The Witcher

Did you say Fringilla Vigo?

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As usual, let Americans do something with a precious creation of yours and they proceed to give it to kikes and ruin it.
>Every time.

its pronounced fringorilla now thanks :)

Games don't have to be historically accurate
Especially not games that are not even based on history and are pure fantasy

Nigrilla Vi"tili"go

>Games don't have to be historically accurate

But since they are adapting the games/books they must be faithful to the source material. FFS

Exactly like your Buckriders, dickhead :)

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Literally who? They saved Ciri from getting BLACKED, and if it requires this no name who that transferring to a darkie, then I’ll take it.

>this no name

You obviously haven't played the game.

Triss will have a feminine penis

Or read the books, or watched the Polish TV show.

There's a TV show? Didn't know that.

Selling any intellectual property to (((Americans))) will always be like this ...

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>tfw porn stays closer to the source material than a licensed Netflix adaptation

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There is and it's famously terrible.

Fucking kek. Gdit America. Any adaption should be by Japan or something other than the West.

nah, making your medieval-style world an americanesque racial salad nukes worldbuilding.

Maybe King Arthur was a Nigerian homosexual. He is fictional, after all.

A Witcher game based on medieval Africa sounds kind of cool.

ok the show was pretty much shit but don't say that Grażyna Wolszczak and her exquisite taters didn't represent Yennefer well, Jakub

The Bitcher

That logo at the end. ha
Good lord, that makes Sam Raimi shit shows from the '90s look good.

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What would you expect from Jewmerica?

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Fuck this butch dike in COD too.

I don't feel one bit bad about her, she's a bitch and a member of the lodge at that

>>tfw porn stays closer to the source material than a licensed Netflix adaptation

Even the fucking voice . Now i must see this

They couldn't just let us have this one thing, could they?

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You know what's the best part about this?
In the book Fringilla used her sexappeal to fuck Geralt in order to stall him from finding Ciri.

Now imagine Henry Cavill falling for the sheboon's charm.

It is so anoying...

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God damn what a retarded excuse to make her a nigger.

You gave it to the kikes, it's totally on you.

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Well, you have to admit, they sort of went all out with Deadpool 2, and various other movies in the past 15 years. Just look at the new MJ from (((Spider-man))).

She drinks a potion of Grapefruit giving +10 twerking and Geralt cannot resist her.

I hate that it is so obvious that they will take any excuse to just cram a black person or whatever in there that doesn´t belong there with regards to story or whatever. Just because. Has nothing to do with anything else than some ethnic quota that some asshole encouraged. And you fucking know it.

>Not the bitcher

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I don´t even mind multiethnic casts. Like i really thought ash vs evil dead was pretty funny. And i think all the cast did well. I liked every character and actor, didn´t mind at all they were whatever ethnicity, and i think it worked out great.
However what i DON`T like is when they take something that you know per story or whatever, it should be a white person. And then they ON PURPOSE put a black person in there or whatever. This really pisses me off. Just write the fucking story that it´s a black person instead. Don´t take something someone else has created. And then just cram a black person in there when there´s no fucking black person in it.

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This is the future I always dreamed of

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>Games don't have to be historically accurate

As if they only step at games. Wake the fuck up.

Throwback to when BBC decided to film the story of Troy and give the role of Achilles, a Greek character explicitly described by Homer as "Golden-Haired" in the Iliad, to a Ghanaian.

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What did you expect

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They do it with everything now. It's all about replacing and erasing anything white so that future generations will just assume that the world was always multiculti. Not even our fantasy worlds are safe.
I have no hope of ever seeing a show/movie based on books I enjoy portrayed accurately anymore. There is nothing to look forward to.

Who the actual fuck wrote that? Trojans were Turks now? Turks arrived in Asia Minor from Central Asia in the 12th fucking century. Who are the cunts that that are re-writing history to suit their fucking political agenda?

Fucking hell that makes me so irate.

Why they must shoehorn black characters who are white:
-Nick Fury
-Tulip O'Hare (from Preacher)
-Johnny Storm

I want to see a white Blade too!!!! Or that is raycism?

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Right the reason they do it with historical figures is obviously so they can sell this false history afterwards. It´s not just simply to put a black or whatever character in where he obviously doesn´t belong.
>They do it with everything now. It's all about replacing and erasing anything white so that future generations will just assume that the world was always multiculti. Not even our fantasy worlds are safe.
>I have no hope of ever seeing a show/movie based on books I enjoy portrayed accurately anymore. There is nothing to look forward to.
Yes this is what it seems exactly! These fucking assholes.

>Games don't have to be historically accurate
>Especially not games that are not even based on history and are pure fantasy
most euro fantasy is based off of history and the regions folklore.

What's wrong goys, you don't like your history and culture being rewritten?
It's not like we're trying to ERASE you biblical fashion or anything.

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Couldn't make it past the first episode. Fuckin trash!

Not politics.
Get out

Under rated

I think we should graciously let them have this one single nigger as some side haracter

Ethnic quotas in fucking movies on purpose is very much political. Aswell as trying to manipulate this in order to sell a false version of history.

