"Old white men"

I see so many dumb feminist bitches on social media use these words with a sneer as if it's some kind of term of derision.

Let's see if we can we get #OldWhiteMen trending on twitter along side pictures of the "old white men" that made modern civilization possible. I think it would trigger the anti-white assholes pretty good.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Just a boring old white guy, nothing to see here.

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I mean, who the hell even is this old white guy? He needs to step aside so as to let a proud woman of color make her voice known.

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oy vey

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Look at this despicable, slave-owning racist. He needs to shut his mouth!

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>we wuz romanz an shiet

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Those are perfectly European noses.

I bet 99% of those dumb feminist bitches wont even know who this guy is without a google image search.

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Old white man who invented the telephone.

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>Implying I'm claiming to be roman

Old white guys who discovered DNA

The problem with listing the achievements of white men is that it would take literally days to list them all.

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You should thank those "old white men" for the car you drive, the electricity you use, and well the whole civilization you live in you "dumb white bitch"

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Fag couldn’t even produce a son.

All of them were puppets by Satan to push the scientific delusion on mankind. Copernicus especially, fuck him

I agree with your statement, however leftists are notoriously mindless consumers.

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liberals don't give a shit about people who achieved something. they only care about losers and low-lifes. being succesfull is oppresive... when you take from hard-workers and give it to loser so it seems like he achieved something, now that's good. but if someone reached something on his own he should be exterminated. they don't need people like this to demoralize others and create unjust competition

most of those people (if not all) were Leftists by nature
they aren't different from people who are pushing multiculturalism and diversity today by their power and inventions

in same time you have you and other right wingers (pic related) aren't doing anything except crying for diversity being forced by high IQ people who control and invent those things today

if you go back some 10 years ago (before the rise of SJW and ANtifa and feminism) , all of those things like inventing and reading were leftist things , while right winger were stocked on christianity and anti-science

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>Scientific delusion
>Unironically writing that statement

FACT: Tesla was a feminist.

Anyone who hates science is obviously a nigger.

Except all of these men would be considered right wing extremists by today's standard
You really think this manThis man
or this manwere leftists?

National Socialist Germany was the most technologically advanced society of its time. Just because our academic institutions have been captured by the left right now doesn't mean science and learning is inherently leftist.

Fact: He was a white male

If anyone besides me responds to this Jewish garbage, you're retarded.

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I agree that Tesla was a leftist, but Shakespeare definitely was not.

Shakespeare was red pilled on women and some of his plays were blatant pro-British propaganda.

completely low IQ American ...
Alexander is the biggest leftist not just in his time but in history , you see the Canadian president Trudeau or something ? Alexander was literally like him when it come to the cultures of other people he conquered , go read somethings -.- beside that he have nothing to do with Whites or Western Europe

>German scientists
Erwin Rommel was literally general of Hitler , yet he wasn't a Nazi

>Just because our academic institutions have been captured by the left right now doesn't mean science and learning is inherently leftist
you know to be a superpower you have to be a multiculturalist just like empires that existed ? give me reason why Britain , France and others were and are superpower while easter europe are literally shitholes ?
your invention must successed by using the natural resources of the world , beside that Leftists are atheists and pro-science in general , while right wingers aren't , it have nothing to do with "have been captured"


Look at this fucking old white man who pioneered feminism.

Attached: Jeremy_Bentham.jpg (536x728, 77K)

>Leftists are atheists and pro-science in general
Until it comes to racial science, eugenics and social Darwinism

Leftists are also commonly anti-merit, who think that "social contribution" in sciences is as important as tech and other privileged stuff.

Tesla was indeed a socialist, before socialism meant defacto communism and the undisputed hegemony of the jews

>you know to be a superpower you have to be a multiculturalist
Are you saying the United Stares was not a superpower in the 1950s? Really? Blacks and Mexicans were vital for America's status as a global power?

