Union > non-union jobs the grand majority of the time
Prove me wrong
Union > non-union jobs the grand majority of the time
Prove me wrong
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Unions were useful when people were getting fucked on jobs with jewberg employers.
Now, its a racket to provide retirements for (((union bosses and their lackies))))
This. When Unions get too powerful they become a net negative
Unions cunts are literally worse than welfare queens. Their faggot ass union leader will get a bunch of toothless retards $42/hr with benefits for driving a fucking tractor, meanwhile simple road construction goes 9 months passed the finish date, and the work done isn't even high quality.
How about spending ~50k on a brand new American truck that will have it's transmission die in 4 fuckin years?
People still get fucked in the ass with pay. Median wage nation wide is only 18 an hr
So your argument is that only an unproductive dumbass works union. Show statistics of this.
Plus I'd rather get treated as a human rather than as a disposable machine. Employers abuse their authority. Non-union = job stability is non-existent
No you fucking retard, what I'm saying is they get paid arbitrary amounts way above what their market values simply due to how big the unions have gotten.
>Don't want to pay us what we want? We strike! Hurr Durr!
Communist snakes basically cucked a lot of local, state, and federal governments so that they can only use Union work for projects. Want to know why road construction costs so much? Because faggot ass union buffs who have negotiated that they should be compensated 80k/yr salaries for remedial labor. Why do cars cost so much? Because a bunch of faggot ass union cunts negotiated that they deserve 100k/yr salaries for turning screws on an assembly line.
Untrue, I worked for a non-union machine shop and it was based as fuck. We could smoke inside, monthly BBQs out back, cash bonuses based off accomplishments, and if you sucked cock or destroyed something you'd be fired on the spot.
Aww, still ass blasted that you haven't got accepted into an apprenticeship slot yet?
>Don't want to pay us what we want? We strike! Hurr Durr!
Guess what? Employers keep more money than they should. Nothing wrong with peaceful strikes but then again, YOU liled getting cucked with pay since you actually LOVE being a wage slave.
And who does it cost money to? Employers. Ya I give 0 shits about employers
As for your 2nd paragraph,
Actually fucktard,on average,union jobs are more lax when it comes to retaining you. They will still fire you under certain conditions. All jobs are like that,but the difference is that they don't want to fire you. Mayne it's because most of them actually train you and invest quite a bit of money into training unlike most employers that create a catch 22 and don't train you and expect you to hit the ground running.
Haha and this moron Doesn't get that. He liles getting cucked with shit wages rather than get paid more for their work.
That mentality makes no sense but hey. There will always be dumbasses on this planet like that user
aww, butthurt that I'm right about your faggot ass co-workers?
>Guess what? Employers keep more money than they should. Nothing wrong with peaceful strikes but then again, YOU liled getting cucked with pay
Not when the cost transfers onto everyone else you stupid nigger.
>Actually fucktard,on average,union jobs are more lax when it comes to retaining you.
No shit, union faggots know all the rules to a T. They know how many times they can no-call/no-show, they know how many times they can get caught with drugs, etc. Like I said, Union workers are lower than niggers.
>I'm literally a nigger and I deserve $100/hr to drive a Hi-lo. Im so smart!
>Because a bunch of faggot ass union cunts negotiated that they deserve 100k/yr salaries for turning screws on an assembly line.
GM now pays new hires about 16 bucks per hour, with no defined benefit pension, and the prices keep going up. But you're a dumb motherfucker, or you'd already know this. You just slurp up the kike stereotype of union members because you're a fucking jealous failure.
Sooooo you LIKE getting cucked with wages then?
Yep. You've made that clear.
So you wpuld prefer a job that pays 15 an hr over 20 for instance just for "muh integrity".
Why the fuck do you care so much about jew employers?
Exactly this
Unions in Sweden are trying to advertise rights and help for extra money that the nation already gives you for your tax money.
Besides, on any mediocre workplace, the union is nothing but a huge regulatory wall between the employer and the employee.
>, I worked for a non-union machine shop and it was based as fuck.