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How can you be surprised, this is Netflix. I’m just happy the cast so far doesn’t include any fat people.

Sorry closet homo, I would still give her permission to moisturize my rod, if you know what I mean.


>will just assume the world was always multicultural.
Yes and no. When it comes to POC, Yes. When it comes to white peoples, No. They will pretend that the world was a peaceful utopia before the white man gained power. They have already done it in my counties schools when the teach about the founding of America. They will do it to you swell, even in your fantasy worlds.

Welcome to INGSOC!

You're not thinking this through though... If Fringilla Vigo is a nigger, this means her relatives are also niggers, which means that Toussaint's royal family is niggers, and that by extension it's inhabitants must also be overwhelmingly niggers.

>Thinks Jow Forums is only about politics
Get the fuck out of here Rabbi

Is it OK to be White?

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>Dey was kings in shit

>ITT: People who never read the books, or even played the games, crying about the Witcher.

The only people who still care about this shit are fucking morons. Like 99% of Jow Forums.

Name one black character in the games.

or just change her backstory and make her some travaler from southern realms

Source material dictates what you do or you're a retard with a black dick up your ass.

That fucking voice is nearly dead on

I kind of enjoyed it. I expected it to be Polish so poor production value was already expected going in. But once you get past the fact how campish and amatorish it looks it was pretty entertaining. GCI gave me a headache but if you don't binge watch it you should be fine.

How did that turn out? Were ratings even a factor?

Also would any witcher fans here be less upset if it was a 10/10 dark elf ebony qt instead of this grotesque hobgoblin abortion?

my point wasn't that there were black people in the books or the game, my point was that people here haven't read the books or played the games, yet they think the world should give a shit about their opinions on casting for a netflix show.

No one cares. And it's not even politics, it's just another stupid thread by racist brainlets to circle jerk in.



>Don't complain when you're being erased Goys!

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Lara Croft (according to Netflix)

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Well obviously. And it's all because of you, Americans. Your politics and media have infected the rest of the world. You've taken over everything creative like a virus. Your kikes in Hollywood are making your social issues everybody else's problem. Anything that gains even a little bit of international popularity becomes Americanized.
Your media companies have a monopoly on the entire globe, to the point where nobody can even begin to compete against the bloated juggernaut that is Hollywood except for the Chinks, who have enough people to warrant making media only for themselves.
It's all pretty fucking sad, and I hate the local filmmakers just as much for continuing to churn out the same shitty romantic comedies because they're the only safe investment in a local market.
I also hate how blackpilled I get knowing that this is exactly what the kikes are hoping for every time they do shit like this.

simple, dont sell the rights. O wait. Let me simplify this for Jow Forumsacks. It was the jews.

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She's an established sorceress character with relations to other important characters, you can't just change the backstory like that and say she's some traveling nobody.

Then don't sell your IP to kikes you money-grubbing faggot.

Porn can do it better than Netflix. What a shame for hollywood

The fact about modern tv (I include direct to streaming services into this term) series production is that there are social justice rules about diversity you have to simply follow or you show will get canned before the end of production. Having diversity within main cast is one of these rules. Thus they have to stuff a nigger somewhere there. Now that its a relatively minor role they're going to have to raise her significance or lose funding from (((producers))).

Even if it somehow goes through without a nigger main character it will be rated the worst show ever by self appointed guardians of culture, the media (((critics))).

Literally no such thing as an "attractive" negress.


>Well obviously. And it's all because of you, Americans
>blaming the peasants
bro, we dont like it either. There's nothing we can do about it. You want to go to hollywood and gas some kikes? go right ahead.

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Kill thyself.

Stay mad yuroshit

>blaming the peasants
You can't deny that this is a direct result of a broken culture. I'm not saying it's the average American's fault, but your libtard public is what eats this up, and your black population is out of control.
It's all a result of the slave trade and giving them an inch of white guilt, because they are now eating you alive. They can't handle the fact that their ancestors were sold by their own people and came from shitholes in West Africa, that they contributed nothing to the society they live in and hate so much. So now they are screaming for representation in shit that has nothing to do with them because it's too hard for them to accept the reality that nobody wants them. Deep down they all know that in society, they were worth more as slaves than the nothing they are today.


They will nigger and dime you then

>mixed race wearing a wig
And still hideous

>taxpayers foot the bill for this shit

They really should’ve just let CDPR develop the Netflix show too. CDPR are redpilled and fight for western culture.

>seems to have straight hair

a-at least she isn't a full on bix nood.

alright how about this exotic cutie

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Hey I agree. Broken culture for sure. We (conservatives) dont have enough resources to fight the culture war. They took over everything besides some japenese image board. My family came from Germany in late 1800s. Didnt even have negro slaves, but ill be damned if the average black person doesnt think we all did

immovable object meets unstoppable force

1/8 of Poland's gdp is sales of CD Project games.

Disgusting, and still wearing a wig

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bitter roastie detected. Only women critique hair and nails and dumb shit like that

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