23-year-old Mayor of Fall River, Massachusetts arrested for wire and tax fraud

tl;dr version:

Jasiel F. Correia II, Democrat

Ripped off investors at his shitty app development "tech startup" to try and impress some roastie, pay for luxury hotel stays, pay his personal expenses, credit cards, student loans, etc. and buy himself luxury clothing and a C-Class Mercedes.



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>Trusting a Portugese gypsy ever

what is that thing???

It's all Portuguese in Fall River

Wtf is that thing and why don't they have a French guy running shit

It takes six Americans to cheat a Fall Riverian and six Fall Riverians to cheat a Portuguese but a Portuguese Fall Riverian is a match for the Devil himself.

no hizo nada

buen niño

buenas marcas en el colegio


He is also the first Mayor of Cape Verdean (and therefore African) descent.

Like many in Fall River, a city of almost 90,000 people, his parents came from the small Portuguese-speaking islands in the Atlantic. His father had immigrated from the former Portuguese colony of Cape Verde; his mother from the Azores. Although immigrants from Cape Verde have been living in southeastern Massachusetts since the 19th century, drawn first by jobs in the whaling industry and then by the textile mills, none had risen through the city’s political ranks.

la creatura strikes again!

I fucking hate this state. Randolph has been filled to the brim with these haitian niggers from boston and I want to die. I haven't talked to any white people besides my parents and siblings in months and there's always rap music whenever I go out in public. Please, someone kill me.

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My family is from there but dont look like that

my goodness that's an ugly face to have to look at


the fuck

I'm a Portuguese American. No one in my family looks like this. He looks like a Brazilian native Indio with maybe three drops of Portuguese blood. Everyone in my family has light or mid-brown hair, hazel eyes, white shin, and are 6+feet tall. My brother is fucking blonde.

The true Portuguese phenotype is pic related...

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leave you cuck. New England is fucked anyway.

>la creatura strikes again!
>my goodness that's an ugly face to have to look at
>My family is from there but dont look like that

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No. I used to date a Portuguese girl and her whole family looked Jewish as fuck

look at that fine "American"

Which is why you'll never DNA test me!

of course he a good boy who dindo anything wrong and of course he isn't gonna step down


sorry bro, you dated a cyrpto Sephardim. You should have cooked up some Cataplana for her, a dish with pork and shellfish, and then broken up with her immediately after she said she "wasn't hungry". Unfortunately, without a Portuguese or Spanish mother you were unable to resist her wiles.

Many such cases!

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Did his mother take zika?

got more?

>Wasn’t hungry

Wait is this like a cultural thing? She used to make up food allergies to get out of eating shit all the time

Juden don't eat pork and shellfish

Wow, it's almost like once the white voting block is destroyed, the shitskins will vote for whatever corrupt moron has a last name like their own.

like, Jews are all for pork and selfish

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>Wow, it's almost like once the white voting block is destroyed, the shitskins will vote for whatever corrupt moron has a last name like their own.

This area is heavily Portuguese. So it's like spics electing spics, italians electing italians, nigs electing nigs, etc.

That's why London is full of burkas with a Pakistani Muslim mayor.

This screencap delivers at least once a month.

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sam hyde mad af rn , his Portuguese and cape veridian hatred is justified

>electing a zoomer to office
Is fortnite getting into politics?

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considering Maine.

Oh holy shit was she Jewish? They all said they were atheists and I assume they supported Hillary. Can Portuguese people be Jewish?

Are your foreskin missing?


I don't understand. How could he be so irresponsible?

that mutt is like 8 races mixed together and feces

they have to go back

Mattapandolph..Ranberry. I remember when it wasn't like that.

Isn't that where Sam Hyde is from? I bet he voted for this.

How is it possible that he actually looks like he was made from the oblivion character creator?

babbie's first brush with cryptos lmao

You're on Jow Forums. You should know how to look for the signs.

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>first Fall River Mayor of Cape Verdean (and therefore African) descent

Surprised this made it on pol.

Now we need sam hyde to run for mayor under the 'GEORGIO' alias.

But I mean honestly the people that gave him $300,000 for his shitty app are morons. I know people bootstrapping their app business in the same area and they're doing really well.

He's a rich bitch from the highlands that new other rich bitches and used them. He also got elected cause the former mayor before him threatened him with a gun.

Lol I love my city.

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This was a different time. Looking back it makes so much more sense though. They were like a Goosebumps family, just forced and weird vibes. They were stingy, her mom was a teacher and her dad worked at a bank.

if people became more shallow we wouldn't have these problems. You can tell a lot about someone based on their appearance, body language, and voice.

Man how did you miss it

>They all said they were atheists
>They were stingy
>her mom was a teacher
>her dad worked at a bank

how the fuck did you not realize

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Sam Hyde is from Fall River ya. Where the fuck is the new hydewars

I was young and bluepilled as fuck. I used to say dumb shit like “I’m a registered independent” and “9/11 wasn’t an inside job” That’s seriously creepy as fuck that they wouldn’t mention/try to hide it though.

Could it be?

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bump for actually politics

Now that would be something

And you fuckers try to make fun of us for our whiteness levels? Kek

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