Beto vs cruz

whats your best argument against these two and their policy's?

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Cruz wants to build The Wall

Beto does not

Cruz is crushing it in the latest polling +15

>1 post by this ID

I just read on ((((Drudge)))) that the dems are pouring record amounts of money into this race.

Will there be any refunds available when Cruz wins easily?

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Beto creeps me out.

Beto is a fake ass mother fucker.
Cruz is a nerd who was one of the main reasons Net Neutrality was destroyed.
Therefore Cruz has my vote.

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cruz's policies will lead him to victory

Beto is a racist whose hijacking the name to hide his potato bigger family history

Potato NIGGER*

Robert is anti-gun.
Cruz is not.
Therefore, I will vote Cruz.

truth be told, I'm sure "Beto" is the more tolerable guy in a social, non-political situation. But let's look at three main issues - Guns - Beto wants to infringe, Ted is 2a supporting constitutionalist. Taxes - Beto's for high taxes, big fed gov, Cruz for low tax, states rights. Border - Beto open, Cruz border-control. It's a no contest, there's zero chance I could ever support Beto.

Cruz is an alright guy check out this letter he sent Trump during the general

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>I'm sure "Beto" is the more tolerable guy in a social, non-political situation
probably not. cruz is hilarious and much more interesting to talk to. Very smart guy.

Ted Cruz: whatever is good for America, is good for me.

Beto O'Rourke: whatever is good for me, is good for America.

i dunno man, if he busted out w/ that awful Princess Bride bit he does I might have to leave the room just to cringe in peace.

Beto looks even more retarded than Cruz does. Wow.

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Its Wendy Davis 2.0. The media is absolutely head over heels on beta, texans not so much.

Beta is a gun grabber, that's all you need to know and should make you not want to vote for him.

Beta is a lying Democrat faggot. Cruz bent the knee to Trump.

Yeah I said the same thing to my mom last night. She was worried Beta might win.

Beto is a generic Democrat who captivates his audience more with his passion than with his policy. Way h the debate and notice how he hardly brings it up. Outside of the general universal health care talking point. Cruz has proven that he's willing to set his rivalry aside for the good of the nation. He's not prefect and I can't stand his ties to Wallstreet, but he is a staunch constitutionalist with a drive to push this administration to its limit.

Cruz is a national embarrassment

Beto is white and he has a chance to become the next Dem president from Texas

part 1

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part 2

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part 3

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part 4

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part 5

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part 6

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If you want to cuck Dems out of nominating a SHE'S A WOMAN or AN MUH OPPRESSED MINORITY then help Beto!

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Holy shit

I'd flush that oversized piece of shit Beta O'Whore down the toilet if he wouldn't clog the thing up

part 7, all taken from BetO's own website. Fuck this Cartel cum drinker. Also any time a leftist try and tell you Beto is impartial, just point out:

Beto was caught using eminent domain to try and build a football stadium:


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Checked. Beta is a complete retard.

I'm voting for the minority. Beto is a white guy.

Surprise surprise a politician pandering to kikes.

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remember how Cruz after Trump talked shit about his wife and family was all fuck trump i will never support him...then he wins and the jew switches sides...Hes only for Israel that his only policy that never changes. Anything else the rat will change on.

For Woody Hunt and Paul Foster, two billionaires.

>Lyin' Ted Cruz is cool now

I intend to vote Beto just because I'm tired of Cruz's crap

Beto wants to abolish ICE and is basically a communist. Fiancé and I will be voting Cruz.
t.woodlands resident

Based Montgomery County. May you and Brady forever shine. When will the rest of greater houston learn from your example and ditch Jackson and the other left wingers?

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>being an obstructionist faggot to your party because trumpy was mean
Okay McCain

Communists are not humans

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Good lad
t. Sugar land shit on rotation

yea he could still be a republican but the rat was all muh honor then a couple days later he was sucking trumps dick...He is a total cuck.

is pol old enough to remember that the democrat party used to be the Centrist party that trump was a part of?

It’s lesser of two evils again. Better than rick perry

Watch the debate at the 20 minute mark:
Ted Cruz goes and criticizes Beta about his stance on gun control, supporting Hillary on it, and supporting activist judges on it, Beta then says he supports the second amendment and then the moderator then asks Beta a question stating that he has supported banned automatic weapons. It was fucking priceless. Beta will not win. They'll give him as much money as they want but he won't win.

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Gtfo shill

Beto is a fucking retard that is as much of a meme candidate as Gary Johnson

I think he might lose worse than Wendy Davis. I really hope that happens.

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My father will vote Lion Ted cuz "he wants the wall and won't take my ar-15 away"

If that Irishfuck wants to play meskin with a meskin nickname, then I'll give him one: Boboso. Translation: an idiot who is so retarded that he actually drools.

Living here, I'm subjected to Beto's kumbaya liberal BS commercials. If he won, it'd be like having Schumer represent Texas. He don't stand a chance.
Cruz commercials are just the standard, negative, my opponent is a retard type of shit. He's on cruise control at this point.

Bobby ohoolahan O'Rourke is a joke. Look at he numbers. Ted Cruz received more votes than every democrat combined. In order for bobby to win he'd have to gain every single vote cast for the other five democratic opponents in the primaries, and then create nearly 280k new votes. Dead folks love voting democrat though. Cruz is going to slaughter him.

that guy in the left looks like a beaner version of the Swede guy meme.

We need to make some captain Texas memes

Better watch yourself.
We come in pairs.

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My absentee vote is +1 Cruz Missile

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