Is the NPC Meme the Pepe of 2018 (and/or 2020)?

The NPC meme has great potential, as evidenced by the recent stories from normie news sources identifying it as "dehumanizing."

What potential does this meme have? Is it is valid normie redpill? Is it a CIA plant?

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NPC is meme of the year for 2018, yes. Unless something incredible happens in the next 3 moths, there are no serious contenders.

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Get out tranny



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>It's becoming sentient!

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nah pepe was funny and could be used for a lot of different shit
This is just cringy and so hostile towards People who think differently it could come from lefties

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>think differently

this guy gets it, liking apple products doesnt make me an NPC, and even if it does, i deserve the same respect as everybody does


They have 27,000+ "NPC" posts in the past 5 months and they are prepping a false flag shooting to attack the Chans and The Right.

Look at who is pushing it.

Rosanne's Manager

Soros & Buffett are going to stage a leftist protest and then use a patsy to shoot it up on camera and Facebook will craft his profile to be very anti-left and "Hates NPCs".
You can already see this based on the paid AstroTurf posts here, the "We Hunted The Mammoth" & Otaku media outlets being paid to push it further as
>"Right-wing trolls embrace new “NPC” meme, taking aim at basedboy cuck libt*rds who respond to everything with meaningless buzzwords"
>Taking Aim At

They will Stage A False Flag Shooting And Blame These Posters And Everyone.

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>think differently

>what potential does this meme have?

wake the world up before Armageddon, ultimately saving countless millions of lives, many of which are going to be white which as far as I am aware is Jow Forums's sacred cow

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This "meme" has been around since fucking Demokrit, and since then it hasnt woken up the masses but has been laughed at by everyone except edgy Teenagers
It is the same humourless shit, the SJWs are peddling to Show that theire better People

Ok, fine this time I'll pay attention to you since you demand it so much.
What is your deal? We're just having a wee bit of fun.

It has pontential to start a civil war. Think about it it's going to eventually piss them off to the point (((they))) will threaten with violence, fast forward a few months and you got that blood fest of a civil war.

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It is always the same Country/Meme posters.

They are running a large operation and brought in brand new Astro Turf groups to do this operation.

We can stop this from happening for once.

They aren't responding yet because they don't know how to attack my counter.

They're talking on another platform right now trying to think of a counter to this.

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calm your tits nigger

they always try to blame shootings on generalized cultural things, like memes, it never works

It's been very educational watching shills struggle to combat this. For the first week or so, all they really had was variations of
>"As a redpilled pede like yourself, this is really stupid guys, please stop."

After that did nothing, we're now transitioning into 3 major categories of posts:
> This kind of stuff is dividing the board, don't you guys see that?
> No, YOU guys are the NPC's!
> This is a psyop against us and you guys are too stupid to realize that. Also I won't elaborate why.

They literally have nothing against this. Watch these interactions with an objective mind. You'll learn a lot about psychological operations and how it can applied to our own efforts in the future.

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capping this for later

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>Potential to start a Civil War.
You Would Love That Wouldn't You GCHQ/CSIS Communists.

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It's the most powerful meme yet created in history. It can never backfire.

This meme will wreak havoc across the interwebs like we have never seen a meme do before in a matter of months, screenshot this.

t. Meme expert

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>TFW, according to this Genius i am ze Joo now
Never Change pol

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It has the potential of wake up normies that are accused of being NPCs

This place has been shit for since the 2016 US Presidential Elections because of the influx of boomers, redditfugees, and assorted shitskins. If they wanted to, they could’ve taken this entire site down long ago. But they choose not to because they like having a boogeyman to use. If they do shut this shithole down, it’ll be a good thing. This place is a former shell of its self. It’ll force cucks like you to grow a spine and make something of yourself instead of being some conspiratorial retard who just wants to spend his life shitposting on some anymomous Mongolian basket weaving forum.

why are there 5 of these npc threads active
did reddit faggots take over?
im gonna go stroke to /d/

Not that i want one. I'm saying it's likely so don't take me seriously.

Uh, yea actually I think it would be a lot of fun. Sure beats stinking around in the basement all day. Of course it's not enlightenment on the nature of NPCumanity which will start the civil war.

>its a great meme because it dehumanizes people

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gchq is the good guys


>"Just having a bit of wee fun"
Prepping the Public for Civil War, lies, and Murdering Dozens of People is not "wee fun"

Why Are You Consenting To This?

I never even said "Jew" stop trying to reframe the Narrative.

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I would like to see NPCs being pushed into a mass grave with a bulldozer please.

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Dude, you need to be medicated. Seriously.

