Why right wingers of Jow Forums are, mostly, anti-jewish?

Just to make it clear: i'm roman catholic, conservative and tradicional. I hate commies and globalists as much as you do.
But I got to ask: why the fuck people here hate on the jews?
Yes, I'm aware of Cuckerberg, Soros and the Rothschilds. The jews have their crooks, as every other group in the world. But why hate on them?
The state of Israel is a democracy in a sea of tyrants.
The only powers capable of fighting the globalists are consolidated nation states, which, in modern days, are only 2: USA and Israel (I say that, and I'm neither american or israeli). Other countries, like Hungary, Poland, Checkia and Brazil, are on the process of creating a national spirit, but are not ready to fight.
The Soros family made money selling jews for the nazis.
Have you ever thought that globalists want you to hate Israel because that little state in the Levant is their enemy? Don't you see that the UN fuck Israel in every opportunity they get? Focus on the Bilderbergs, the Behemians Grove, the FSB, the Saudi princes and the seyyeds and you may have a chance on beating the real enemy.

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that ugly kike killed femen the moment they protested in israel

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We must stand with Israel. Anti-semites are extremely disturbed people.

how can you not hate termites that are destroying your civilization?

lurk more

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The Globalists are destroying civilization. Some of them are jews. Do you know that the most frequent nationality of the members in the Bilderberg Institute is portuguese? Is not about being jewish. Is about being a greedy cunt.
Your führer was a greedy cunt. He loved Islam and supported Palestine, which is, pretty much, a nation made up by the USSR.

>first day on Jow Forums
stop posting

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because you are pathetic bunch of liers and you've destroyed perfect Christian civilization you fucking meme flag jidf jews


they literally killed your God

they have that passion for lucifer you know

you all work together you fucking jews. you bring globalist jews to israel. give them training and funds, and send back to push degeneration and multiculturalism.
you've always did because it made people accept you and give you rights in a first place


I don't know what the fuck jidf means because english is not my first language. I'm not jewish. I'm am an Iberian Catholic.
The fight is not against ethnic and/or religious groups. The fight is against tyranny. The fight is for freedom.
I thought a polak should know that, considering the history of your country.

I can hear your kosher accent through the screen

Jews are 100% normal people, just like you and me.

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That God was a Jew, son of a Jewish mother, announced by jewish prophets centuries before his birth. In case, you forgot, he forgave his murderers.

Soros is unironically based.

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>The state of Israel is a democracy in a sea of tyrants.
>Have you ever thought that globalists want you to hate Israel because that little state in the Levant is their enemy?
Fuck off kike.

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You need to study a little more and stop repeating NPC media narratives meant to indoctrinate you into a false ideology that masquerades as Christianity

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yes you are jewish, you use jewish tactics
we Poles know you better than anyone after you've tried to blame nazism on us even though we have most "righteous among the nation" awards for saving fucking jews.

"never trust a jew" rule is a first step towards better future

read Martin Luther books. when you convinced him to start protestant revolution he wrote a book "Jesus was also a Jew" after 20 years and saying the results he wrote "On jews and their lies"
you won't give a shit but let the others take a hint

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To answer you question: I am all for the Samson option. If the only way we can take the jews down is by genociding the whole fucking planet, then we must do it regardless.

Jews are an affront to nature. Being jewish constitutes blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. It is the single unpardonable sin.

seeing results*

>My opinion matters while I cower and hide behind a memeflag
This is now a Kike redpoll thread. SAGE.

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But MSM only bashes Israel.
And of course, if there are half a dozen real christians in MSM, I would be surprised. I hate their doctrines as much as you do.

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MSM is slavishly devoted to the project of Israeli nationalism while simultaneously decrying any form of nationalism for any other country.

What's good for the Jews is their only question.

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you are a fucking jewish scum. it's obvious retard.

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As I said, brazilian-spanish. Don't believe, put these words on google-translate portuguese to english or polish:
Vai se foder. Um polaco devia aprender com a própria história. E eu detesto Lutero.

It's just a meme, Jow Forums is just a satire anyway.

