A romanian in Voice Chat spergs out right now, says Jow Forums is 50/50 about romanians being white

A romanian in Voice Chat spergs out right now, says Jow Forums is 50/50 about romanians being white.

So Jow Forums, whats your stance on Romanians being white?

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Sage and report for off topic

Romania is literally a gypsy shithole

kys for creating retarded threads

What is your cephalic index?

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Oh shit, grizou is here

Actual Romanians are white. Gypsies are not.

Indeed, i agree.

kys david lmao

my 2c

Coffee, kill yourself you Borderline whore.

Attached: nigger.png (545x129, 11K)

sup joe


morning coffee love....
its been a while owo

>acts like a nigger-gypsy

btw you're all behaving like white niggers

Kek, you realized senpai! How you doin'? :D

We all come from Africa. We are all niggers.

Attached: Chad-8-Sep-2017 (1).jpg (1080x740, 122K)

They are behaving like brown niggers desu

Attached: scorp2tei.png (362x301, 105K)

hördo börda korp

My parents are Romanian, and I have sandy blond hair and very pale skin. Transylvania is definitely white. Some Romanians do have darker features, so I get where you're coming from, but I wouldn't classify Romanians as non-white as they genetically cluster in with Europeans.

vrei sa te fut
Romanians are gypsies

I've never met a romanian who i wouldn't consider white, but i've also never met any romanians, so...


Dude, it doesn't fucking matter. They're smart enough and they can wage a good war, so who cares?

EU council has ruled to send romania to africa where it belongs.

The jews are anonymous

i am very happy with david hate thread we should do it more often or even daily if we can get enough people to hate him


Pick one, hans

i don't understand if you are all trolling with these types of jew threads, the niggers are black

I'm going to say not white just for the salt.
>inb4 amerimutt
I'm Irish, call me a potato nigger plox

Some Romanians are white

"white" is arbitrary, there are many different populations in europe that have mixed with themselves far more than with outsiders

but we are still a lot more similar to each other than to arabs, not to mention nogs

we have white skin and look more or less like other europeans, although we do look kind of distinct, in some cases i can tell someone is almost for sure romanian

Attached: serghei-mizil-640588l.jpg (810x1069, 126K)

Can we stop having this kind of threads thank you, also the constant shilling from the "romanian" that is a hungarian along side the other one living in Serbia need to cease already.

Yes, is nice frend

i am happy that romania is whiter than my countries

But you also think slavs are white, so your oppinion is worthless

OKAY, david now this is epic :joy:

Not really. Southern and Southeastern goblins are not European

i love that romania is so much progressive i have found already almost 16 boyfriends

Honestly, Germaniggers are shit-tier white
Your ones are hideous
I'd rather fuck a Romanian than a German one
Not as much as British though, because Eastern ones have some Slavic stock

romania is #1 recruit center


People know your name on Jow Forums? There's no scale to measure how much of an imbecile you are. Inb4 probably 16 too. Go get a fucking life autist.

Keep coping ivan