>shit narrative try another one

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Being a “right wing” niggerlover isn’t any different from being a left wing niggerlover

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why ? i just said your meme isnt funny
have you laughed at it when you first saw it ?

>Stop Breaking My Narratives Go Take Meds.
You need a new job and a less Murderous Narrative

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ok ok. I get it now. You're a fucking NPC. A well informed and sophisticated NPC, however, you fail to realize that it would almost take a civil war to get certain PCs out of control.

>Those god damn ES JAY DUBYAS
There’s bigger fish to fry than ES JAY DUBYAS, kid. Jews still exist.

The NPC is the current rendition of the 'some people don't think' concept. This was referred to as sheeple by your parents and grandparents. The concept has been explored in philosophic work since the dawn of the west. Descartes is the most notable of such works, in his Mediations and Method.

The meme is NOT a CIA plant and has more potential than pepe.

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>inb4 left can't meme
Lol, what kinda dyslectic shit is that!

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It's hard to say. The meme started sometime around 2015 the posting of it reached it's peak around 6 months ago. It seems that the intelligence community got bored of shilling the meme for a bit but now we're seeing a resurgence. My best guess is that the NPC meme will survive another month or two before dying out again.

Does anyone this this meme is true in more liberal areas? When I lived in Southern California many people would grunt or moan when asked a random question in public, me and my buds thought it was fun so we would run around doing it.
Upon moving to North Dakota I realized that most people are a more advanced form of artificial intelligence npc due to the snow and harsh upbringings.
I would say that as people turn older that civilization turns them into an NPC as well, deleting many of their scripts. Back when I was into new age shit I noticed ALOT of it talked about how people are NPCs too.

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True, true. NPC is synonymous with sheep/sheeple/communists/proles/ mindless drones locked in vice.

>The meme is NOT a CIA plant and has more potential than pepe.
pack it up he said it
it's not from the CIA and it's really really grass root
more like they push it for the election look at it dieing right after

The hidden Jow Forums discord is pxmFPxj we have over 5000 members and are growing.

It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down. As far as discord knows its a Minecraft discord.

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NOTICE how THEY wont use the term "NPC" in THEIR threads.... THEY are terrified, Silicon valley is in the process OF BANNING THIS MEME

>The Most comprehensive rundown yet on NPC theory

>Some NPC's can be saved

He says the video has been demonitized... NPC THEORY SCARES (((THEM)))


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Fuck off CIA nigger

They are political bots, you dumbasses. They definetely resemble bots in Russian social media, they just push a different narrative.

join the discord goy

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god your uneducated generation is a lost cause
you guys are really unable to learn form the past
you can't even acknowledge it existed

Non reddit/ /ptg/ cuckery. That’s what, niggerlover.

Tell your boss to have Soros/Buffett pull their funding from this project because otherwise he will be wasting money and he should cut his losses on this one.

This is not the right one to waste your money on.
>The narrative won't work and will not fall flat, it will blowback.

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found the cia nigger

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Use IRC, faggots. It can't be shut down. Why use a corporate network while being afraid of being banned?

Yup, just like they used/currently use the incel meme after several shootings. And just like all the times before it'll be reported that the FBI had been watching the shooter but unable to do anything about it. The meme is a good window to reality though, prescripted events for the thoughtless populace to take offense at.

You guys are getting psyop'd in addition to looking really stupid for trying to say that people with no "internal monologue" are less conscious. The truth is closer to the opposite: People who's thoughts are not "caged" by language are more resistant to tricks of language and propaganda.

You guys are pouring a lot of meme magic stock into a dud.

Because its a better platform and its more user friendly.
If we don't utilize the best technologies we will lose.

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this guy sounds fat
This is good though, I like this.
And they demonetized it. Interesting.

Why ? im getting Money from the old guy for posting on this racist board
The Trannies who did the Matrix, did it and better, and what did that accomplish ?

Shit, if you want a more sophisticated meme that basically means "normie," start here:

>Anyone who has not yet been unplugged is potentially an agent.

Where's the maga hat npc?

lel even the negro males can't get enough of that BWC

Naw, NPC meme is a low energy meme.

It's got its use, but it's it doesn't have the high energy, explosive, revolutionary power and deep emotional character that pepe has

Someone should tweet this at him I am perma banned from twitter can't even make a new account.

The study literally said that the People who had the internal monologue, were in psychological distress at the time.
Of course you think about your Situation more when shit isnt working the way you wanted
But the morons on here are so thirsty for a new pepe, that they take even the most moronic shit and shill it like mad

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The NPC meme is complete forced. Pepe was a natural phenomenon with no one group controlling it.