What kind of bash the fash riots will we see?

This is obviously not going in the dems direction. Like literally if it swings as much as it has in the last 3 days dems don't get the house back.

What are these lunatics going to do when they realize they have no power? What's even worse is it looks like Lindsay & Mitch are growing a pair and willing to ram whatever down their throats Trump wants them to.

The Nevertrump movement just collapsed. Just how insane are these lunatics going to get?

Attached: riots.jpg (916x918, 77K)

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Difficult to predict but I think it would probably be a humbling experience. It would be a large blow to their adherence to the idea that trumps win was a Russia assisted fluke and that popular opinion is still that progressivism is the moral path. So it may actually cause some introspection since it would be pretty hard to ignore two straight significant election defeats.

I also suspect at some point the left will turn on its leadership and reboot. Losing the midterms would probably result in significant turnover at the top.

Frankly some of me thinks it's best if they earn small enough of a win that they stay the course.

It's imperative that we do everything to maximize their freak out. When your enemy is of choleric temper, agitate him.

This is what the NPC meme will do.
> Everyone I don't like is Hiler
> Bash the fash - esp if they are old white men
> Any black people who aren't on our side don't read books, their dead mom hates them & they are niggers
> NPC REEEEE dehumanizing

2016 will look like a fairytale if dems lose the house

but imho they'll win the house but republicucks will keep the senate

me wishing a nigger would

Daily reminder that Rasmussen has generic ballots tied and the 2010 election was R+1.


The odds of the dems gaining the senate are now near zero. It's more likely the GOP will grab even four net seats than lose their majority there. As for the house, movement is in favor of the Republicans but it might be too little too late- we have to wait to see in the next 2 weeks if there's an October surprise or if the surprise was Kavanaugh being confirmed and the subsequent democratic freakout- my bet is on the latter which gives the GOP at least an ok chance of retaining control of the House, which would signal the total end of the neoliberal era and the rise of a schismatic Democratic coalition run by increasingly weak corporate con artists who will have to make more and more overtures to far leftists that hate them.

Democrats are going to lose the House, and lose badly. Not as badly as the Senate. I bet on elections and I bet on them losing the Senate probably 3 months ago. But what happened in the last few months just blew my mind. If you look into the polling and the raw numbers you will see the trend, and the trend is really bad for the Democrats. Abolish ICE was the first mistake that they made, then Warren's call for the harrassment then Kavanaugh, now is Clinton and her call to arms.
Every single one of these hurts the Democrats.
Just for shits and giggles I put $100 on the Republicans winning 60 seats in the Senate, a month ago, now I'm beginning to treat it more serious. I mean I really don't think that this could happen, but yeah, the numbers look that bad.

>What are these lunatics going to do ?

Attached: chimp.gif (224x255, 90K)


>We haven't gone far enough left!

>It would be a large blow to their adherence to the idea that trumps win was a Russia assisted fluke
Nonsense. They'll start screaming about Russians hacking these elections as well and double down on everything.
The left don't understand the concept of humility or introspection.
They are cultists in the worst possible way. They may turn on their leaders and devour them for failure, but they will replace them with far worse extremists.
All this loss will do is reaffirm their victimhood and justify their war against the unbelievers. Heretics to the liberal order will be purged.
And that will be anyone they can justify.

Depends on the results. A strong republican win and we see suicides, riots, and outright assassinations. (well even more, but I'm sure you guys already forgot about that baseball game) If democrats make decent gains but fail to retake the house then it'll probably get spinned as "The midterms were a wakeup call to Trump's unpopularity and bode badly for his 2020 chances." In this scenario they immediately memory hole the blue wave(tm) and start talking about how Trump and republicans have no chance in 2020; just like how he had no chance in the primaries, the 2016 election, the electoral college, the Georgia house race, etc. The democrats winning may be worse than the previous scenario. There will be a big fight over the speakership. If Pelosi is speaker then it's going to piss everyone in the country off. If someone else is speaker then there's going to be a fight between progressives and independents. This is rather bad for them in 2020. Republicans will recoup most of their losses then; doubly so under speaker Pelosi. The 2020 dem primaries will be fierce. Everyone and their brother will be running with the idea that Trump is vulnerable because of his bad midterm performance. Another issue is that Trump can just blame the democrats for anything he failed to deliver, like the wall.