Not like today, where American companies and corporations have entered everywhere.

You cant deny American influence hasn’t increased since the 1950s, we are at the peak of the American Empire, it’s China from hereon.

>Complete imperialist by modern standards
Unless he then wanted to have the cultures he conquered rule over him, I highly doubt what you say is true.
>Respecting other cultures is a leftist ideal

>Except all of these men would be considered right wing extremists by today's standard


I actually agree that Shakespeare were a right-wing extremist by modern standards. However, Tesla believed that women were destined to take over the world. The only non-leftist thing about him was his support for eugenics.

Isaac Newton generally stayed out of politics. He was mostly concerned with theology and mathematics.

I don't know who that last guy is, but it appears to be Da Vinci. Da Vinci also generally stayed out of politics. Also, he was a vegetarian and a homo.

You are, however, right about Bismarck, Alexander the Great, and King Henry 8. They would all be ultra-right extremists by modern standards.

Why use the young Tesla?

If modern feminists have dismissed Tesla due to his sex, that is their problem, not mine.

not white
died young
defeated the Aryans / Persians

They're so unhinged they've got white guys screaming at other guys about being A FUCKING WHITE MALE all over the country
Like, these leftists are so racist they really actually truly believe that touching black people's skin turns them black also.

>All men are created equal
The most abused words in history.

dude i'm not talking about antifa and sjw and blm and other low IQ retards
i'm talking about high IQ people who invent 99% of video games today , movies , science (the proof even right winger admit those things because they cry about diversity being forced)
Neo-Nazis and other low IQ use those racial science and Darwinism just to offend black people and others , but they don't even read more than 1 page about them because of their very low IQ

my whole point is , when you sit with those scientists and inventors , spend like 1 mounth with them , you will find they are leftist by nature , they will support immigration , feminism or "role of woman in society" , lgbt , atheism or at least no religion in politics and states , socialism and other things
just check their wikipedia pages and you will understand , the people who take pride in those people are the same who are against their political views

like i already told you before , you like it or not , like Shapiro said "facts doesn't care about your feelings" , to be a superpower = be a multiculturalist ,

Reality isn't really left-wing or right-wing.

Reality is "radical centrist".

Okay, you can have Tesla's ideals, he was still an old white man though.
But the vast majority of these men posted and the vast majority of most white men through the ages have been overwhelmingly conservative.

Newton was probably right wing given his religious views

Yeah, that is Da Vinci, I heard he was a vegetarian in his later years, but I have doubts about him being a fag due to him being very religious as well.

All those men look like Jews.

>hur dur le southern euro isn't wite!
>Persians were somehow more white than greeks despite living in the middle east and mixing with semites for a few thousand years.

There are also primary sources claiming he had blonde hair, not saying he was nordic or anything. But seriously, he was white.

>people actually think that Jefferson thought Africans were people.

The environment on a university campus is such that a scientist or mathematician can get hounded out of his job for daring to suggest that men and women have different brains. Leftists proudly display their ideology while the rightists that have not been chased out remain silent. This gives the impression that there is only one political side in academia.

You will find that its the left that is afraid of scientific enquirers on a number of important issues.

>Alexander is the biggest leftist not just in his time but in history


He "respected other cultures" only to a certain extent. Conquering other countries and forcing them to speak Greek isn't exactly the most liberal thing out there … to say the least.

It's also worth noting that one of Alexander's successors tried to wipe out Judaism, triggering the Maccabean revolt.

>you know to be a superpower you have to be a multiculturalist just like empires that existed

Conquering other people and forcing your culture on them isn't the same as modern multiculturalism … at all.

>beside that Leftists are atheists and pro-science in general

… except when they argue in favor of "third gender" gibberish or neurological sex difference denial.

Modern science is also opposed by post-modern leftists and black supremacists. The right-wingers aren't the only science deniers out there.

large, but hard ridge nose. I don't see it.
Compare to a real (((European))) Doctor and scientist. And yeah, it would be fun to get leftists to rage at him for being 'an old white man from the history books'.
But I'd think even severe retards can see what he is.

