Honestly: Why do people race-mix?

Does anyone else just fundamentally not understand how anyone could seriously race-mix? Note that when I say race-mix here, I'm referring to seriously dating, settling down with, marrying and having children with someone of another race.

To any libs or non-whites reading this: I'm not saying this out of spite. As someone who has dated women of other races, I honestly don't understand how anyone could be as comfortable with a black person or Asian person in the same way they could someone of their own race. There's a certain implicit comfort in being with someone of your own race - they understand your body language better, they're more culturally attuned to you, they're more likely to have grown up reading the same things, practicing the same family traditions, they're more likely to share similar values, have similar levels of tolerance/intolerance towards things like noise, prying in-laws etc. You'll never have to worry about getting married in a temple or mosque rather than a church and so on. I'll give you an example: If I married an Asian woman she'd probably be less openly loving with her children than white mothers, like my mother, are. That would put me off.

I just don't understand how anyone could give all that up to be with someone from another race. The sense of being at ease with someone from your own group, who looks like you, with whom you'll have kids who look like you and your respective parents/ancestors. The shared sense of humor and so on.

The more I think about it, I just think a lot of it comes down to being clueless. It's not malice, especially on the part of girls. They just genuinely don't believe that marrying a Black African or a Chink will entail major, life-changing cultural conflicts. But it always does.

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>Why do people race-mix?

Thanks for being an #Ally!

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Have you seen Asian HAPAs? HNNnnnnggggg

Because I've grown to like Asian women, no thanks to the internet (and Jow Forums).

Most white women aren't worth it (and they all rejected my advances). And almost no black women or Hispanic women are worth it whatsoever (I only knew ONE black girl who was a conservative and cute, in my whole life, but she had a boyfriend).

Unless if I see a massive change, I will be dating solely Asian women for the foreseeable future.

I don’t have a problem with that desu. Asians are bros.


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So Asian women are your second choice? Do you not think part of this is that you've developed an attraction to them because they seem more receptive to you?

I think if you found a white woman who was receptive to you, you'd quickly forget about Asian women. In fact, I'm sure of it.

>Asians are bros

Cringe. These people hate you dude. Asians hate whites a lot, trust me.

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Skin color doesn’t matter to me, ideology does. I just find most rational, reasonable, and relatable women are white.

Malice or not, you appealing to your feeels, provided society is civil then it's a preference like you have your own preference.

On the other hand, societies aren't civil, never really have been, regardless of shitskin color or not, most whites are fucking animals like the niggers.

There's alot of young asians who date white girls because they think its "stepping up" like the white girl is a trophy or a symbol of being a true american by being with a white girl. Its different form when asian girls are with white guys. AF/WM is more natural, but in my college I noticed asian guys only date white girls to feel good about themselves.

If the girl is actually nice and not some stupid gold digger then it’s alright.

I'm not reading all that
you know why they do it and what has to be done so stop creating pointless threads

what the hell man, you should check your fucking eyes
No wait, just fuck it you are all doomed anyways, go bang a chink like the damn animal you are.

Also, unlike most here, I don't give a damn about race mixing. I only care that I find a girl that is intelligent and shares my values. Modern "culture" degraded our society to the point where women whose demographics were once decent, are total degenerates.

Sure, hate me all you want due to "genetics", but I would MUCH rather be married to a cute conservative black girl (if any exists), than to a roastie white whore (and vice-versa), and you guys should think the same way.

But right now, the demographic that appeals to me most in behavior, mannerisms, intelligence, looks, and morality, are Asians.

Asian men tend to date more unattractive white females unless they have money though. I've noticed that they think anything that is white/blonde is immediately 10/10, it's sort of weird.

I wouldn't describe it as them seeing themselves as a "True American". They believe themselves to be completely Chinese/Korean still, they just see it as taking the other tribe's woman, like a victory. Those same guys probably fume when they see WMAF.

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>So Asian women are your second choice? Do you not think part of this is that you've developed an attraction to them because they seem more receptive to you?
>I think if you found a white woman who was receptive to you, you'd quickly forget about Asian women. In fact, I'm sure of it.

I am still attracted to white women, but they don't like me. I am speaking to five different Asian girls, five of whom I would like to date (the sixth is already married). And I am not even actively looking for them (and they're not even common around here).

I'm not sure what to say to you then. I never had a problem with white women past a certain age. It's certainly easier to get an Asian gf though.

I understand why men race mix. It's a sort of form of conquering.

