Patrick Kimmons shot and wounded two other men in Portland

>Patrick Kimmons shot and wounded two other men in Portland
>when police responded to the shooting, he turned his gun on them, they opened fire and killed him
>people are now protesting/rioting in the streets of Portland, attacking motorists and demanding "Justice for Kimmons"
What the fuck were the cops supposed to do in that situation?

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They were supposed to die, you damned bigot

liberals think POC are infants.

>Kimmons’ mother launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for his funeral and other expenses. The campaign raised nearly $4,000 by Monday afternoon.

I am so shocked that its mother is trying to profit from its death. Shocked, I tell you.

Reading the crime news from Portland - how does a 6% black population end up accounting for so many of the city's murders and shootings? What the hell are black parents in Portland teaching their kids?

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what can a nigger teach another nigger? realistically?

>what were they supposed to do
These evil, retarded leftists think "risking your life" or "putting your life on the line" means that YES the cops are supposed to die while trying to peacefully take him down.

These people will never understand. We can't teach them nor can we compromise with them.

Civil war can't come soon enough.

The only thing that seems to be able to keep niggers in check are Hispanics. They are great at running them out of places.

We just had a based Hispanic father hunt down and kill the nigger that was fighting with his teen son. Killed him on the basketball court. Poetic.

The cops should have first tried to talk him down, then pepper spray, then taser and then let him go to let him cool off a little bit where he would realize what he did was wrong and turn himself in. If that fails then the fault falls on white men for slavery.

BLM protests is a spin off of the liberals 'Communism is still a viable option, it failed because my version of communism has never been tried''

None of you can 100% prove that if the cops calmly rolled up on the scene and asked him nicely without drawing their guns that Kimmons wouldn't have stopped shooting and drop his gun. You can't prove that bum rushing Kimmon's with pepper spray or a taser wouldn't have neutralized the target without any deaths. Or after he cooled down he would have turned himself in.

You should know by now liberals don't live in the world of WHAT IS, but the world of WHAT IF.

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These are the guys who have been attacking the passing cars in protest btw

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(deep sigh)
Niggers are a cancer on our nation.
50% of blacks will refuse to assimilate to our culture and remain belligerent low class parasites, wallowing in victimhood and grievance mode.

Imagine being a historian 1000 years from now that hasn't had the ideological conditioning to accept this as normal. And then you find this snippet of history and the riot that followed it.

It kind of gives you a new understanding of the weird shit that has happened in history that makes no sense at all. You can probably get a similar reaction if you went to India and slaughtered a cow in the streets.

To be honest I'm surprised there haven't yet been "Unarmed black teen killed while shooting at police" headlines.

I know I've seen "four dead, 10 hospitalized at peaceful protest"

>What the fuck were the cops supposed to do in that situation?
According to the constitution they were supposed to arrest him and let the judicial system decide his fate, but pigs don't read the constitution.

Fuckin silverys just wont learn.......

What do you think the purpose of guns were intended for when they were written into the constitution?

I'll give you a hint. They weren't intended to be used for arresting people with so they can have a fair and speedy trial.

meant for

antifa got their event. slimy motherfuckers are in bed with PP ideals and want niggers dead entirely, but they'll use them as fodder all day long.

>he cops should have first tried to talk him down
report to scene where attempted or achieved homicide in action, suspect turns weapon which has been used to attempt homicide against officers. There is no "talking him down," as first thought, he's already proven willing to kill. The only thing you do if you're involved in a shooting, when the police show up you put your hands up and comply.

The 2 men wounded should have taken care of their own problem and not involved society.
Act like a nigger get treated like a nigger...

>What the fuck were the cops supposed to do in that situation?
take a knee for Kap

I hope this is a joke, pls.

Typical bootlicker.

>muh 2A is the only amendment that matters.

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he dindu nuffin he a gud boi he gonna calledge he a churchboi

You aren't thinking like a liberal, you have to understand your thought process and their don't overlap.

Your first thought when you hear a guy who gets killed after shooting at police is 'what an idiot'.

A liberals first thought is 'I bet the police saw this as an opportunity to gun down another troubled youth who just needed some guidance.'

The Right believes the world is a fucked up place and man is trying to make it better. The Left believes the world is a perfect place and man is fucking it up.

