So.. is he our guy?

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Fuck off Satan worshipers.

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>4d chess

Kek manifested in Kanye.
I now anoint ye as Kekye.

My nigga, this real brother is the outreach to Trump supporters in da hood. Trump is helping the poor blacks unlike Obama.

Redpill me on the nigger why is he our guy

just listen to the conference for a second

>we need to educate people not brainwash them
>we need to look at ourselves and fix ourselves now instead of hoping for a better future
>we need to change MAGA to

>racism is just liberalists' weapon

>the problem isn't guns
>it's illegal guns
>legal guns are not the problem
>we have the right to bear arms
>bitch in the back just immediately SHUTS THE FUCK UP


Is Kanye a modern version of pic related?

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Do you really need to ask?

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Literally what the fuck did he say that was wrong? Is it because he’s stepping off the plantation and threatening the only stranglehold that the dnc has? Is this why rappers like jayz who receive checks from Hillary fundraisers are attacking him? Dave Chapelle mentioned something similar happened to him when he exposed liberal thinking on his show only to be confronted by the likes of Oprah and other powerful black moguls

>we need our school children to be playing basketball white in math class

>manlet just like me
>he is my guy

>instead of having to choose from the "nerd" or "jock" character
>you can just do whatever the fuck you want and get gud at it

hes a pretty fucking terrible bet at /ourguy/

He cant talk worth for shit. He had a sitting with the damn President and he basically chimped out. What a sad spectacle it was - regardless of the points he was attempting to make.
How difficult is it to receive 4 hours of coaching the day before while also preparing an agenda?
>showing the president some tech on his phone
is he a damn preteen?

Joe Rogan pls go

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what would you do in front of the president?
>hands folded in lap
>constant eye contact
>"Y...yes si-sir"

Kinda, but he is unstable. Dont be suprised if you see him saying it was wrong to support Trump in a while.

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>learns somethign new
>realizes past mistakes

Yeah Kanye is totally /ourguy/

they talked without the media around later on

He would only be our guy if he was advocating for the mutual separation of our peoples. But he, like the President, instead wishes to keep American civic nationalism, namely the melting pot. So given Jow Forums's track record, only the /ourguy/ for the civnats on this board.

No you dumb mutt. I'd fucking write a simple synopsis of the things I wanted to broach and keep some notes on it.
In the case of presenting a picture I would have it printed out and handed over in a leather folder.
I would appear as an amateur through and through.
I have no idea why anyone on here is supportive of this nigger. You guys must have 0 internal coordination.



Only if he started going off about Malcom X and endorsed the Hoteps

>Y-yes Mr. PUH- sorry i mean President
>I h-have my documents right here
>they're in my folder!
>(see, I have a folder too! I'm doing it!)

I don't care what his political views are. But what you should care about is that he is an incoherent, babbling fuckwit. Anyone in there right mind should ignore the dumb cunt. Unfortunately Americans have always had an affection for total bullshit. Many of you are in a state of psychosis.........American dream? Just what the fuck is that shit? You're deluded.

You fucking kikes, stop shilling your Saturn worshiping puppet to Jow Forums. He is not on our side, we don't want him.

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>leather folder
>calling a cool black guy a nigger
how new are you?

The fact youre trying to Ad Hominem this situation is laughable.
The whole point of the matter is that Kanye is supposedly a figure who is representative of the lower class. Such a figure is held to higher standard - obviously, and yet he chimps out. I have no respect for this little nigger.

He's a nigger in political chains yanking at them like a starving dog
I can only feel pity for him

>calling a nigger a nigger
u wot

how is him talking about his opinions in his own way to president a bad thing?

You're from fucking denmark

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He wants out of the Illuminati and he begging Trump for protection


>You're from fucking denmark
You're clearly missing a couple of points there, mutt.

Oh that has nothing to do with what I'm saying, the fact that the president indulged him is inconsequential, he's still a political slave of sort with or without his opinions out in the open

and how is he a political slave?

Because "his own way" is incoherent to the vast majority of people. And it makes him look bad - and that makes his cause look bad.
Listen nigger. I dont TERRIBLY mind the cause he is for. But he has done it a great disservice going about it as he has. As the media has already decreed. Your bias wont make any difference.

Ok, this faggot is definitely new. Fuck off dude or lurk moar. You're a disgrace to northern europe.

