So Faceberg is deleting more conservative accounts that have cultivated millions of followers. MSM remains silent.
Kikebook Purge
Just before the elections, eh?
good, every one should have stopped using face book years ago.
Yes. Correct. They aren't even hiding it anymore.
I do not use facebook.
theyre desperate. blue wave is turning into a wet fart
Tbh, I only use fb as a substitute for comms. Local telecomms suck ass, so I send messages and do calls through fb. There's a reason why my country is called the texting capital/ fb capital or whatever term they use.
Yeah don't poor ppl buy "load" that is basically 1 hour calling time and unlimited Facebook for 24 hours?
stop using facebook, goy
leave ALL social media to us, so we can program the masses unimpeded
Yep. Retail sizes for everything. I'm on a postpaid plan but it still sucks (texts and calls not going through) so I use fb as a messaging service.
People still use facebook?
What recourse do the heavily armed and disenfranchised citizens of America have if we don't have a voice and can't have fair elections? What are we left to do with our tens of thousands of rounds of stockpiled ammunition and provisions?
>Trump meets with a black rapper
>stays silent on the censorship of his supporters
Trump hasn't been silent about this. He has said it many times and has been mocked by the Judenpresse for having "no evidence" to back up his claim.
Well its happening right now and there are at least some journalists reporting on it. Shouldn't something like this be more of an issue?
He has to focus on the hurricane recovery for at least 2 weeks or he will get the Puerto Rico treatment.
It must be having a real effect user, I can see the tech companies are literally shaking.
Someone contact fox news about it then. Contact your Republican senators and complain that facebook is tampering with the election by banning Republicans. Bitching on Jow Forums isn't going to accomplish anything.
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy
We could just tweet this to POTUS. I don't have any social media though. Anyone here want to volunteer?
Did Q predict this?
>be wolf
>show up to farm
>howl at the moon
>let everyone know a wolf is present among the sheep
>get shot
>farmer can peacefully manipulate his sheep again
What did he mean by this?
t. Larper
system scan completed: Protocols updated
Shutting it down...
He's waiting until he gets reelected and has nothing to lose before he goes antitrust and starts stripping them of their current governmental protections against lawsuits.
Tucker's the only one who will actually report on it. Fox news as a whole is compromised.
First off Zerohedge is fake news, so that means you're probably too stupid to think on your own.
Secondly, this isn't a free speech violation since this is a private company and they have the rights (thanks to the GOP for putting laws into place that corporations have more rights than people) to doing whatever the fuck they want.
if you don't like it, then maybe you should of put more Dems into office who would of put into place laws that protect people over companies
...but then you'd actually need a working brain which you sadly born without...
He opined, unfamiliar with Marsh v Alabama
These sites just generate spam and clickbait so they are like everything else on the internet
Haha. Just like how reporters reported on the genocide of African farmers and then those same reporters called Trump a conspiracy theorist for commenting on it a few months later?
Facebook is a public company with public investors. Second they claim to be not a “publisher” but a platform but then censor conservative voices? That’s not a platform
stop comparing apple and oranges, and you might actually begin to show signs of life.....
MvA was about property rights, but digital rights and data have been ruled differently in the Roberts court.
true but who the fk uses facebook anymore ?I go on there and its either ugly men posting about their racecars or gloating females.
They do have a right and a responsibility to curtail fake news and hate speech......
They don't control the narrative anymore, truth is being set free.
If they spammed anything like 80% of the schizophrenic trash threads here, good riddance.
Did you know that domesticated sheep have lost all survival instinct and when attacked by wolves they will run in circles or even trample each other causing more deaths than the wolves would have against wild animals?
L&L + eat MREs
They are not a private company. They are a publicly traded company.
Marsh v Alabama was about First Amendment rights being quashed by a private company.
Normies use Facebook. Normies vote. Therefore, we patrol Facebook.
Also: pretending a snake does not exist does not mean that the snake cannot bite you.
It's just retarded.
Start your own government subsidized information gathering network if you don't like it.
I deleted mine years before I even came here. You are retarded if you still use it for anything other than business.
Hannity will, most likely, as annoying as he is. Likewise his female counterpart, Ingraham.
Normies who unfortunately vote.
Thank you for reminding people of this
I remember the days when FB didn't exist and everyone used AOL/YAHOO/MSN/ICQ messenger to keep in contact. Those were the days.
>t.30 yr old boomer
We used angelfire for a profile too
Facebook is necessary for conservative voting NPCs.
anyone that thinks something like this doesn't matter is shortsighted or deceitful. This is an alarming trend and its just getting started
Then they are responsible for all illegal activity on their platform.
I can't delete it off my phone. It's not a necessary software, but all I can do is "disable" it. I don't like the fact that it and Google listen to me through my phone.
Yeah why not? If it's just jews and irredeemable normans it'll eventually alienate everyone not a golem.
>Zerohedge is fake news
mfw when you countersignal fake news but still have to refute point by point any accusation contained in it instead of laughing at it
Finish paying it off and then request them to unlock it. Then you can delete it.
>3 months left to paying off phone