This guy's been posting video of the event

Life is some kind of shitty satire. This is the picture they're throwing around, one of his baby mamas claims he's a "former gang member" that quit as soon as she got pregnant, his mother is in the streets yelling that the police are the real gang and they want to kill HER for being a "beautiful African queen"

Stupid isn't really an appropriate word for this shit, it's something else.

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When someone is shooting at you, you aren't obligated to make sure they have a fair trial for attempted murder. If they live through the ordeal and get into the hands of the justice system they can have that trial. But it's very possible that the would be killer would never reach the hands of the justice system.

What do you want for him to be post posthumously convicted of attempted murder? There's no point to that except a waste of time and resources.

I am cornholio I need tp for my bunghole...

If it is as you have said, then they did the correct thing.

Teach a nig to nig

its almost like they are subhuman or something. really makes you think.

If it's the same one, there was a drunk white guy telling these idiots that the dindu tried killing other people before officers were called in.

The lunacy of the left.

I'd say that number might even be as high as 60% or 70%. Even mulattoes can speak in ebonics and don't identify with white culture at all despite being half white themselves.

I'm half-trolling. Of course there are situations where deadly force is warranted. However, police must be scrutinized for using deadly force until it is proven in a court of law to be justified. They get away with it so easily that I'm not convinced they don't use it willy nilly. Even in a case like this, I'm willing to step back and allow the police to be scrutinized until shit like links related stops happening.

Why should they identify with white culture?


OH look. Jews.

blm is a psyop by the deep state to make anybody who criticizes the police state and police brutality look like a psycho who defends rabid criminal coons like the one in the op

Just like the st louis protests. Armed black heroin dealer rams police with his car, then leads them on a 90+ mph chase, but in blm's mind, he did nothing wrong.

Weren't they already doing this all week?

i think liberals are all in denial about being atheists or something. they believe that the world was always exactly the way it is now, like it was created yesterday. and man is the only thing that can ruin it. they subconsciously believe in god

They where probably raised by wh*toids! They're the only ones that do mass shootings.

Are you saying that every homicide must result in a murder trial? In the vast majority of cases of self defence what happens is police decline to charge then a DA reviews the evidence and declines to charge as well. Process ends there and the case never sees court. Sometimes there will be a zealous DA and the charges are thrown out by a judge before the case even gets anywhere near the trial phase.

If every homicide goes to court, you're looking at a mountain of legal fees to defend yourself if you so happen to have to defend yourself. A court cannot charge someone with murder when there is not sufficient evidence that a murder has taken place.

Yeah this city is fucked up

Dude Ive seen that chick on the left irl.

Pretty soon no cops will take jobs in that hellhole and they can be free to kill each other like Chiraq.

Portland has few niggers though, it's mostly just naive white leftists and progressive retards. The niggers here are mostly confined to a ghetto part of the city, but yes they and the lefty junkies commit crime.

This is a pointless discussion OP, since you guys are 3rd world country. You know you've abandoned the rule of law long ago in favor of mob justice and feelz.

This. Spics are better than nigs. The sad reality is that illegals and legal Hispanics aren’t going away. Ever see a Mexican on a bus at 4 in the morning? Chances are they are heading to work in the city. Ever see a black on a bus at 4 am? Who the fuck knows what he’s up to. Could be a working man, could be homeless, could be an addict looking to rob somebody.
Mexicans are more desirable neighbors than nigs.

T. Pedro Gonzalez

>angela merkel

I knew a literal Jew back from School years who once told me it's not okay to be red pilled, that you have to think bigger and more abstract.

Liberals have this way of thinking that all people behave as society perceives them. If you think black people are dangerous thugs, they will be dangerous thugs. If you think asians are smart then they will be smart. So you need to stop thinking that way, the way of logic and start creating a new perception.

There is no such thing as free will, biology or personal responsibility in their world, those are all social constructs we are all slaves to society.

The argument is shit and is full of holes but growing up in California I realized that's how the majority of people here think and operate.

I wonder who he killed to steal that graduation cap and gown

>t. Shitavius jenkins

Trayvon Martin. He's the one who framed Zimzam.

