"you need to be playing 4d chess with me like it's Minority Report."

>"you need to be playing 4d chess with me like it's Minority Report."
What did he mean by this?

Attached: 181011-kanye-west.jpg (618x410, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I feel bad for this goy


Just leave him alone. He's doing the right thing for himself and his people.

Don't you guys realize it?

He doesn't REALLY support Trump or even right-wing politics.

He's basically trolling you all for some publicity.

He can see into the future

Fuck niggers

he is gonna win, that's the gist of it.

>He's basically trolling you all for some publicity.
regardless its very brave

haha! trolling conservatards epic style by supporting them in public!

That's a bingo, the fourth dimension is time.

minority report was underrated kino.

He's lost tons of friends and has amassed legions of hate from fans for this. Doubt it's a joke at this point

Since time is a dimension, isn’t all chess 4D chess?
Checkmate Droomphefters

After he's done with the whole thing of doing Agent Saboteur 4D chess he will come out with unconditionally supporting Democrats. You have to admit that guy's game is completely above everybody's level. He completely outmanoeuvred Trump and his people yesterday and made them look like a complete fools. That's what you get for not respecting Democracy and declining presidency after loosing to Hillary in popular vote.

We always thought the Kardashians were bitchy, narcissistic ego-maniacs.

Turns out the are pre-cogs...



Banned Kanye west speech at SNL with commentary!
Spread like wildfire, a good opportunity to redpill the normies !!! Dindus love kanye


Kanye will expose the Jew
>he will redpill the masses of NPCs
>he is a golem, and we will turn him against his Jewish mastersCollege educated (mostly) white women are the main source of West's problems and an aggravator of all the other problems.

If the Kavanaugh episode didn't teach you this, then you weren't paying attention:

Attached: 1539271374243.jpg (500x443, 52K)

Quiet Jew. Everyone can see your divide and conquer tactics.

one based nigger

>he only plays 4D chess

Doesn't really matter. I don't count Kanye as a conservative or as a Republican, but he's doing a great job in generating left-wing asspain.

He was referring to this funneh skit


It's gone too far to be a false flag. The butthurt former fans won't go back to him if Ye stops the "charade"

Maybe to start with but watching your fans, friends and media turn on you and viciously attack you for literally saying things like "we should love not hate" is probably eye opening to him how hypocritical the left is.

based black man


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