Have you missed his "being sent to a reeducation camp" story earlier this year?

damn, this really made me think

I'd call you a newfriend but actually you're a chink. Which is probably why you're supporting the idea of more niggers in Europe.

nobody should really care

this is exactly why he's speaking out about the terrible nature of these re-education camps

you are a complete retard if you can not take the time to understand someones background, and figure out what their point is. If you honestly fucking believe he should not be credited because he simply talked instead of writing a script, you might be from fucking denmark ECKS DEE GOTEM

You're naive if you think anyone *has* to take their time to form an opinion to suit any narrative other than their own.
But apparently Im talking to a literal 12y old

>you are naive if you think anyone has to form opinions that suit narratives other than their own

you actually just typed that and I will let it speak for itself.

He sounds like an idiot. It’s a psyop to embarrass the right. I hate the right and the left so the whole situation is hilarious.


Yes but I'm genuinely scared for him. I believe after that concert he ranted at he was lobotomized or tortured. He used to at least make sense, now I can't understand anything he's talking about. Knowing what he sacrificed for the good of this country it doesn't matter though. He's honest to god a fucking legend. But seriously what the FUCK did they do to him in that hospital. These satanic sociopaths must pay for what they've done to Kanye and to this country.

Niggers aren't our guys by default. No exceptions.

Fuck you, Kanye was MK Ultra'd for going off the plantation show him some fucking respect.

hey I got exactly like him when my highschool confronted me about being insubordinate. They attempted some kind of shame based embarrassment tactic but my family has used that shit all my life and shrugged it off.
>I think he realized how stupid everyone really is
>those aren't super intelligent beings in the white house making all these decisions
>they're just more of us


Meme flags are their to distinguish the retards from the non retards btw.

Kanye been our guy nigga

elaborate then, you fuckign dutchie

I dont need to, see? He's a literal nigger who chimped out with the president. Everyones smiling and nodding. Hes just a political piece and a house nigger.
Seen the movie "Get Out"? That's whats going on here.

define a chimp out

>lowest effort input to turntables the point of opposition
gee sorry you also have read that on a different media.

>hate the left and the right
cringe, everyone hates the extremes on both sides.

Acting like a nigger when he is in house full of whites.

yeah i know im sorry.
i'll leave.

How the fuck im a doing that you shit?
Also we have the most blondes per capita.

well, look at the photo, he is a nigger, and as a consequence, will always remain a low iq ape.
what makes you think he could be /ourguy/

Mfw Kanye is a Jow Forumstrad like the rest of us.

define a nigger

>”can I get a large pizza”

Shut the fuck up, chap

Maybe not /ourguy/

But what about /ournigger/?

>replies ITT

the absolute state of /nu/pol

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Bipolar and manic.


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The key to the black population. Could you imagine reversing black detrimental effects on society in one generation? Because a trump/kanye regime will do that.
>inb4 never relax
we have a real chance to fix american blacks for good. Restore the black family and you win the culture war.

Perfect height for sniffing

>implying you are not one of these things

not only he is a nigger jew, he is also a cucknigger that took the illuminati thot kardashian as a wife, sings popidiidop, chimpouts in the white house, talks ebonics, is a low iq chimpanzee, and maybe sacrified his own mother to become big in the business.

also, how the fuck do you a nigger can be /ourguy/

niggers are niggers, and will remain niggers until the end of time. their only chance at climbing the genetic ladder is to wash off their races with mutt outsprings.

his offspring is guaranteed to be the future elite of the amerimutts.

son of kanye west, the nigger politician, and kardashian, the negro-sucking whote fashion model with a big arse

>brits need a pizza license now
>muslim refugees still don't need a rape license

kek. k then. wait and see what happens when the liberals have nuked him for a few months.

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kanye was my boi long before all this shit

No. He's a fucking nigger.

unironic based ngtow

>posting the same memeface twice

>thinks lack of stable families is the reason for the blacks situation.
Thanks for the hearty kek.

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>posts under every memeflag possible

>calls out jews in the music industry
>calls out american consumerism because of the jew
>is nigger jew

solid logic there NPC buddy

>t. Hamish McSheckle

Is he 'ourguy', well, lets find out!

- Goes on late night TV promoting
- Meets Trump to overturn stop-and-frisk laws, the very laws which Guilliani used as NYC mayor to rid the city of vast amounts of criminals, turning NYC, under his tenure, into a relatively safe city.
- Wants non-violent negros to be freed from jail. Since when has violence being the only form of crime?
Racial profiling is absolutely paramount to public safety.


true Jow Forums would rather have Hillary win (and increased immigration) instead of allowing niggers liking what we like.

Stop liking what I like nigger, reeeeeee

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>>calls out jews in the music industry
>>calls out american consumerism because of the jew

fair enough, any proof of the above ?

Kayne's dead father in law was a jew.

very reddit opinion you got there

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