People are getting conditioned into accepting this. It's becoming more rampant and openly displayed online and on social media.
These fuckers really want Hitler 2.0
People are getting conditioned into accepting this. It's becoming more rampant and openly displayed online and on social media.
These fuckers really want Hitler 2.0
Other urls found in this thread:
Pretty sure Detroit has been operating primarily without any straight white males in government for a while. So has Africa and India. Have a look. Pretty amazing, for sure.
>Fellow white men
Odds are he is a jew
>there are straight men in western gouvernments
If only there were some countries out there that had no white men in the government that we could look to.
Surely Africa might have some?
This is why I hate this shit. They want to take away what has been faught for.
>Zimbabwe is so amazing.
is that a "male" version of a cat lady?
Idk these people take the cuck image and empower it though. Literal cucks.
My coincidence detector is going off
nobody cares tripcancer
The reply section is full of people ignoring this with sheer stupidity.
They act like the US is the only functioning body of government in the world. Wonder why.
Fuck off kike nigger
>straight white man named BROOK
show your flag faggot jew
>saying jew instead of kike
Wow, way to prove you are a shill.
Looking at the pic, I don't think so. He looks more like the average ultra-cucked liberal. So probably more a product of jew brainwashing than actual jew.
What a massive Kuhnt
He is just a (((complicit))) individual
And that's a good thing!
وپ یس آ فاگگوت
no one is accepting that. remove yourself from your social gatherings, suggest leaving the basement
Yeah. Just look at Haiti. And these fools want that here.
It was the top post on a page that has millions of followers
Kill yourself
sounds like he wants to get pozzed.
>absolute fag
Just so you know, your thread will fail for these reasons. No one will listen to you because you are a drama queen.
Women should be allowed to do anything as long as they have the ability and credentials to do it.
Wishing everything was run by women is absolutely retarded.
Ok let me restate something then.
Fuck off nigger kike go kill yourself
can you imagine people like this will be first trying to escape to canada or europe but there will be no escape.
Honestly i think i should start investing in russia and eastern european countries. The next couple of decades are going to be fun to watch as the west implodes
Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist anti-white jew agenda.
>ACT.IL shill recruitment video
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and Jow Forums to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign
>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"
>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"
>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"
>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video
>"Tony Martin IHR Conference Tactics of Organized Jewry in Suppressing Free Speech"
>"Defamation" – Documentary about how acusations of anti-semitism are used as a JIDF tool to silence goyim who criticize anything related to jews.
>jews hate all non-jews and slaves
He doesn't really think like that, he just wants validation from women he associates with and most likely feels guilty about molesting so many drunk girls in college parties.
I'm literally trying to help you you faggot. No one listens to tripfags or memeflaggots and you are doing both.
Change those and people might respond to you more. If you'll notice, your thread isn't really doing so hot, even though the topic should be getting replies.
Its because you are committing cardinal sins you clown.
No they are literal cucks. They want the US to be destroyed so they can justify their position in life as being useless.
(((as a straight, white man)))
What a fucking newfag
The only way not to be a shill now is to carry a trip.
so only black transgender disabled femmes in the government? that sounds like paradise
cucks still gotta live.
my thoughts are that russia and china are just going to wait shit out and once the USA collapses do what they want.
USA is fucked on multiple fronts,
Decreasing high work ethnic demographic
Rising Degeneracy
Non stop military adventurism
Super high debt which will keep going up and up
and low interest rates which WILL go up
3% on 21trillion is harsh now imagine 7% to 8% on 21 trillion which will be 30trillion in a few years.
Kuhn so a kike
I doubt it.
the straight white men should get the government to kick everyone else out of the music industry
if you aren't a straight white man you are not allowed to perform music in public or sell audio recordings
this would clean up the music industry and nobody would listen to music anymore
Hey Jow Forums imagine what it would be like to have only straight white men in government for ten years
This faggot lover needs his skull smashed.
Because they're weak and pathetic, and they're sucking up to the powerful trying to mooch their energy like spiritual parasites. Every anti-white is just riding the coattails of the ZOG nation wrecking machine and attempting to be on the "winning side". But there is no winning with Jews. If the Jews got their way and every white person on Earth was killed, everyone that helped make it happen would be promptly abandoned and left to starve to death or used as slaves.
What's amusing is that an increasing number of Asians and some black people are starting to realize that and are now supporting "white nationalist" causes, which is really just normal Western nationalism to be honest. Either way, it causes the News Jews to kvetch and complain about "minorities are helping white supremacy!" in article after article.
LOL how's Africa going there bub?
Almost enough thrust to lift your fat ass out of the chair.
Just like Burkina Faso!
>amazed at the depths to which a developed nation could fall
>minorities support white supremacy
This would be ultimate projection from kikes
>last name is coon
This is why socialism becomes communism. The debt will be too great to substantiate the claim that the individual is responsible in financing private property so the government will take it away and subsidize your living while giving all of your money to a centralized bank.
Trips of truth
the key is where will russia and china be in the fray. With a severely weakened america, they will be able to call the shots. I dont think full communism will come to america, it will simply become like brazil 2.0 with parts breaking off.
lets do it... watch these useless faggots burn down civilization.
Remember the "Day without women" nonsense? how nothing changed except some ditzy bitches loosing their jobs?
Imagine white men opting out of society for one week, no taxes paid, no hours worked, no money spent.
Society would come to a screeching halt.
It's like these NPCs don't know about Africa
top page of what? take your own advice hipster shill
one the greatest trick the jew ever played was saying men shouldnt organize. What happening with metoo and timesup movement is clear evidence of what happens when men decide to make their interests take a backseat.
I dont forsee the west lasting long. the only good bit is that after the west collapse the lefties will either be killed by their pets or killed by the right wing or have their precious rights stripped from them for protection against their pets.
and the neo renaissance will begin again
they will just say africa is the way it is because of global white supremacy. Get rid of global white supremacy and finally africa can flourish.
> No white men in the government!!!!
The onions has gotten to them.
>magic fingers
It's jews not white men almost always.
This faggot can't even think. The majority of legislative branches in the world do not have straight, white, men and most of them are fucking terrible.
It's actually not true.
It was true for a long time, but after decades of voting for niggers, the nigs themselves decided to try whitey again because why not.
This will never happen, all the gay niggers would either die of Aids or OD.
Why do they always have to speak in code?
Why don't they just say, if whites were not around we would get the communism we want?
Because there are great examples of countries run by non white men ?
>Not a Jew
lol Americans in charge of rooting out Jews.
Twitter is mostly bots lol, nobody cares about Twitter or Facebook anymore gramps.
These dumb sheltered cunts have never once seen a pissed off gay dude. You are not ready for that shit.
>straight, white men
So why don't we just tell everyone we're in gay relationships with each other? They can't kick our guys out of office if we call them our gays instead. If they try to call us out we can just turn the whole "DID YOU JUST TRY TO INVALIDATE MY SEXUALITY?" thing on them.