Kindergarden horror stories

I revently talked to a kindergarden teacher. She used to teach kindergarten before she had kids. Maybe 15 years ago. A few years back she came back and things seem to have changed.
Before she left they had a 15 min break in the morning so the kids could eat the snack they brought themselves. Now it's no break because a. Most of the kids don't bring snacks anymore (the parents don't give them food to take with them) and b. the ones who have food are often unable to eat it during this 15 minute break. One boy, she told me, brings a yoghurt every day and all he does is eat the yoghurt. For hours. In a corner. So no break and everyone says what they have and when they want.
The second thing is they are not clean. When she left all the kids used the toilet. Now she has kids that shit themselves whilst talking to her. Without the kid even flinching suddenly a turd dropps out of their pants. The teacher told me now all kindergarten have clothes in a closet to give to the kids when they have an accident.
I can't even remember a kid shitting themselves ever....
Mind you she lives in a pretty rural pretty well of area.
Wtf happened in the last few years?

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Your generation became parents.

>Without the kid even flinching suddenly a turd dropps out of their pants.
The Chad unflinching pant-shitter

And what did we do wrong? I think the problem might be that no one is accountable anymore. The child is not the family's problem but the state's. Usually both parents go back to work as soon as possible and the kid goes somewhere else. If the parents are unable to find a job usually they are unable to raise a kid too. We made it so only stupid people have a lot of kids and only stupid people stay at home...

my gf is a kindergardenteacher for retarded children. more than the half of children are not white anymore (talking about austria but it became that way in every europe corner i guess. the teachers even talked about learning arab because there is no way to talk to some children. parents are stressful because they think they deserve a free of charge service for their children and everyone working in a kindergarden is automatically their subordinate.


>the children are the state's
This is where you failed. Its the duty of parents to educate their progeny. The society only provide a service to teach them. Teach, not educate.

I'm having a traumatic flashback user.

>on vacation with my family
>hanging with my 3yr old in the kiddie pool
>little girl comes up to play with him
>hear my kid sag say 'why do you have a squishy turd in your pants?
>look over and literally dozens of tiny turds fall into the pool from her bathing suit
>get the kids out. Walk the girl over to the other pool to her parents (why is a small child swimming alone anyway?)
>tell them and suggest they need to call maintenance and put a sign up in the meantime
>they look at me like I'm an alien

Wth??? If my kid dumped in the community pool I would be personally apologizing and making sure to not get others sick until the situation resolves.


>circumcision pose

Clearly the child is so focused upon his or her own education they aren’t willing to let anything detract from the minor amount of time they spend a day in school, not even bodily functions.
Your teacher friend should be impressed. That’s the next Albert Einstein.

Vaccinations... So many more vaccinations.

The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room.

>be me
>everyone gets a different "letter" of the alphabet with an animal to colour
>i get the lion
>i'm only left with a regular pencil, not a pencil crayon
>other kid has two colours
>i start "shading" my lion with my pencil
>teacher comes over
>user you're supposed to colour it. this is wrong
>sends me to the corner
>i cry

Fuck that bitch.

>Be me in Nursery (Kindergarten basically).
>Doing some lame arts and crafts play time thing
>Never seen a shitskin before going to school
>Pak/Indian kid that speaks no English keeps taking the shit I want to use and i'm getting pissed and yelling at him
>Tell teacher "this black boy isn't sharing"
>Teacher roughly graps my arm and pulls me into the hallway
>Aggressively tells me I shouldn't call people by their skin colour and that he wasn't black
>Thought all poo skins were called black becuase of TV?
>Try to explain
>Teacher says what if someone called you "that white skin boy with brown eyes" and how would I like that?
>Said it sounded accurate, and really didn't see the problem
>Liberal cunty teacher said "never do that again", call people by their name
>Said I didn't know the boys name, and he doesn't speak English anyway so I cant find out
>Teacher tells me his name (can't remeber but it ended with dinder or pinder or binder) and sends me back to class
>I'm a bit shaken and upset and don't understand

Now, many, many years later I'm here on /pol hating on Liberal cunts and thieving shitskins...

And it all started it in Nursery...

Checkmate leftist school system!

>Some time later I came up with Ninderpinderbobinderbananafannabobindermemymominder - stupinder to mock the "black boy". Everyone thought it was hilarious.

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The problem is that you're a medkit yet you're not healing your country.

>white skin boy with brown eyes
wog detected

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this picture always gives me a good cringe

>shart in mart

Ah the time poor American ethos

Bunch of little over medicated zombies that weren't trained. Parents are raising kids akin to bland greenhouse tomatoes instead of bright-eyed farm strong garden variety. Add to that the fact that public school is designed to squelch a childs spirit as well as their intelect and there's the problem.

La Creatura with meme flag.

But what's the move? Homeschool?

Be me . Sorry no green text. Building im in only allows cell phones. Anyways.
Be me
About 7-8 yrs old
Develope unusual issue of putting glue on my arm and eating it.
I figure at least its not boogers like the other kids.
45 yrs later some cunt teacher outs my autism to Huff post
Mad but glad
Never got caught drawing swastikas in the bathroom.
Oops sorry got to go , FOX news is Skyping

Homeschooled kids are awkward

>When she left all the kids used the toilet. Now she has kids that shit themselves whilst talking to her.
This is how we become a society where everybody uses diapers

The first day of Primary school, I was paralyzed with fear that I was to be left here until later with all these strange people in this strange building. I pissed myself close to the classroom door. The teacher was laying down newspapers on the ground. And my mother came to collect me early. That was the first day of school. Imagine how the next eight years went.


So you people really do come here?

>homeschooled kids are awkward
>better to have flossing pants shitting zombies instead

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When I was at nursery (bongese for kindergarten) a kid did a shit on the slide outside, it was pretty funny desu

Huh? I started school around 24 years ago.

>while your child is wasting time fighting off emus so he can shit in an outhouse, mine will be dealing with the discomfort of his own fecal matter so he can develop the necessary math skills that will one day make him a rocket scientist.
It’s fine, I get it. Success breeds Jealousy.

Teacher scratched the inside of my butt with his Willy, to this very day I'm still baffled by the event! My bum wasn't even itchy!

That's what I do.

I meant the kind of people the left claims to be here

Sarcasm . Huff post did story about THIS.
Steven Miller/Trump appointee . sinking tabloids end result

>the mutt thinks his pant shitting retard is gifted

Well, now we know where the snowflakes come from

bahahahaha rütli niggers, you degenerate mountain kikes had too much incest, thats what happened

Oh look, it's this fake quote again.

>because there was a period in ancient Greece in which things were getting worse, they can't possibly be getting worse today

Awkward parents raise awkward kids. Mine are very well adjusted. They have lots of friends, a good work ethic, and seem pretty intelligent. I'm never embarrassed when I take them out because they're well behaved and respectful. Even strangers brag on them. I've see awkard ones, I know what you mean, but that doesn't have to be the case.

Not in switzerland

where is it then? is this a fucking riddle or what stupid rütli?

Did Greece fall?

Again, your simply jealous that you do not have the mental discipline to deal with discomfort for a greater goal.
I feel bad for you. It’s in your genetics. It’s clear an island nation descended from criminals would have no capacity to ignore short term gratification for long term gratification.

My concern is they don't interact with "normal" people. And yes if the chad pant shitter is the new normal I guess they have to learn how to interact with him