Switzerland gun referendum

Swiss posters, sign and print this referendum opposing the EU gun grab: eu-diktat-nein.ch/referendum/

Bump this shit for freedom.

Attached: Nein-zum-Entwaffnungwaffnungsdiktat-der-EU-V4.png (500x800, 27K)

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god speed swiss bros

Bump meme flags
Bump slide threads
Divide and conquer


>kike controlled EU is banning guns
>thread about a referendum opposing it is a slide thread
Piss off you filthy fucking gun grabbing kike.

Guns are dangerous goyim!

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Did you sign this shit already? Do your countrymen know about this?

Alpen bergjuden muss sterbien!

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How are gun laws in Israel btw.? Do you get to keep your gun from the military?

people literally try to get shit signed for a referendum at least twice a day

if you live in an infested area you can keep a firearm. otherwise, only active law enforcement / reserve officers can carry.
Soon, everyone who was infantry will be able to carry.

Just try. I dare ya.

Attached: FORT-CH-2009-Dispositiv-fort-ch-49-a.jpg (887x540, 188K)

this a fuck you bump

Do it dude. This is the only chance you have to resist this shit. Even the Czech Republic is resisting.

Print posters of this and put it near train stations, parks, etc. Do your best to raise awareness amongst your gun owning friends and even non-gun owning right wing people you know.

>can keep it if you live in an infested area
>lives in israel and says no

get your shit togheter you dirty shitbag

>Soon, everyone who was infantry will be able to carry.

Sounds good moshe

we will shoot your ass from everywhere and you wouldn't know what the fuck hit you. Swiss army/mountain knowledge/strategical position of bunkers/army is worse then the fucking charlies in the mothafucking jungle.

Fuck Switzerland.

Gypsies are not allowed to voice their opinion in human matters

your wife/sister/daughter/cousine/grandma ecc works in our brothels and sucks our dicks daily

Go fuck yourself, gypsy subhuman.

Signed and sent.

Thanks dude. Let everyone you know about this too.

Suck my cock you yodeling little shits.

No one asked you anything, lardass.

Based Swiss bro

Godspeed Swiss. Don't let the EU bully you into giving up your guns.

t. Texas

Nop. Already busy getting mine sucked by one of your relatives

>ear rape

Gypsy fuck. You are lower than a nigger or spic. Glad so many of you useless subhumans were shoah'd.

I don't think so. I don't think you fuck anything but your cows.

Shut up jew slave.

dude we are not talking about scotland or your shittier country where you fuck chickens and goats. Fuck off and keep sending your sisters

Yes, we're talking about Switzerland. The country of yodeling drunks who fuck their cows while they stand on a chair behind them.

that's from austria you fucking gipsy.

what is it with you. Did you tried to apply for a job but got refused because we don't want shit tier people like you?

>that's from austria
lolno, I have pics to prove it.

>Did you tried to apply for a job but got refused because we don't want shit tier people like you?
Why would I apply for a job in a country filled with people who fuck cows?

Attached: switzerland in a nutshell.png (1000x1000, 22K)

Switzerland: the India of Europe.
Cow fuckers everywhere.

because your country is shit and you fuck all the animals you have there? But don't worry user, your cousins are ugly so they can't send you enough money because they can afford to charge only 10 for a BJ.

I notice that you keep bringing up my cousins and how you fuck them. I find this very confusing, because I am not a cow. How do you expect cows to even use the internet and type in human language in the first place? They don't even have fingers!
Or do you mean to say that the cows you fuck are imported from Romania?

dude you are from gypsistan, there isn't even to argue about something. Just anhero and bring as many of your kind with you

and if your cousins look like cows no wonder they charge 10 for a bj

I am from glorious Romania. We don't yodle like a bunch of spergs, and we do not fuck cows, or any other farm animal for that matter -- because we are a civilised people, unlike you mountain hicks.

you have more selfhumor then jews

I know. Romanians are the best comedians on the planet.

the digits have spoken

Attached: dwighttrue.gif (245x180, 770K)

yeah, your life is actually a joke

You seem very upset. Did the cow poo on your pee-pee?

The Romanian is a Jew trying to derail the conversation.

What are the chances the referendum passes? How far will it go. What happens if it does pass?

Referendum easy that passes (only 50'000 signs)

Basically, they have until the 20 December 2018 to get 50'000 people to sign, then it will take some time but we will have to vote on this on a National level

to some Calvinist goblins, it might sure look that way. But, hey, you only live once.

the only things your great country exports it's clamidia, gypsies, and thieves, but hey, keep being "civilized people"

Biological warfare is the best kind of warfare. We are not sorry you are on the losing side of this fight, cow fucker.
Only Romanians have a right to inhabit this planet.

