and claim ownership of it, and bam, you've got a nice official organization ready for smearing

When Hillary needed a new umbrella term to demonize the 2/3 of Americans who saw through her bullshit with.

Link that test OP.

when the media desperately needed some sort of boogy man enemy to create and try to rally people against


it was a mistake of mine to expect anything better

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I thought she already had one thought, what was "basket of deplorables" then? "Alt right" was around before that.

here you go

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I scored lower than you, yet my description is more harsh

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Hory shit the audience members kek my sides

And half the people here fell for it despite the rest of us warning it was a trap.

When that fat cunt took a Dodge Charger to the face

when jews needed to call opposition names and "nazi" was not sticking anymore

It's just a pejorative made up by leftists like "nazi".

tfw creatura

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When newfags started taking memes off-site.

Alt-Right was originally the grassroots conservative movement against the cucked Republican party, wanting to elect politicians who'll actually support their values rather than play kayfabe with the Democrats.
Then kikes labeled Richard Spencer and several American Nazi parties as the core of the alt-right and they started pushing that term everywhere in an attempt to scare people away from it. Problem is, their boots-on-the-ground maniacs were already running around calling everyone Nazis, so "alt-right" didn't have the impact of scaring people away when they'd get called Nazis anyway.

I don't know how I got stinky libertarian over traditionalist. I am definitely not a capitalist but felt I had to choose it.

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This quiz is trash and just lends credence to the idea the alt-right is made up. For example pic related doesn't even cover ever accurate response. I almost never post "--ism" comments, but I don't necessarily think "that's terrible!" either, because of my stance on free speech. And if I were to post one as a joke, the only possible option is saying I say it "always!"

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Whoever coined it is irrelevant, but when the term "alt-right" started becoming popular it was used to refer to a wide variety of younger people with varying opinions, basically to separate themselves from boomers. The media kept using it to exclusively refer to their boy Richard Spencer until that's what it was widely associated with, so everybody besides his group stopped describing themselves that way.

>do you value free speech?
Not for kikes

They did the same thing to Occupy Wall Street. Both groups had members stressing not to accept leaders or spokespeople but both times some fuckstick came forwards and the Media let them take up the space because it made it easier to dismiss their argument/positions by attacking their leaders