Here is the challenge to fellow PC characters.
Act as NPC for a few days, I tried and I kid you not in the end of the first day I gave up. I just couldn't do it.
NPC Challenge
Other urls found in this thread:
They have 27,000+ "NPC" posts in the past 5 months and they are prepping a false flag shooting to attack the Chans, Donald Trump, and The Right.
Look at who is pushing it.
Rosanne's Manager
Soros & Buffett are going to stage a leftist protest and then use someone to to shoot it up "VEGAS STYLE" on camera.
>Facebook will craft his profile to be very anti-left and "Hates NPCs".
You can already see this based on the paid AstroTurf posts here, the "We Hunted The Mammoth" & Otaku media outlets being paid to push it further as
>"Right-wing trolls embrace new “NPC” meme, taking aim at basedboy cuck libt*rds who respond to everything with meaningless buzzwords"
>Taking Aim At
They will Stage A False Flag Shooting And Blame These Posters And Everyone.
Do Something About It, Spread This Information/Meme.
You Have The Power To Fight Back Against These Murderers.
They Used Roseanne to Launch the Narrative on Joe Rogan's podcast because he has one of THE Largest Public Reaches into the Middle Ground Political Spectrum.
>Someone Tweet/Send This & The Meme to Him, he would appreciate it considering they were going to drag him & Roseanne through the mud.
>They used Him.
We Can Finally Stop A False Flag Before It Happens; Think Of The Possibilities.
>t. schizo
Spread the information, tweet it to Joe Rogan and others, post it in other threads
>stop replying in NPC threads and explain what hey are doing.
>Post this in Reddit
>Post this everywhere they've posted the NPC Memes.
They should/will just cut their losses because it is smarter cheaper to stop wasting funds on bot programmers & find a new narrative.
Think of the amount of money it takes to print all the shirts, hats, signs, bus all the people in, pay for the promotion, directors, media, all of this is set up months in advance.
>they sped up the time frame and the shooting was probably going to happen before the midterm elections or around that time frame.
That is a lot of money to waste only to have it blow back.
This takes them months of planning.
Seriously that's it?
That's your new narrative?
The same "yeah guys don't listen, user's just schizo"
Stop spamming.
>The Most comprehensive rundown yet on NPC theory
>Some NPC's can be saved
He says the video has been demonitized... NPC THEORY SCARES (((THEM)))
>Act as NPC for a few days
Create few online accounts on popular websites, like FB,Twitter, Reddit, etc.. If you have already, create another one.
Specifically search for popular topics (reddit and twitter will be easy) and use your typical #jokereference, #buzzword #anythingNpcwouldsay. Just try to be in their mindset. Try to shut down your inner voice as much as possible, just ignore it and act like a normie.
Like the npc meme spam you mean? His post makes sense. Moreso than the retarded npc theory itself.
ei bratka ka daryt kad suslapint pimpala i want to haver sex but im drunk
You already are an npc
So you tried not to make a complete twat of yourself for one day and you failed.
>It makes sense
Yeah, i mean, there's just these bots posting NPC memes as a psyops and the elites cant use the bots they need real humans to post the meme in order for it to work, and if u post this drawing it will kill a bunch of people and shut down Jow Forums, but only if real humans post it.
Honestly fucking kill yourself, bro. I can see why you hate the NPC meme. 80 IQ faggot.
Was already dissecting this post with my inner dialogue before I even finished reading it. This is a decent thought experiment, user.
guys is chiecke n a pol food?
Skystu muilu isitepk arba lasjonu, svarbu, siap jei panos pute slapia nereikia. Aisku jei dar jei menesines neprasidejo tada problema
After a very long (but very good) conversation here late last night on the subject, I decided to spend some time acting like a NPC today just to further understand how they can possibly function.
My observations....
1. What I was doing was forcing myself NOT to think inside my head using language. So when I drove, I kept the radio off, and when thoughts (words) would come into my head, I would stop them.
2. It IS possible to function, but not to have self-reflection. Driving a car was easy (about as easy as always). You can drive, monitor lights and traffic fine without having to have an internal voice.
3. Other automatic actions (putting groceries into the car, walking two and from one location or the other) is also easy. You are also able to see and understand the actions of others.
4. The big difference, which goes to the heart of the whole NPC question, is that you can't reflect. So I can see someone taking an action, but I cannot consider the meaning of it because that require language in order to conceptualize in the mind.