Can someone explain to me what this referendum is about ?

"L’adoption de la directive de l’UE sur les armes n’offrirait pas le moindre gain de sécurité, mais signifierait la fin du tir en tant que sport populaire et ferait de notre droit de posséder des armes un simple privilège. Sans qu’il soit nécessaire d’agir – simplement parce que l’UE le veut ainsi! – il est prévu que nos propres fusils d’assaut soient interdits et que les propriétaires d’armes fassent l’objet d’une méfiance étatique à grande échelle. Ceci est tout aussi inacceptable que l’introduction de revendications explicitement rejetées aux urnes, comme par exemple l’enregistrement a posteriori. En 2005, le Conseil fédéral a déclaré officiellement que l’association à Schengen n’entraînera pas de restrictions extrêmes sur notre législation sur les armes. Qu’il se rappelle de cette déclaration maintenant!"

taken from the website of the referendum

>EU gun grab
>mountain jews a member state
Pick one and only one, friend


My French flag is a glitch or something, sorry I should have explained that first. Is there an English translation ?


>using clamidia as biological warfare

just kill yourself

Based Lindström

I’m moving to Switzerland this summer. Can I bring my ACR and xm15?

The adoption of the EU Weapons Directive would not offer the slightest security gain, but would mean the end of shooting as a popular sport and make our right to own weapons a mere privilege. Without a real need to act - simply because the EU wants it so! - It is planned that our own assault rifles will be banned and that weapons owners will be subject to large-scale state mistrust. This is just unacceptable as the introduction of explicitly revendications rejected at the polls (don't remember about that but probably we voted already on this and we decided to keep it the way as it is now). In 2005, the Federal Council officially declared that the Schengen association will not result in extreme restrictions on our arms legislation. Now they are changing their mind ?

Thank you.

>Being this retarded
>not actually knowing the members of the 4th reich

FYI Switzerland is not part of the EU

Never. We need to wipe you off the face of the Earth first.

>Switzerland is not part of the EU
For now.

>Even the Czech Republic is resisting.

They're virtually the only EU country with a gun culture to speak of that isn't solely hunting-related, and they have a sizable industry. Of course they resist..



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fuck the EU.

Printing a few and collecting some signatures from friends that are too lazy to send it themselves.

I agree with the swiss posters

You see nothing about this in german media. How does EU want to disarm you? And why?

Switzerland is the first world Vietnam when it comes to defending their clay.
And it shall stay this way. "Der totale Widerstand" is unbeatable.

i will print and send some

Thank you for your kind words, based Klaus. Likewise, I support the fight against your suffering and I wish you and your Bavarian brothers all the best for sunday.

Attached: german-political-compass-realistic.png (769x555, 84K)

salvini will destroy EU anyway so why should we listen to them ?

i think you have brain damage. We voted against it. There is no way to get back in. You fucked too many swines, i think you've become one

>No way to get back in

A new vote.

good boy. Have a sig550

Doesn't work like that. You can't vote the same shit again in a certain years frame (and when we will allowed too, EU shall not exist no more). That's why we have referendums

Thanky based Brunhild, your ancestors know something about that.

salvini is a fatfuck and italy is 4th world country

Bump, they're doing this because they're about to introduce shit you won't like

it will objectively never pass in CH since we have RUAG and other nice factories and weapon-research dudes with tons of money

The fact is that there is a way to still to enter it, and you don't know wether or not the EU will still exist.

Also, don't get complacent and assume that the government will actually follow the vote. You voted in favor of EU immigration quotas- what you got was zero quotas and just a Swiss citizen hiring preference.

well if you change laws it has to pass before in Bern of course and not go against the constitution. Anyway EU did too much shit, it really isn't attractive and the average swiss dude who voted yes in 2009 for Shengen definitely changed his mind

What business does the EU have in telling the Swiss what they can do with their guns? Last I checked, you guys weren't in the EU.

Won’t help. The only true change is the magazine limitation anyway.

lets hope

our cucks in parliament take over EU-law without hesitating that's why. Fellow swissanons: how do you think about the "Selbstbestimmungs-Initiative"? (that is for our non-german speaking anons: the self-determination initiative.)

we have commercial agreements. Check out Schengen. We are a little cucked by the EU to be honest

you mean exit?

will vote yes

Bump for mountain bros

>EU gun grab

bump. don't let this die

stupid pastanigger

The eu is trying to backdoor this bullshit legislation through the schengen treaty of which we are a part of. They alter the deal after it has been made.

Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.




>ACT.IL shill recruitment video




>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content

>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"

>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"

>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"

>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video

>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"

>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.

>jews hate all non-jews and slaves

wut? don't get it, but have a Rütlischwur, brother

Attached: ruetli-schwur.jpg (462x640, 31K)