Is Russia overrated or underrated?
I felt like Russia rise again and took eastern europe within decades.
Is Russia overrated or underrated?
I felt like Russia rise again and took eastern europe within decades.
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Hey mr Sushi, what do you say we exterminate China from 2 sides and split the lands?
But really, you guys have nigh perfect migration laws and society's perspective on that matter, keep it up.
As for the question - we cerrainly develop economically, but inner degeneracy grows as well
aren't you guys still technically at war
Its a love/hate relationship
I am russian.
Russia is very (very) corrupted country, there is no strong opposition, you can go to jail literally for anything
The fuck? No. Koreas are at war.
Can I go to jail for posting memes on Jow Forums?
Nah, we technically haven't signed a peace treaty
To be honnest, almost no Japanese give a fuck about Russia...
Ec/\u OH 3axo4eT -)Toro
you never signed a peace treaty with eachother after ww2
Do you mean Russia as the Jow Forums meme country with unicorns or real Russia having more muslims than EU?
And yeah, fuck USSR
Pynya ne znaet chto takoe internet
>I felt like Russia rise again and took eastern europe within decades.
top kek
A ty govarish po russki bro
Yasen pen'
a chto ty delaesh v pol? ty cho, fascist?
ksati is kakogo ty goroda?
Russian muslims are segregated into their own regions. You don't see any in Moscow and it is socially acceptable to hate on them.
Tovarisch mayor, ya vas vychislil
Shut the fuck up, bydlo ebanoe blyat
i believe its one of their tactics to have their enemies underestimate them
Russia needs to be broken apart.
so... You think Russia is shit?
Really? I thought Moscow was full of illegal Central Asian Muslims
>You don't see any in Moscow
Fuck you, kremlin-bot.
Living standards are similar to current day Bucharest in the Western parts of it like Moscow and St. Petersburg and believe me Bucharest ain't that bad, but it ain't so good either.
Also /pol and social networks are full of paid kremlin bots.
Yes it is.
With the population of Moscow you're going to have some muzzies, and when you call them to gather at one place, there will be a lot of them in one place. You still don't see any in everyday life. At least where I live.
My sides.
What's the point of denying it? We've really got a lot of them here in Moscow.
I wished President Putin would betray and siege all BLOC nations.
overrated. will implode in 15 years.
>What's the point of denying it
I personally do not think so.
Well, go to any mall, any railway station, any market. Take a look at who sweeps your streets and fixes your roads. Go to literally any construction site. You'll see.
Why do you assume that all of them are muslims?
Because Central Asia is an Islam dominated region.
Overrated. I would not be too worried of their actual offensive capabilities against real countries outside nuking stuff, and if it comes to that it's apocalypse anyways.
That's a pretty broad statement. I think you should study the subject more carefully.
Kyrgyzstan - 80% Muslim
Turkmenistan - 89% Muslim
Tajikistan - 98% Muslim
Uzbekistan - 93% Muslim
Are they proper Islam though? I mean, I see them and see what they're doing there and it just looks like sorta culturally, like what modern orthodox people are compared to catholics. Maybe it's because you don't hear much news from central asia, but I've even talked to a few and they don't strike me as Muslim at all.
Or is it the lack of an arab gene?
They are not too fundamental about it. I don't think its because they don't follow it at all (they do), but due to them being Asian and therefore less aggressive than the arabs. They are quite obedient in general partially due to their culture and partially because they know they don't have many rights in Russia and their employer can do almost anything with them.
I get a lot of that, but Islam is a religion that promotes poverty/lack of education/destruction of culture and history, slowly decimates a nation and enforces wide stupidity and a drop in IQ, which opens up the possibility for a local warlord to use the populace as a free army.
Thing is, I see a lot of the fundamentals lacking among central asian folk - do they even do incest? Cause incest is a very, very major part of Islam.
I really don't know much about the incest part. Don't have any friends of that ethnicity and even if I did, I doubt they'd be open about something of that sort.
It's usually pretty obvious, IQ tends to drop by about 1 point per year in Muslim nations and genetic defects become absolutely obvious. You can also tell by the fact that they have those fucked up faces and are usually thin and short, since they don't promote better genes by breeding within the family.
something like 17 of top 20 economies are the best in maritime power in the world
russia has no good warm water ports
russia also has stupid sanctions that impedes capital inflows and foreign investments
russia has capital outflows, the oligarchs control the resources and then take the money park it outside russia
t. Liberashka
underrated in terms of economy by those who quote GDP in USD value
you realize they simply fucked off from eastern europe? They don't need to take eastern europe. Not to mention that it would be a political suicide.
Modern occupations happen having puppet governments that do what they say when it comes to resources and foreign policy (you should know, you are in Japan that is occupied by US since WW2; you are an extension of its military).
>and took eastern europe
Fuck off, we're full.