If it was so great, why aren't you still there?
Everyone i've ever met who made really decent money for the area they worked was in a union. I don't understand why wage slaves hate them so much. It's literally a collective bargaining strategy to get you more money.
Dude. Exactly this. I don't get the hate either. I think it's a jealousy thing.
Oh also every union worker I've known didn't have to work as hard as non-union workers. They always have sorta chill work environments while wage slaves have the boss breathing down their neck making them do a bunch of shit that's not even in their job description.
Oh you actually have a second of rest while on the job? Grab a mop and do the janitors job in your free time! and shit like that.
Maybe thats because auto-companies spent decades paying their nigger union employees to sit their ass and sleep in rubber rooms for months at a time. Meanwhile Honda and Toyota, 2 non-union auto corps, and paying top wages while producing cheaper cars. Honda literally makes the most American cars
Yes, I'd rather take the $15 an hour with 401k and cash bonuses rather than having my pay checks garnished by union nioggers so they can donate it to the Democratic party. kill yourself
I might go back. I saved enough money to travel around and do what I want for the time being
>Oh also every union worker I've known didn't have to work as hard as non-union workers. They always have sorta chill work environments while wage slaves have the boss breathing down their neck making them do a bunch of shit that's not even in their job description.
This is unironically how niggers think
>Oh you actually have a second of rest while on the job? Grab a mop and do the janitors job in your free time! and shit like that.
What you mean I can't just stand around and play on my phone??
Hahahaha you crack me up.
Look. It boils down to jealousy or you loving the cuck
This user is right on the money 100%
I can't believe retards lile you exist
>please master, pay me pebbles
>it hurts so good!
You've been completely BTFO and you have no argument. Both of you are lefty niggers, and you have absolutely no defense for this.
I don't even know why you're commenting on anything involving work you're obviously 12 years old.
You are the one woth no argument.
All you say over and over again is "that's how niggers think"
You haven't BTFO shit, you groveling faggot. You unironically think you're better than union workers because you're an 18 dollar per hour button pusher on a CNC
>Union strong!
>Literally all union auto-companies have gone bankrupt, been bailed out, or have stock that is a piss drop in the bucket compared to Honda and Toyota
>Honda and Toyota are now the most American care manufacturers
>You think people should be impressed by your union nigger asses
How much do you think a CNC pusher is unironically worth?
When unions merge with political parties and vote/pass unsustainable pension policies into effect, they become cancer e.g. every major municipality in the country plus most states
I'm an electrician so even if what you said were true, it would be irrelevant. I'm not a mechanic. I still wonder if what you say can even be backed up with stats. At least then your argument would have SOME merit.
LOL heres a fun little story for you
^ A bunch of your cock-sucking faggot ass union brothers decided they were going to be niggers again to try and hold up road construction. So our based Republican governor then allowed non-union labor to replace their nigger asses and finish the project!
Non-union labor literally finished a project on the expressway in weeks that was taking months over schedule for union niggers. Kill yourselves.
Not as much as I am. I did my real machinist apprenticeship back in the 90s,where I went to night classes for 4 years(non union).
In other words, you're not a machinist
what the fuck are you even saying, try forming competent thoughts and sentences there. Or have you huffed too much spoiled coolant?
I'm saying you're a punk ass faggot, for starters. What is so fucking hard to understand?
Local 11 is nice.
Kys for being a slave.
>master, please punish me with more work for less pay
That's an actual thing btw. People have been more productive for the same wages.
That's non-union for you.
>union jobs are better
Well, yeah, you're being compensated more than the market says you're worth. It's basically welfare for tradespeople.
Oh look, the governer was threatening to bring in the nation guard after your nigger union brothers started threatening violence after getting replaced for being niggers
Okay, I'm a punk ass, and you are a leftist welfare queen nigger. Awesome
Look how mad you got after your union faggot friends got BTFO for being stupid niggers. Now they have no union pay!
Aaaaand I'm cool with that. Why should I work shit wages for a slave master? Fuck that
Sadly this, unions used to be based. But like all things they got subverted by kikes.
