Mods ban NPC threads its a slide tactic by a bunch of reddit sjws on a private discord to distrupt Jow Forums look at the fucking catalog. Its the same group creating fake tweets and news posts here.
Mods ban NPC threads its a slide tactic by a bunch of reddit sjws on a private discord to distrupt Jow Forums look at...
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off ya stupid potato eater
oh wait
>faggot mods doing their job
that would be a first
I second the potato nigger
It's more than that.
>cut your losses now
They have 27,000+ "NPC" posts in the past 5 months and they are prepping a false flag shooting to attack the Chans and The Right.
Look at who is pushing it.
Rosanne's Manager
Soros & Buffett are going to stage a leftist protest and then use someone to to shoot it up "VEGAS STYLE" on camera.
>Facebook will craft his profile to be very anti-left and "Hates NPCs".
You can already see this based on the paid AstroTurf posts here, the "We Hunted The Mammoth" & Otaku media outlets being paid to push it further as
>"Right-wing trolls embrace new “NPC” meme, taking aim at basedboy cuck libt*rds who respond to everything with meaningless buzzwords"
>Taking Aim At
They will Stage A False Flag Shooting And Blame These Posters And Everyone.
Do Something About It, Spread This Information/Meme.
You Have The Power To Fight Back Against These Murderers.
>We Can Finally Stop A False Flag Before It Happens; Think Of The Possibilities.
Talking about NPC, does anyone have the research paper on inner discussion? The paper that started the NPC meme?
At least the mods are doing thir job
(The one on the left)
I disagree the false flag angle makes is bullshit Its simply a coordinated slide tactic to distrupt Jow Forums and sow discord and division. Soros probably funded it yeah. Its simply a tactic by reddit sjw cocksuckers to distrupt Jow Forums
>being this new
no it is'nt you fucking retard
They/you did the same with PizzaGate.
Hyped it and then sent a BS Gunman into the building to subvert the narrative you built.
Tactic has been used before.
This is a slide thread by NPC defenders
Waaaah!!! They won't let me post the new maymay!!!
NOTICE how THEY wont use the term "NPC" in THEIR threads.... THEY are terrified, Silicon valley is in the process OF BANNING THIS MEME >The Most comprehensive rundown yet on NPC theory THIS IS THE ESSAY OF THE CENTURY!!! NPC THEORY EXPLAINED AND THE CURE, for some npc's, >Some NPC's can be saved
forgot to type this:
Fuck off, faggot.
ya for once the kike mod are doing their job amazing
Link the source
i love you so much Jow Forums but until you grow up I can't support you
Its way too much work for a shooting false flag and makes no sense. Just get someone to wear a maga hat and shoot up a school.
Now that i think about it. This NPC stuff is more likely a psyop experiment by them. A dry run to test if then can influance Jow Forums and how effective this influence tactic can be with the added bonus of sliding threads and distrupting real discussion
The false flag theory makes no sense and its more likely something they came up with to discredit it being a slide and pysop data mining experiment. it really is just a bunch of soros funded retards on a private discord to gather data. The false flags are planned by elite mossad agents and their higher ups. Division is an art to these people.
Fuck off Mexico. It's a shit forced meme.
Stop forcing it
I hate yoga pants. Camel ass is not appealing.
There was a good thread about the FBI using the meme to cause another false flag kinda like the incel shit.
>shooter said he was sick of soulless "NPC's''
That kinda crap
I thought there was a research from 2018, guess I remembered wrong, thanks senpai
Isn’t that ass a little too big for a mick like you? Just let the BCC handle this one.
It's more likely the discord group that spams all this other garbage and they make those posts to try to make it a bigger deal than it actually is.
learn to filter kid
NPC thread baited by an ass.
a delicious succulent ass.
crafted by the gods.
god is in the ass.
i must have it.
even zozzle was better
post boobs