Well, The kavanaugh saga is over but it's had a lasting effect on me. Has it effected you? I was shocked at how many people view an accusation as 100% sure thing. I don't feel comfortable being in my office/car/wherever with women alone. My boss (female) recently asked me to drive with a female employee to a meeting destination. I said I felt uncomfortable being in a car alone with her. Guess how well that went over... but these are the things we have to do to stay safe. What a screwed up year.
Well, The kavanaugh saga is over but it's had a lasting effect on me. Has it effected you...
What shocks me is so many people being a hypocrite. Everyone says innocent until proven guilty as if it can't be applied to doctor for it as well. Everyone knows it's a crime to lie about allegations like this. Why aren't people giving her presumption of innocence?
It's a sad ordeal. My girlfriend got in more arguments with people than me about it and came to me wondering why people were so deluded.
But, just like all liberal outrage- it's flavour of the month. Something else is coming.
Why cant the left meme?
The right is a meme because the right is a joke
Jew detected
Most speakers on the right gave her the presumption of innocence. Maybe she was confused/mistaken/whatever. I heard that a lot.
she stands to lose nothing. She made nearly a million dollars in gofund me donations and I'm sure she'll write a book. He has to live the rest of his life under the dark cloud of "rapist" even though he wasn't even alleged to have raped ford.
>proves my point
I got really blackpilled on any solution to this political climate resembling bipartisanship. And the prospects for finding a happy, normal gf seem to be getting slimmer, but maybe it's just because the harpies are screaming louder than everyone else.
I'm married to a like-minded gal. They're out there.. you won't meet them in a feminist dance theory class, though.
Women want a conservative man. Why do you think liberals are freaking out about Kanye saying MAGA is about feeling like Superman and filled with masculine energy? They have no retort. The left is filled with soi and mentally ill transgendered people. There is nothing manly about being a liberal.
OP is gay?
Don’t form your view of what people believe based on what the media presents as public opinion
I let the debits on my hook up profile slide last month because of this.
This is why even women are getting pissed off with it all. They are ruining sex because they are fat drooling sjw’s.
Weak pilpul. Presumption of innocence is granted to the person FIRST BEING ACCUSED, i.e. the defendant. This whole process starts with Ford accusing Kavanaugh of something illegal, not the other way around.
Its been like this for at least 40 years. NPCs are only just starting to notice because it has become so brazen of late.
Yea I have a sense of doom about it all now. If presumption of innocence and due process are gone then literally no one is safe
It's not a presumption if there's evidence. There were 6 witnesses, I think, and all but 1 of them say it didn't happen.
And the right gets no credit for it either.
I get the believe woman thing for a he said she said with no other evidence. The choosing of a side it that case is just a 50/50 shot. But when the allegations have no other evidence and in fact have negative evidence to “believe woman” is so fucking illogical.