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Fuck Tesla, he's history's biggest meme scientist - 90% of his work was shit other people did first or did better and he spent the majority of his career chasing after crackpot theories because he refused to acknowledge his own confirmation bias.

Meanwhile Edison personally developed dozens of new and useful patents, and pioneered the system of scientific research patronage utilized by every major private research facility from Bell Labs to GERL and yet is constantly shat on by lefties for being some kind of capitalist bogeyman.

Attached: tesla edison.jpg (1920x1080, 273K)

lol are you serious ? comparing people who lived in 16th and 17th to people of today ? Omg ...
just one question , imagine Shakespeare was born today , do you think he will write only about British and White people and sell his work only to white people ? lol he won't even be famous
Shakespeare himself wrote about a lot of stories about other races , and this alone is kind of leftism and multiculturalism , and if he was alive today he would do more to sell his works and be more famous
don't compare 17th century to today ,
Alexander was literally Trudeau , can't believe you are saying the opposite -...-

yes because predators hunting prey is radical centrist.

Well … the leftists REGARD Serbs as being white. That's what started this discussion.


A lot of people on Jow Forums think that feminism has always been bad. I disagree.

Feminism was good back when they were still making reasonable demands. The early feminists didn't portray men as inherently evil and they certainly didn't cover their faces with period blood like fucking spastics.

>Mutt education right here
>Implying Edison wasn't a huge faggot who stole others work and for years did everything he could to stop AC electricity since he wanted his own shit and terrible DC electricity be implemented everywhere. Which would have fucking stalled scientific progress for decades if succesful.

only bottom right sort of does

Tesla was humanist.

are you telling me "conquering others and bringing your culture to others" isn't kind of leftism ? dude you need to study ...
Leftism who support immigrants to go to Europe and be part of European culture is different from what Alexander did ? beside that he made Babylone (Iraq) his capital and built his greatest library in Egypt and called himself Pharaoh and Shah and other names and even converted from time to time to native religions
isn't that multiculturalism and leftists and just like Trudeau ?
don't forget 300 B.C isn't 2018 in the term of peace and violence yet there are a lot of similarities in politics

>tfw the national anthem spoke of the monkeys getting bombed to death, and they cut it out

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Completely false.
He said women who act masculine, lose their worth

old white man that indirectly created modern computing.

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Left wing....
No they corrupted it and turned into psuedo science.

Leftism only really starts to take hold during the enlightenment, and that's only really in political circles. You can be sure most everyone has nationalistic/ethnic preferences up until the early 20th century.

>writing about other races makes you a leftist.
So did fucking Rudyard Kipling.
Honestly, other races were so uncommon to see back then, I'm guessing it would have seemed more of a novelty to him, rather than his "leftist" views manifesting themselves in his writing.

>Alexander was literally Trudeau
And you are literally a dumbass, it would be awesome if Trudeau was more like Alexander. Conquering Inuit tribes and forcing them to speak English. He would probably take Greenland away from Denmark too.

Let's take leftists out of the equation for a bit. Most racialist claims have been debunked by actual scientists without any sort of agenda.


More wives, your grace?

Troo romins was afrucans blak pipo an dem bfot dey why pipo

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Socialism has never been universally communist or universally Jewish at any point.

Those are traditional Roman noses that actual Europeans have. You pig nosed Slavs need to fuck off back to Mongolia

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Natsoc germany still had the best scientists during the time. Didn't matter if they were the same ideology or not.

I respect the old White men that created your noble cultures, but I hate your Boomer fags that are spiraling this world to war. I doubt the old White men would respect either ADHD zoomers or ignorant boomers.

Hell, I'd say you have no continuity of mind with these old White men. They'd probably prefer me over you.