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You wish Shlomo

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Shhh, don't ruin the thread my Maglenoromanian friend.

Satisfied with the geo location, you cunt?

It isn't just a few crooks! They are literally everywhere!

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To some is a meme. To other, is their cosmovision, and that's disgusting.

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you are jewish faggot. you wouldn't be behaving lilke a jew if you weren''t one.

you can change locations and identitites, you always did, but it doesn't change a fact.
you are just a bunch of lying shapeshifters but you've became transparent in your lies with free flow of information. that's why so many jews want to censor and control means of communication including internet.

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no because you are still a jew just with different VPN or in different part of the world.

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Papism is the most globalist religon.

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are you a fucking inbred, MSM are slave to pissreal, you may be confused between them and public opinions.

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Shapeshifter and reptilian, right?
Take some of your rivotril pills. You are delusionnal. I know not all poles are like you. Poland fought hard against commies and nazis. The cuntness is in you, not your country

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See pic related.

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The globalist infiltrated the Clergy. I know. But my Pope is Urban II, not commie Francis.

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Jow Forums is not anti-Jewish. Jow Forums is anti-Satan. Guess who most Jews work for...

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You know, we didn’t have enemies in the Middle East until we established Israel

the thing is you kike
in Poland, a nazi, a commie and a jew gets the bullet

The point is: globalist jews hate common people jews. Do you really think Soros is crying over the jews who are killed by palestinians? I'm not pro-Israel. The point is that I don't see the point of anti-judaism...


Most Maglenoromanians live in modern Greece, user. Vlachs here are mostly Macedo-Romanian.

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this is a slide thread with an OP ignoring multiple reasonable arguments from multiple posters. Let this thread die.

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The globalist jews work for satan, i'm pretty sure. What about the common jews?

No, us non newfags are anti jewish. Jews are the synagogue of Satan. Any cursory glance at this thread proves that. You can go be a cuck back on r/The_Donald with your jewish pilpul.

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Nice meme flag, Jew


This. And if you feel compelled to reply with redpills like me, SAGE with each reply.

It's simple why Pol hates Jews. The jews in power, the bankers are legit evil. They are supported by all other jews. The leftists non religious jews control media and Hollywood.

I trying to answer people. No one is reading my arguments. I want paper proof. The Protocol of Zion could have been written by anyone. That's not a proof nor a valid argument.

I am anti-globalist, not anti-Semitic.
It just happens that a lot of the highest ranking globalists are of the Jewish persuasion.

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Dafuq SAGE means? Please, explain?

Good. You can go be a cuck like back on r/The_Donald. Cuckery like your beliefs are the reason why whites will never accomplish anything.

it's a procedure to extract the jew soul from a poster

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That's exactly my point. I'm anti tyranny. I hate globalist and commies. Some of them happen to be jews because jews tend to be in positions of power. It's a close community, like the freemasons. They help themselves and they get rich. Some of them are good people, like Viktor Frankl. Some them are like George Soros.

anti-judasim is the normal reaction since judasim is anti-YOU

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>Many generations of the greatest thinkers to have ever lived despise Jews and Judaism
>"I want paper proof!"

is your brain literally incapable of pattern recognition? what specific proof are you hoping to see before you recognize the elephant in the room?

You are either a demoralized person, incapable of recognizing evidence even when it's presented to you, or this is a fucking slide thread.

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If you are truly anti Judaism, you wouldn’t hide behind a memeflag.

If you read or see something new and this new is breaking out of the general acceptance, pushing societies borders farer away from general acceptance to more perversion. It's mostly jews.

It’s a slide thread. There have been no attempts to combat or even acknowledge anything redpilling here. Remeber to SAGE.

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My souls still here. Has a said to the polish retard up there, I'm iberian. Portuguese and Spanish Heritage. My ancestors the the Reconquista and spread knowledge of the Cross to the entire world.
In my veins runs the blood of Afonso Henriques and El Cid, and i'm proud of it.

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im working in jordan right now so a memeflag makes things easier.

They imposed a foreign god upon you, and you accept it without questioning it.