Sucks for them. Not for me :)
>cool to live on welfare
Great for you, sucks for taxpayers who have to pay inflated Davis-Bacon rates for electrical work on government jobs. It's the usual "so long as I get mines, da world can fuck off" mentality.
>leftist welfare queen nigger. Awesome
Stay mad, underpaid poor fag.
Ironically enough, Davis-Bacon also ruined up-and-coming African American private business that relied on construction work. They used to come up from the South and outbid the North on work.
My non-union job allotted me enough cash to travel and live off savings. Go huff more coolant, you uniornic nigger
>Ironically enough, Davis-Bacon also ruined up-and-coming African American private business that relied on construction work. They used to come up from the South and outbid the North on work.
Yes, it's a well-understood side effect of minimum wage. If you have to pay $X for work, the work tends to go to whites. Doesn't change the fact that you've got electricians pulling in $50/hr pulling wire, installing stress cones, and wiring cabinets .. work I could teach a high schooler to do in a few weeks.
>My non-union job allotted me enough cash to travel and live off savings.
Big fucking deal. I raised two kids, own a home and a workshop to fuck around in, and I travel every year, and have savings. Living in your moms trailer while you work for two years and then go fuck off for 6 months is nothing to be proud of, son.
>They used to come up from the South and outbid the North on work.
Because southerners are sub moronic trash, and I'm willing to bet you live smack in the middle of it judging from your attitude.
Sure, just don't let unions become too powerful otherwise the economy turns to shit, union leaders get fat paychecks, and the workers will feel entitled to more than what the market is willing to pay.
1970's Britain rings a bell. Innovation in Britain came to a halt all because a bunch of luddites didn't wan't to lose their jobs and small businesses and large businesses coudnt do shit as the unions had all the fucking power. Not sound bad enough? Thanks to the unions raking up wages inflation was at one of it's highest in history in Britain. Still not sound bad? Unemployement skyrocketed as small business owners couldnt afford the wage rises. Still not sound bad enough? How about the fact that the number of people going into skilled jobs plummeted because you could literally get paid around the same in a shitty low skilled job.
Thats when i stop supporting unions - when they become too powerful and just feel entitled for everything. My Liberal friends literally believe McDonalds workers should be paid the same as skilled apprentices - that's just fucking retarded.
So this entire thread was basically you bragging about how you get paid more than you're worth, and this is what makes unions awesome? Fuck's sake.
I'm from Detroit you ultra nigger, this city was literally destroyed by unionism.
>B A I L O U T
Kill yourself
I work in an industry where the union is essential to keep people from being fucked over or basically used as space labor. We are fortunate, however, to not be something where our work could be outsourced to Mexico.
>this city was literally destroyed by unionism.
Im pretty sure it was more from the absolute trash cars that they churned out from 1970 to the early 90s. The fucking guys on the line didn't engineer the piles of shit. You wouldn't know, because you've probably never driven a 70s or 80s car. My real question is why you are proud of making less money than me. Is that some sort of cuck virtue or something?
Unions depend on a seniority model, The person who's been there the longest gets the opportunities and bumps first. This is at odds with other models where the competent and hard workers get the bumps and opportunities first.
I wouldn't want to work somewhere that the only metric that dictated my success was how long I'd been around. and neither should any other hard worker. this is particularly true of professions mostly built on mental labor.
>the bailouts happened as a result of the cars from the 70s and 80s
>My real question is why you are proud of making less money than me. Is that some sort of cuck virtue or something?
Because you're a nigger, and you have the exact same thought process as welfare queens.
>Why should I work when the government will secure me money?
Kill yourself, but not before you cuck some of your wages to the union boys
Holy fuck you are mad. Yeah, I'll give em the 1.2% from the 100k I'll make this year, while you live hand to mouth.
Depends on the union. My union is run by the company and is paid millions to keep wages down. The old head used to drive a Ferrari until people complained so he bought a minivan for work. Then he was arrested for corruption.