Women on the other hand have to have something mentally fucked up in their head to want babies who look absolutely nothing like them.

Hope those roads are worth it with the cost of your women. Face it, N*gro women need the superior Chinaman cock.

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Report and hide the r/aznidentity spammer fellas.

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>they understand your body language better, they're more culturally attuned to you, they're more likely to have grown up reading the same things, practicing the same family traditions, they're more likely to share similar values, have similar levels of tolerance/intolerance towards things like noise, prying in-laws etc
This is cultural not racial. Race doesn't equal culture unless you're talking about muslims, but you mainly mention blacks and asians who tend to be the most integrated minorities. Almost all the things you mentioned you'll have more in common with someone from a different race who grew up in the same country as you than you would someone from the same race who grew up elsewhere
> The shared sense of humor
Also cultural.
Literally this whole essay could be trimmed down to the one actual point about wanting your children to look like you, which is important for me also.

Brown women have empathy, unlike white women

You try being somebody who (unironically) is diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome.

Never had a girlfriend, but all of a sudden I am being flocked by Asian women (which I hope to date one).

>t. niggerlover cuck
whats behind that memeflag

back to r.eddit memeflag niggerchink

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Wh*Toids btfo

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>This is cultural not racial.
Nonsense. Look at the massive cultural chasm between West African black-Americans, being the descendants of chattel slaves, and European-Americans. Despite superficial cultural similarities (language, entertainment consumption etc) they may as well belong to different nations. There's even a disparity in terms of how much noise they consider a distraction.

Incidentally I've noticed East Asians are like Blacks in this regard, they have no real regard for silence.

>Also cultural.
Again, compare Asian-Americans to European-Americans. The former are just as imperious and status-motivated, and consequently vastly more sensitive and less amenable to deprecatory humor. I'm referring to second-gens here mind, ones who were born and raised in America.

What's your race?

I'm sorry to hear that fella. I won't hold you back from muh dikking some Asian girls, you never know, it might up your confidence and you can start nailing white ones after that too.

Hello friend.

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Asian men need money to get attractive women of other races. They cannot be physically desirable to women.

Of course, Asian men do not see this as shameful, since they've never been seen as physically desirable in their entire history.

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I think you're over thinking it. People are attracted to others based on way more than cultural stuff. It's genetic.. women can tell who they will fancy from smell etc. Having a wider range of genes in gene pool is going to be attractive to someone with many recessive genes, for example.

Procreating with the most attractive person you can find, and who shares your values, REGARDLESS of what race they are, is the only logical thing to do.

Having an autistic obsession about procreating ONLY with someone who is "racially pure" is fucking retarded.

Well done for being a fucking retard.

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I'll tell you about my race-mixing story. My first year of college, I met this girl who was half-black. She was funny, sweet, intelligent, and I really liked hanging out with her. I asked her out and our first two months of dating were incredible.

Then we got closer and started talking about more personal stuff like politics and race. Immediately, there was a divide. She'd try to guilt me for being white and sometimes we'd even get mad at each other after a political discussion. She was completely delusional when it came to the problems of the black community. She wouldn't even acknowledge anything I had to say. The next 2 months were rocky. We fought more and more every week. The fifth month she was throwing a party at her place. She invited a bunch of her friends and they were absolute garbage. Her black friends were the biggest group of low lives I've ever seen. They carried themselves like they were straight out of the hood and bragged about doing degenerate shit like assaulting people and slinging cocaine. I hated hanging out with them. My girlfriend became a different person when she was around them. She acted just as hood as they did. I felt out of place so I just kept slamming beers the rest of the night. That was when I had my big realization. Even though she was only half-black, this was the reality of how blacks act. It doesn't matter how educated they are, it doesn't matter whether they come from a higher class (my girl was relatively well off) or whether they go to church, niggers will always be niggers.

It really sucked learning that because I thought this girl was absolutely amazing when I first met her. I wanted to believe that she was different from the other niggers, but that's just not how it goes. I've never been with a black girl since and never will again. My current girlfriend is white and I'm a million times happier with her. Sorry for the blog post, but I want people to learn from my experience.

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>Unironically thinks rwanda can Jow Forums
Go ahead user, fuck some dirty chinks, do to their race what niggers do to yours, make hitler proud, i'm sure he will be.
And be happy with a nice pair of abominations to call children.

