Do difference races have diets that are ideal for them or is it based on the individual? If it is race based, then what diet is best for Europeans?
Diet and Race
It's different, lactose tolerance and allergies essentially proves it.
Carbohydrates, carbohydrates, carbohydrates, constant insulin production until obesity overwhelms the system, multiple diseases when insulin resistance causes metabolic syndrome.
For whites anyways. What, you don't listen to nutritional guidelines, the food industry and pharmaceutical companies?
Yeah but I'm not sure if dairy based diets are ideal, it may be just that they are a viable option for some groups. "Tolerance" sounds more like putting up with something rather than it being optimal
The Pima tribe has a virtually 100% type 2 diabetes rate.
The western diet has destroyed them.
Meat and non starchy vegetables
That's terrible
That's going to be a lot harder to argue, but I'd argue that races are more capable of handling certain diets. For instance, Europeans, Indians, and Middle easterners will probably be more suited towards dairy and grain diets because those that failed to get necessary nutrition from them died.
Race is 100% environmentally based - climate and diet shape communities. Most of your energy goes to eating and digestion so food is going to make a huge impact.
interestingly enough, the pima in mexico don't have a diabetes rate that high - the rate in the us will probably drop once they adapt to new lifestyle and diet
What in the snow niggers is going on up there!?
I agree and it concerns me that 21st century society environment has led to detrimental selective breeding practices.
>lactose intorelant
they literally eat dairy exclusively
they are still majority lactose intolerant. they don't drink milk straight they always process it in some way like souring or fermentation to denature the lactose.
Turned him into a girl.. would fuck...
Yes, I'd say the asian races are more adapted for large amounts of carbohydrates like rice.
If you have genes that enable you to eat a food other populations can't that is a sign you should be eating it. Cheese, butter, and milk should be essential part of the diet of a white man. Plenty of meat also as well as part of our history was large-scale domestication of ruminants. A high amount and the availability of protein from dairy and meat leads to european height advantages over the other races.
Some groups of Amerindians and Pacific Islanders are more prone to developing diabetes. The most serious case of this is probably Nauru.
>I'd say the asian races are more adapted for large amounts of carbohydrates like rice.
Can confirm. I eat tons of rice and feel godlike
I've heard you can get a test that tells you which foods are best for your body
and then a blood test to see which of those food you should eat more or less of
>fatty meat fatty meat fatty meat renail failure scurvy diabetes
I just googled it. DNAFit and Nutrigenomix are paid services that will collect and analyze your DNA to determine what diet is optimal for your genotype but they are very expensive. Like $300 expensive.
I'd imagine if you read some studies you could determine which sections of DNA their software is analyzing and what they are looking for. I'm interested in writing some small code to see if I could take raw DNA data from a service like Ancestry or myHeritage and make similar conclusions. If I ever get the motivation to write that program, I'll post the results and source code on here.
Or alternatively many of you don't know what that Chest pain was really a walking heart attack and your arteries are packed with plaque just waiting for some sandpaper to knock a big chunk of Gunk off.
If your young, it takes awhile to destroy your body. But ya probably won't listen to me.
>Cheese, butter, and milk should be essential part of the diet of a white man.
That obviously is speaking for northwest European pastoralists. Does the same hold true for those of south European/Med descent?
If you're white you should be eating organic only fruit, vegetables, bison, venison, lamb, nuts and wild salmon.
We only started getting health problems and fucked up teeth when we started eating grains, sugar, legumes etc.
TLDR avoid legumes, grains and sugar. Whites weren't made for it.
I always found it interesting and funny to think of how this came about. Did people just start eating dairy and shitting their pants constantly until natural selection did its thing?
What new lifestyle will they adapt to? They aren't going to change anything. You should come to North America and see how people live in those Indian reserves. Those small groups are all plagued with health defects. They're pretty much just slowly going extinct.