Are you pro life or pro choice?

Are you pro life or pro choice?

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What race is the baby?

Pro Life for whites and Eastern Asians.
Pro Choice for all others.

pro choice first trimester
pro life second two

I'm pro life if the woman is white but baby is black. I'm pro choice is the woman is white but baby also white.

I'm pro kicking white disabled pro-life advocates

Not white.


This isn't the issue. It's how wealthy the parents are and for which party they vote.

Pro life for white civilized people.
Not that guy in OP's picture, he needs a post birth abortion.
Everyone else can put their kids in the Moloch for all I care.

I am pro beauty.

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I'm pro-death for Jews and their shitskin footsoldiers.

life. ex had to have abortion due to messed up internal lady parts otherwise still birth and lost pregnancy anyway. still grapple with that :(
otoh she was a total lib cunt so it would've fucked up the kid. glad her cervix was inverted

Pro choice. Less people, the better.


I'm in favor of keeping abortion legal, but rare. It's an unpleasant but necessary part of society. Planned Parenthood should be burnt to the ground and its supporters imprisoned. Everyone should be encouraged to discourage people they know from getting abortions. It should be an absolute last resort.

Pro choice*
*Some rules apply

i'm pro life but that fucking kick is a 10

I'm in favor of killing the untermensch.

Abortion is never permissible. It must be abolished.

betty boop?

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Did this nigga just pull out a fully charged down smash ?
My goodness.

Pro choice. Africa should have a fuck ton of abortion clinics


Pro death.

Neither. I'm against the a portion of white children.

>Pro-choice for europeans and east asians
>Abort now for everything else
There fixed it

Seek help and redemption.

Is it impossible to live in a world where nobody would want an abortion because we actually cared about life? Evolution has told me yes. The universe tells me that we have just as much chance being destroyed by a big bang or solar event.

The way I see it is that the world was here for 6 billion years before me and will be 6 billion years after or we live in a simulation. I wish I would have just taken the blue pill(jesus).

Abortion should be completely legal for rape cases , genetic defects, and mixed babies or when the mother have a high probability to die. Any reason apart from that should be illegal.

mandatory abortions for all KWEENS whose litter has reached a maximum of 1 nigglet

Fucking stupid. Murdering innocent children isn't right for whites, non-whites, or even animals. Wait until a person grows up to decide if they should be murdered (most niggers should). If you wanna keep nigger population down just sterilize felons.

Pro ‘choice’ within reason. Anti faggots like this.



Pro-death, all extramarital pregnancies should be aborted because bastards are not human beings.

Only correct answer

There's no pro choise position. Its pro birth vs murder of unborn babies.

And his defense was that he was aiming at the phone
This poor excuse of a so-yboy

Pls rate my cuckshed, based bad soi boi.

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Pro Li.......

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Pro choice, but fuck that dude.

I dont care if you call it eugenics or murder. Pretending it isnt one of the two is just silly

I'm pro beating the fuck out of emasculated leftist faggots who assault women for no reason.

pro life. abortion should only be allowed for rape babies and medical problems for both mother and child. whores that have had multiple abortions should be executed.

Abortion is Molech worship. Same cult has been in control for thousands of years.

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Abortion isn't used to resolve medical emergencies and the child of rape is innocent. Punish the criminal, leave the kid alone.

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Reminder that abortionists and abortion enablers will face the wrath of God.

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nonwhites commit more rape than whites. abort mutt rape babies.

The child of rape is anything but innocent. Genetically, he is an extension of the rapist and must be snuffed out unless you want to reward rape with genetic success

Your lofty position will run aground on the hard fact that demographics is destiny, and your own descendants will suffer for your moralizing.

by the time a nigger is a felon it has already popped out at least 2 sprogs.

>'s first biology course graduate
Such reasoning mandates the extinction of the human race since we all have murderers and rapists for ancestors.

No, events are more relevant when they are temporally closer to the present.

I think someone should choose if their child should be allowed to live if there is something seriously wrong with their health while in the womb.

I'm pro life, because scientifically life starts as a single cell. It's the same thing we want to find on mars and should hold the same importance.

I'm against using abortion as a form of birth control and for society having higher moral standards.

No, you're full of b8.

Not an argument.


I'm pro triggering roasties.

Pro life but we should abort badly disabled and sick babys.

Molochov cocktail


Fucking stupid. summed it up perfectly. Niggers should be stamped out BEFORE the problem occurs, not after.

As minorities and whores are the main ones getting abortions I'll be pro choice. Thanks God.

Pro-Death. Most whites who get abortions are whores who shouldn't have offspring in the first place. The rest of abortions keep the black population in check. I understand why people don't like abortion but I believe it's 100% necessary.

pro-choice for non-whites, state-sponsored, also state sponsored neutering.
for whites pro-choice in cases of the risk the child being born disfigured, retarded, in case the woman is going to be a single mother, in case of rape impregnation etc.

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I'm anti life and choice.
We should let the government decide what we should do.

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There are plethora ways to deal with the nigger population. The fact that our civilizations are currently too cucked to realize them does not constitute the murder if innocents. Abortion is the easy answer because it's legal, but easy seldom equals right.

pro killing commies
pro abortion
pro life
i'm pro potential
good shit needs to be cherished
anything spoiled or bad should be ground up and spread on fields

nice u used my template

It shouldn't just be free, it should be encouraged for blacks and single mothers.

> shouldn't be free
use the right terms: nobody should be forced to pay for someone's else's abortions, only their own
if someone wants to offer free abortions, that's fine
the cost you don't give a shit about
what you don't want is some CUNTS
charging YOUUUU 900,000000,00000,0000,000,000, 00,0,00,0,0,0,bajillion fucking dollars (fucking spam filters will catch this ffs) for "freee" abortions for other people
or even charging y ou $0.000001 for someone else's abortion

jfc what a fucking fucked up abortion of a comment, i was not thinking and made a shitton of mistakes
someone's else's? lol what was i thinking