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fuck off memeflag kike

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>Having a wider range of genes in gene pool is going to be attractive to someone with many recessive genes

Terrible argument. Naked assertion. Completely wrong. Back to watching state broadcasting shorts about how the Romans were all Black Africans m8.

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Based. No race mixing. We need another set of Nuremberg Laws.

Asian Husband/ White Wife are the highest earning race pairing!


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Post it again, ese.

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socioeconomic reasons.

What's your shithole country like?

Last time it was of any relevance was during that genocide in 1994.

Hell, maybe make a new topic about it.

And the most attractive, yes.

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Never said I like chinks you dirty nigger. I'm just letting you know how your nigger woman are getting CHINKED™ for some roads.

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Asians and Whites were made for eachother :)

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Lots of evidence that those who look mixed race countries are found more attractive by most people. It's called hybrid vigour.


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But Zhang, your women are getting BLEACHED for free. They fuck poverty-tier English teachers above upper-middle class men of their own race.

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>all white women are degenerate whores
>t. beta male

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That's far from being my women m8, i'm just here with the army.
I doubt the chinks will bleach this place, they treat the niggas like slaves to build their stuff.

I'm actually in congo, this shit doesn't even has internet providers so i get mine from rwanda.
Imagine a brazilian favela in the middle of the jungle, that's what it's like.

>Why do people race-mix?

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>Lots of evidence

That's one study that specifically looked solely at White/Asian mixes. Other surveys show that people have a same-race physical preference. So no, hardly "loads of evidence".

>hybrid vigor

Do you know what heterozygosity is?

LTA4H, or “leukotriene A4 hydrolase” is found on chromosome 17. An allele of this gene increases the risk of heart attack (the #1 cause of death in America) in Blacks by more than 250%, but only 16% in Whites. The 30% of Whites with this allele have counteracting genes, while the 6% of Black Americans who obtained it through race mixing do not.

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I have category 5 yellow fever.
Send help pls.

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I don't know. I've just always been attracted to caucasian women. As a kid my first crush wasn't even the same race as me. I believe she was Indian. This was in like Elementary school. Either 1-3 grade. I blame the media but even as a kid I was more attracted to females that weren't of my race. The media couldn't have had that much of an effect on what I'm attracted to, right?

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What's your race then son?

>for at least 18 years
>not hung by the neck until dead.


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Not enough people want their offspring to resemble themselves I guess.

you know, yellow is actually wrong, it was a translation mistake by some gaijing back in the day, since yellow and ivory seem to be close in chinese. it's not yellow emperor, but ivory emperor.

>I'm actually in congo, this shit doesn't even has internet providers so i get mine from rwanda.
>Imagine a brazilian favela in the middle of the jungle, that's what it's like.

As I said before, this deserves its own thread

lol it's Britain, he'll be out on 5 in a state funded house, he'll kill again and he still won't serve the rest of his life.

Western European "justice" is mind bogglingly bad.

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I don't know user, it's disgusting. I mean whites and Chinks.. fair enough you can sort of understand. But niggers and any other race? Niggers aren't even human it's literally bestiality.

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When I was in elementary school I’d stare at niggers and Mexicans and think to my self, there’s no way I could ever marry them. Maybe dare but not marry and have kids. I could never understand why, but now it makes sense.

I appreciate the user posting the stories about nigs, but I was hoping for this thread to be more of a discussion about why some people, particularly women, underestimate or simply don't see how difficult relationships between people of different cultures can be.

Well whites are depigmented Arabs, that's why they're your nextdoor genetic neighbors! When are you whites going to take responsiblity for your crazy ass brothers in the middle east!

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>Those same guys probably fume when they see WMAF
Nah, they welcome white genes. If you're a nigger though....

>i'm just here with the army.
Which country's army? Are you white then?

because after dating a few white bitches,I like asian chicks more and there's nothing wrong with mixing pale east asians and whites

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I'd marry an Arab girl, or a Near Eastern levant girl, over an East Asian any day of the week m8.

>Chinks....fair enough

Nah. They're still self-hating girls. No difference between weeaboo girls and wigger girls.

acid attacks have nothing to do with racemixing

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its ok with asians but everyone else, no

thats a hapa btw

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Anyone who's ever touched a nigger should be sent to camps for delousing. Being anywhere near niggers isn't natural.

attack helicopter

African American. Never had a girlfriend or been married and might potentially die childless due to my situation.

>i'm a failure btw

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Bro, you're so low iq. I'm slavic and whiter than you, but have promoting race mixing.

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