>t. Mortimer Steinberg

Portland is legitimately insane. I have a family member there that claims despite being known nationwide for its progressiveness and liberalism, the city is actually "a racist shithole" (her words) because it has too many whites

Is there an official statement from the police yet or video of the shooting? I’ve heard everything from he was shooting at the cops to he dindu nuffin and was shot in the back 16 times for being black, he may had been in a gang but he was turning his life around for his keeds.

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anyway, i live in portland, and i was completely unaware of this protest this until i saw the clip on twitter. i don't ever see these antifa fags around, although i'm sure they exist. what i do see is hordes of homeless and trannies. this would be such a great city if it weren't for all these liberal scum dogshits, homeless, niggers, and trannies.


just watched some scenes...holy fuck
these basedshits live in some of the best areas i suppose and act as if they were some professional guerrillas or some shit
in fact they are just some spoilt fat white shits yelling "you white scum" on other people lol

want my honest opinion ?
these monkeys trust the police...something is protecting them...there is no fucking way these little shits would do that on their own
send some people there to beat them up
so they know what it is like

Niggers are garbage

Daily reminder there is nothing wrong morally with killing niggers the Jews force these laws to protect these nigger savages.

Who gives a shit, let them burn their own shit hole city down.

Especially Portland: if not for niggers and the LA junkies who were invited north by the naive drug tolerance, what crime would it have? Parking violations? Tardiness?

Fuck off, Spic Internet Defense Force.

America is tired of the infestation and you people breeding out of control like the 3rd world cockroaches you are.

Fuck off back to your home country.

>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

They've realized that they can chimp out whenever a white cop harms a black person in any way and nobody will actually do anything about it. I can only guess that it's a bunch of college larpers and welfare recipients just randomly fucking up anything that comes near them while baboon screeching. These people just don't have developed brains or morals.

We the people of Jow Forums demand more chimpouts!

What the hell is going on over there? They attacked a random driver for trying to drive down a road? As in hitting and denting it for no apparent reason.

Is this a common event in the states now? How are they able to act like this seemingly without repercussions?

based and bluelined

It's a portland thing.

the cops were supposed to drop the soap

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But what on earth was the point of that? He didn’t even drive aggressively, they acted as if he was the devil for slowly trying to get around them.. Just bizarre behavior.

And where are the cops?

It's always some mutt attempting to reconcile his beaner genes with those posts.

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It's more harm than good what niggers teach their kids are fairytales about hey they wuz kangz and shit. Also they teach them to hate cops.


The right to shoot at someone shooting at you isn’t just reserved for the police. What makes a cop defending himself any worse than anyone else?

What are we looking at with that pic?

>What the fuck were the cops supposed to do in that situation?
quietly dispose of the body?

>Kid gloves for blackie or else you're a racist

You'll see it in cities where it has the implicit approval of the mayor. Mayor of Portland is a commie fuck, so he likes what's happening.

◄ Isaiah 5:20 ►

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

lawlessness has but one cure, the pits of hell.

Not a coincidence that this shooting is getting tons of hype and attention right before the election. Aggressive protests over these shootings had died down a lot since 2016 election, and the media wasn’t covering them as much.

The left only believes that when a poc is the “victim”

detective trying to puzzle a nignog dna on the crime scene

Thanks to the body cam laws instituted by libs who now absolutely hate these laws now that they realize the truth.

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Were there no victims of his shooting? I don’t know the whole story

If people were killed by Kimmons, but attention is only being placed on Kimmons as the victim, then this is the literal final straw. A civil war is needed immediately to purge out all of these anti-American NPC shitlibs

He shot and wounded two men who are hospitalized in critical condition but expected to recover, they are suspected of being rival gang members

The real victims are probably being either ignored OR harassed into silence by gang members or lefties.

>black parents

>Someone calls out beaners for being savages
>Better break out the mutt meme

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10/10 bait

The Gofundme is at $12,000 and counting

gofundme my-son-quotpatrick-simmonsquot-home-going

The URL is kind of odd. I'm not an expert on how the site works, but doesn't that imply she called her own son "Patrick Simmons" then went back and fixed it?

They're ultimately harmless. If a cop went and started beating the shit out of them it wouldn't look very good. They would actually have to DO something to force the police to enforce the law.

we all have, its a clone.

Dude in the hoodie was the same guy who called the old guy a "little white fucker" in the traffic directing video

based and redpilled

Mayor of Portland ordered police to stand down

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