Hey, American here

What are the chances of a blue victory this November?
Should there be legitimate worry for the mid-terms?

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If you’re a democrat you’ve got it made, you can sit on your ass and your friends will vote. If you’re a republican you should be panicking and going out and getting everyone you know to vote.

>What are the chances of a blue victory this November?
Pretty high

High chance. They've been on the ground drumming up votes. We've been doing nothing. We'll lose the house, Mueller will release the report he's been sitting on right after the election. The new dem congress will impeach and obstruct for the next two years. They'll try to impeach Conductor Kavanaugh. 2020 we'll take the house back and start impeaching their judges in revenge. Screenshot this.

This, but ironically

Attached: eggs.jpg (231x218, 12K)

Before Kavanaugh? Maybe. Now? Dems really damaged themselves with that shit. Anecdotal, but I'm hearing people I'd normally consider politically apathetic talk about voting, which is what they didn't want. They want you to feel smug and stay home. Go vote. Gonna be close.



>Screenshot this.
GTFO leddit


70%/30% Republicans pick up seats in the Senate
52%/48% Republicans hold the house

I had a hippie looking woman come to my door asking if I was going to vote for Rourke. She had the names of my entire family too. First time I've had that happen to me in Texas and I've lived here all my life (30 yrs).

Traditionally, midterms go in favor of the party not in power, so yeah. It is all a matter of how intense the swing is, and with the way things are, it’s hard to say aside from, democracy victory.

It's gonna be close.
We have a big lead in the House right now; we will come out of the midterms with a smaller lead, but still a lead.
We will gain a seat or two in the Senate.

That's my prediction for now.

Exactly...ahem. Republicans do have a tendency historically to be lazy voters. We canNOT do that this time.

wowowowowwowo SHILL AWAY faggots israel is doomed

Did you fuck her? Hippies are often good in bed.

They are working HARD especially in states like TX that they really, really REALLY want to swing blue. It's time for y'all to fight.

Democrap shills out in full force since Kanye started ruining the narrative yesterday. Never seen them so scared, even 2016 was less intense than this

There's a real chance in the house. It's basically 50/50. Senate though is locked red.

i noticed man. This is gay.

Yes. Vote Vote Vote.

She did have nice tits. I don't think she was wearing a bra.

Yeah, us Texas like to talk shit about Californians who bend over and take it in the ass especially when it comes to gun control but time will only tell.


You can always tell who’s losing by who’s shilling the harder. It’s “pay no attention to the man behind the curtain” syndrome. Cognitive dissonance. They cannot refute anything with facts or a message so it’s all just fear mongering and character assassination. That doesn’t win elections. People are awake and noticing their bullshit

That's rape, user.

It's over guys. I will vote Democrats because Drumpf betrayed us

I'm sorry, I'm too male to understand your point. What was your point?

>1 post by this ID

slide thread.

Honestly there’s a fire lit under the blue parties ass and yesterday sealed the fate of republicans in November. Dems are desperate and will come out in droves. Next!

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There's a decent chance they can take back Congress
Go out and vote to ensure they don't
Remember it was apathy and overconfidence that lost Hillary the election

This. Democrats can take their time to register to vote even until the last day. It's unfair but registration deadline for republicans have already ended in some states. Democrats can register even until November 6th.

Attached: deadvoters.png (676x529, 626K)

Honest reply.

Dems never had much chance at taking the Senate. 2/3 of the seats up for reelection are Democrats. Currently its polling at Reps having 50 seats, Dems having 44, and of the remaining 6 toss ups its 4 Dems and 2 Reps. Dems never had a chance at Senate based just on the mathematics of it.

House is different, probably a 50/50 that Dems will win control, but thats been trending down recently.

Zero. The left is lost

Yes, be worried. Get your ass out and vote straight ticket red.

You don't want to feed the angry mobs.

>What are the chances of a blue victory this November?
About the same a snowball in hell.