He needs help

He needs help

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Other urls found in this thread:


>White man supports Trump
>Right-wing asshole idiot. Fuck him
>Black man supports Trump

yes misdiagnose him again! Support chiraq!

>racist white democrats telling black people how to think
so progressive

Leftists are truly tolerant and liberal enlightened souls

Yeah he needs an army to lead against antifa

>people hate niggers only because of politics
>the dems secretly controlled the actions africans since they existed
>gibs me dat fo free

the jews fear the jeezy weezy

What’s the difference between this and the way you guys sperged out about Taylor Swift?

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He sure does. It's funny to watch his psychosis, but it won't end well.

yes he needs our help to kill the jews

My God, just listen to that verbal diarrhea Kanye vomited in the Oval Office... You can see he's not OK, his sentences are inconsistent, insane and mean nothing. This has nothing to do with politics although many liberals no doubt push this talking point for political reasons.

yet again, lefties expose themselves as the real racists

"oh silly nigger, you are not allowed to believe those things. let me fix you"

Seems like he doesn't, honestly.

he drank too much tiger blood and got high on dragon energy

Haha racist or not. You cant possibly defend the nonsense he splurted out.

only neetsocs worshipped that MSM whore
pic related

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You’re absolutely right, he was clearly manic. But these faggots will defend anything, so long as it fits their narrative.

help with what? just strap him full of dynamite and hurl him into a synagogue. 2 birds with 1 stone

Hello newfag

Don't give a fuck about what his political views, unlike you Jow Forumsthe_zionald faggots that nearly committed mass suicide when Swift came out as a Dem and are sucking Kanye's dick as if he's a God because he supports trump.
All the normal and sane stuff he said like the issue being illegal guns etc.. he literally said in a normal voice and barely touched on. It was the insane shit like the multiverse than he ranted and screamed about for 10 hours.


thats what happened you're the newfag
t. low iq nordnigger



Look, I’m as stoked as anyone about the White House meeting and Kanye potentially swinging black voters to the Republican Party. I’m stoked he stole the mic from Taylor Swift yet again, upstaging her immediately after she came out as a Democrat. I’m happy to keep peddling the “the Democrats are the real racists” narrative, and the “based Kanye” narrative and all that.

But can we all take a minute to acknowledge that the left’s criticisms are actually pretty on point: Kanye doesn’t really know what’s going on in culture or politics right now, and he basically is acting like an Uncle Tom. Like, we literally all sit here talking about hating niggers and wanting an ethnostate and seeing Trumpian nationalism as a huge step towards getting rid of a lot of the social justice (((progress))) that has been “achieved” over the years for niggers. If you were a nigger and you knew what was really going on you would hate trump. Any semi-rational nigger should hate trump.

I feel like trump represents me, and the people who have his ear like Tucker and Hannity represent me to some extent—and I hate niggers.

Tldr: the left is right about Kanye being an uninformed Uncle Tom but let’s keep the “bases Kanye” narrative going because I’ll happily encourage niggers to vote against their own interests, all the way to the white ethnostate


Help getting into the U.N.


Racist Shill

>Sowing division
Your nose is showing, Rabbi.
United we stand.
All lives matter.
(Proponent of ethno-states for all though.)
If blacks know what is going on, they will fight by our side against the jew. No man deserves to see his race dwindle to a handful.

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>he basically is acting like an Uncle Tom

Stopped reading there.

"Uncle Tom" was the hero of that novel, you illiterate cuck. He sacrificed himself so that two women could escape slavery.

> implying anybody gives a shit about what a leaf has to say

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>disregards whole argument because poster used a word the way everyone fucking uses it instead of according to the precise meaning it has in the literary tradition

Right totally cool

But black crime is down and employment is up
Black approval rating has been increasing steadily since he took office

That user is right.

what he needs are these fat digits

Straight out of the cultural marxist playbook: pathologise your enemies as mentally ill.

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he's getting it

> He needs help

It's attention whoring you retard

He's out-Kardashianing his wife

Seems to be doing okay to me.

> dont believe kayne he is mentally ill
> promotes men to cut off penises and everyone to support made up genders and victim narratives

I have bipolar and I'm more fucking stable then these cunts

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havnt seen shills this fucking scared since post election

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he was putting together coherent thoughts yesterday, whats your theory?

Popper's piecemeal social engineering expands on these concepts, good read.

"i am him in another universe" He sat in front of the president and said that in a multiverse he was someoen else. True, but what relevance does that have to anything? He was sitting there talking all this irrelevant shit but because he feels so strongly about the tangets he goes on he believes they are important that there is something to them, and because he is a celebrity people around him give him the emotional reactions that confirms his delusions that what he is saing is profound or of importance. Its like when you take amphetamine and you talk for hours about everything while feeling its the best most interesting converation you ever had but its only because the drugs are stimmulating the reward paths of the brain.

Having him spew this shit out in front of the president is almost like enabling his fucking delusions



Banned Kanye west speech at SNL with commentary!
Spread like wildfire, a good opportunity to redpill the normies !!! Dindus love kanye


Kanye will expose the Jew
>he will redpill the masses of NPCs
>he is a golem, and we will turn him against his Jewish masters!!!!!

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>"You just readin' the headlines, you don't see the fine print
You on some choosin'-side shit, I'm on some unified shit"

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He convinced Trump to reconsider stop and frisk. What have you done? The absolute state of the left. Pathetic.

He's getting help on Election Day. More black voters will vote for President Trump in 2020

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