Are you against affirmative action?

So you may agree as well asians should make up 80% of the top college schools population.

Leaving the 20% remaining to whites, blacks and latinos ?
Are you sure this is what you really want ?

Attached: ccf_20170201_reeves_1.png (768x511, 18K)

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Also there’s no that many asians as a percentage

This is coming from the best high school in my state, that happens to be in my city (troy - metro detroit), do you notice anything ? guess which of these guys are going to stanford or mit ?

Attached: troy high school.png (860x836, 79K)

lol crickets

guess who will be your future engineers/scientists

Attached: troy high school2.png (854x842, 78K)

There aren't that many asians you dunce

Asians, blacks, latrinos and j*ws.

What if we just allow zero Asians?

That doesn't mean they won't still gather around Harvard, MIT and Stanford.

Leaving the average mediocre colleges to the majority (Whites and Hispanics, also blacks).

This is one of the few universities in California that are not actively discriminating against asians, also one of the best STEM colleges in the world.

Do you notice anything?

Yeah, but you're not answering the question.

Why allow any Asians at all?

This is consistent among a lot of suburban schools. It is because current school systems are not geared towards African American cultures success. This will need to be changed to get rid of this historically racist grading system

I don't want affirmative action or non whites. Take your false dichotomy out of here.

Because we are americans and there's nothing you can do about it. Asian excellence will excel everywhere.

Next time you try to use afrimative action as an "anti-white" argument, be aware of what it really means, you're the ones benefiting from it.

I'm against anything that favors one group of people over another. It should be based on talent and ability and nothing else.If i lose out to a nigger or spic, oh well.Maybe I need to improve my skills.

Yes we can kick the asians out. Who invited them? I really don't want anything to dip with them.

Fair enough, just as it should be.

You can't deny there's a lot of white trash out there, and also white parents that are way too condescending with their sons, asian parents are always very aware of the academic performance of ther kids and will try to help them to catch up if needed. On the other side, white parents are more worried about visting disneyland, soccer practices, and their emotional stability. Priorities i guess.

Who is going to do it, you? lol

>Who is going to do it, you? lol
Yeah I would clear my turf of all non whites. I'd give them a week to pack their bags and leave on their own.

>There is nothing you can do about it
Well, if you mean "you" as in all Americans, we can just generally not allow Asians in our schools, desu.

>but they're better!!
So what?

No, you can't do that lol

Yeah we can. We make the laws. If we don't make the laws anymore then well burn the place down.

last time in charlottesville it didn't go well for you guys