I also like a lot of old White women, like Beatrix Potter. Funny enough, the old White women would detest your whorish, feminazi modern White women.

>for the car you drive, the electricity you use, and well the whole civilization
t. techno-progressivist idiot
I thank them for their great philosophy, literature, and poetry. I don't thank anyone for these retarded "scientific inventions". They're destroying the world if anything. I don't give a shit about your scientists.

Goethe > Newton

He was Macedonian.

Are you seriously arguing that Macedonians aren't white?

>feminism was ever good.
No fuck off, jews created it for one purpose, war against women and destruction of family values.
Fuck off and lurk 2 more years.

>They're destroying the world if anything
Please elaborate

This is what I expect to see.
When I see mutt posts.

>mixing with semites for a few thousand years.
Iranians have negligible Arab admixture. In fact, it is lower than 2-3%.

When it comes to Bentham, he "only" advocated for removal of laws restricting liberty of women. He never wanted to especially elevate them, just equality of opportunity for everyone.

We've already established that most historical superpowers were not multiculturalist in the same way as modern universities are.

>You can be sure most everyone has nationalistic/ethnic preferences up until the early 20th century.
you can find a leftist who hate non-whites so much , marry white woman and make white family , read only white history and .... yet most of his ideology is leftist by nature , and those kind of people exist a lot
you can find a black right winger , and you have a lot of them in your country
undertsand now the point ? you can find a leftist who support immigration because he is a high IQ who know his country need more migrants to build , and most of those people "scientists , leaders .." were like this , they don't love non-whites , but they know they need them

>>writing about other races makes you a leftist.
books back then were like movies today , a black hero in Shakespeare movie is just like a black actor in movies today , yet you call movies "diversity an shiet" don't you ?

>>Alexander was literally Trudeau

Depends on the socialism ancient or marxist one?

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>Implying we aren't the physical heir to Rome collapsing

>the vast majority of most white men through the ages have been overwhelmingly conservative.

Ummm … no.

The vast majority of white men throughout the ages have been peasants. Peasants don't really care about politics. They just work and keep their mouths shut.

>Newton was probably right wing given his religious views

He was secretly a non-trinitarian … but he had to conceal this from the establishment.

>Yeah, that is Da Vinci, I heard he was a vegetarian in his later years, but I have doubts about him being a fag due to him being very religious as well.

A lot of gay men are deeply religious. The religious gay men typically stay in the closet and live a life of celibacy in order to avoid sin. That's Da Vinci in a nutshell.

There is no evidence that Da Vinci ever had sex with a woman, though there is evidence to suggest that he snapped and had sex with a 17 year old boy one time.

>terrible DC electricity
Every battery operated device you own uses DC electricity. And 99% of the shit you plug into the wall has a AC to DC converter on it.

AC may have won the battle over long-range power distribution, but in the end, DC won the War of Currents.

You know in high schools they teach that Watson and crick stole all their research from some Jewish woman
It's been a while, but basically they say that she was studying the topic and doing the research for several years before they even considered it and when she published her first paper they plagiarized all of her research and published a new paper that was more popular so they get credited with the discovery

Ah yeah the rewriting of history. Its infuriating isn't it. Leftists are also calming Edmund Hillary's Nepalese Sherpa was actually the first person to reach the summit of Mount Everest. Anything to dethrone the white man.


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>mfw i realize he was an IRL walter on a throne

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yes, is amazing how overrated tesla is in the normy-sphere and within people who doesn't know anything about electronics.

even eric dollard (a big name in the "tesla community") agrees that edison deserves his worldwide recognition:


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>not a kike

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He had sex with a black woman and he was against slavery.


Brown hair, brown eyes, not white
>Da Vinci
Brown hair, brown eyes, not white
Brown hair and eyes, not white
Red hair and brown eyes, 50% european.

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How can a ancient macedonian can be related to a modern white american or central/north european?

It was Philipp Reis, who invented the telephone