In the long run Trump is golden. I would just really like to see him get most of his stuff done in his first term.

My prediction so far is pic related.

Attached: Screenshot_20181012-110933_Chrome.jpg (1080x1022, 271K)

um drumpfies according to the highly regarded 538 dems have this in the bag

Attached: 1Yco1OM.png (871x651, 50K)

We WANT them to sperg out.

And now check how this prediction changed over time.
Then tell me what is the trend here?
Also see how they rank the polling and how they adjust the numbers(pro tip, somehow it's always towards the Dems)
Also, the fact that the trend shows what it shows doesn't mean that we have to stay complacent. We win when we vote. So everyone who want Trump to stay being a president should go and vote. I was a centrist, did not vote Trump or Republican in 2016. Democrats guaranteed that I will not vote Democrats for as long as the party is fucking insane. They better learn in November, or they will cease to exist.

If MI and WV are close then WI and OH should be close, and MT should be red.

No we don't.
One thing that I'm worried about is that, for the first time, the right will respond and respond violently. Civil unrest is NOT in our interest if we have the majority in Congress and the President. That will work against the right side. Remember that the Media will never support the right and will turn the centrist and independents against the right, no matter who started this shit.
Just look how they portray the terrorist Antifa! They will brainwash normies into believing that the right's response was unjustified no matter how justified it was.
IF the Democrats win the Congress(they won't) then, maybe. But only then, and only if the President is really threatened with the removal from office(and the Democrats will never have enough of the majority in the Senate for that to happen).

florida here. i need the obamacare gib. what should i do?

West Virginia is tricky because the tucker voted for Kavanaugh.
I put Michigan as a toss up because Stabenow is on a losing trend but she still leads. Ohio is fucked because Renacci is a bad candidate. Not that he is bad on policy, he just can't speak to save his life. And Brown is gaining trend wise. Maybe that will change, we will see. For now I don't see it.
And fuck RCP I put MT as leaning Republican! Let me fix this.

You can still get it. I don't see a reason why not. It's still largely there and the talk about the repeal somewhat subsided.
Also Trum just signed 2 healthcare, prescription drug laws that I don't like but should serve the undecided and bring them closer to the R.

If Republicans end up even losses will be single-digit in the House.

After the election though. We need them nice and complacent for the next few weeks. Based on absentee turnout there is no evidence of higher Democrat turnout so far. It needs to stay that way.

Dumb. FL, NV, and IN are tossups, MI, WV and NJ are all going blue. That being said, we will make gains here outside of a nightmare scenario.

The dems are going to have a crushing blue wave. Get out and vote to minimize the damage. We can prevent them from taking the senate but the house is still in play. Anyone that says otherwise is trying to make us complacent.

You have to realize WV is an overwhelmingly Democrat state. However, their brand of Democrat tends not to be represented at the national level, so they go Republican in presidential elections. Manchin is basically a lock.

>Relax goyim, no need to vote. Other people have ensured your victory. Relax with a nice alcoholic beverage.

Wisconsin is the problematic state because no one knows Vukmir, unless they put some more money into advertising I don't see it changing.

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Where did I say that?
Of course we need to vote, read my other posts(click on ID newfag)

Now you are thinking user. Haven't seen someone use the 4 temperaments in a while.

I do realize that. And after voting for Kavanaugh he is probably going to get it. Also he is an incumbent so 80% chance as well. So far it's just my hope that people wake up. Still a toss up.
I thought he had it in the bag as well but then he published his private poll that showed him in a tie. Surprised me, and thus I put it in the toss up category.

Violence will unironically intensify, driving even more supporters away from Dems.

Attached: 1538143978961.jpg (879x960, 94K)

I want the left to go all out or to just whither away into nothing. Fugging gucks are already in the streets being assholes how hard is it for them to move on to murder?