5. So in short, you wind up being a reactive animal. If your thoughts are limited to only those expressed by others (which has to be the case if you cannot have internal discussion), then you simply become a parrot who either accepts or rejects what others are feeding into you.
hahahahahaha reikia zinai ka pripilt sklapjos mesos ir tada dar kaiusini skysta viena i jos pizda tada jauciu zajabys pist
>Act as NPC for a few days
if you can do this, you don't belong here.
Jei zinai, kas tau veikia tai puiku
I tried and failed.
see I think we need to clarify terms here. It looks like people are using two definitions of NPC.
Definition 1.... your typical low-thought low-intelligence political newcomer who simply parrots the line from one party or the other, is big on hastags and catch-phrases, and doesn't take the time to critically examine the validity of the positions they are espousing.
Definition 2... those who honestly do not have an inner monologue using language. These people can function reasonably well, but are incapable of higher thought and higher self-reflection because they have no mechanism to process and analyze information.
Pretending to be a definition 1 has no value and is a waste of time. Pretending to be a definition 2 is a good exercise to try to understand these zombies.
Sage and report for being an automated spambot aka NPC
>I just couldn't do it.
Wait until you get a job.
I did it in college when I was depressed and wanted friends and a social life(Lived in one of the most Liberal places on the planet). It worked for a few years until the NPC narratives got too extreme and filled with such outrageous bullshit I couldn't just do it anymore.
It truly is a soulless lifestyle where people just agree with everything anybody says no matter how dumb, stupid or fake it actually is.
m8 im asking you you arer the sex expert
Just ignore it
Did it for awhile on twatter as a antics acct. Couldn’t do it at a certain point. Mostly argued with gullible boomer conservatives.
>Muh stop spreading meme I don't like
>He thinks we care
Sage and report u for being a fucking faggot nigger bitch cunt, thank you.
But the voice is... you, how do you ignore yourself?
how about just giving us NPC hacks.
that'd be a lot more useful
Use coconut oil and hot chocolate
Force another voice, which is NPC voice
you push the meme too far user you should take it easy
So many times I tried. I always failed. With enough booze yeah, you can function as an npc, but the moment you get sober for a while, it all comes back
if anything, anyone who goes on a culling of NPC would most likely be an NPC themselves.
since PC's wouldn't waste their lives just to cull a soulless beast
the next shooter will be (D)Liberal on Medication
>like all the other ones
There are few, however I do not claim to be master at them as they are more like skills.
This is my first NPC thread to be honest.
i really apologise im durbk and i cant think in lithuanian sorry pls
I thought the point of NPCs is they have absolutely no voice?
Ask "Karbauskis" he is pagan
The left spent 2 years calling trump supporters bots. now they are losing their shit when called NPC's
>PC characters
RIP in peace
Yes that's why I asked you to pretend to be one, not to be one
I felt like an NPC these past few days when smoking weed.
0/10 would never try again, the empty stare you give yourself in the mirror is scary enough.
starting to like this afk Oblivion simulator
bost your ugly grey nose
Even with urban dictionary, I have not clue what you just said.
>Even with urban dictionary, I have not clue what you just said.
I wonder why
You're just calling people you don't agree with npcs. Truly great stuff. And yeah like I said, it makes more sense than the theory itself.
You are wrong, you can function without linguistic layer even more effectively (not by voiding the thoughts of course). Try to adopt second language, it is quite known phenomena that bilinguals begin to percieve words as references to patterns, and not just as "ding an sich".
Later, you can operate this patterns directly and can notice more hidden ones which do not have names yet. This is more reflective and precise mode of thought than linguistic filter (which, by the way, is inserted in you through social programming).
>And yeah like I said, it makes more sense than the theory itself.
Yeah I can see why you don't like it.
fake and gay
Then answer this question... if you do not think in your head in language, how do you process abstract or complex concepts?
Not bashing, I'm asking.
For example... if you want to move the garbage can into the house, I can see how you could perceive this with just imagery.... garbage can, house, walk.
But what with complex ideas? I'm asking because I'm genuinely curious. If the number of people who don't use internal dialog is anything close to what that study reported, it is a significant revelation.
But please stop imposing ur NPC values on real people, we don't care.
What the fuck does an NPC meme have to do with a false flag right wing attack?pray tell.
Ask this NPC He will tell you
I just go and get the garbage can and bring it inside.
Ever felt a revelation when all things coming alltogether? When you write code (kek) for example and come to the complex solution, but which is THE solution? You cannot name or process it fully, but you HAVE IT. This is the case - pattern without name highly connected to multitude of examples and representing the greater idea.
Yes, I have had that. And yes, I've coded.
But that goes toward what I was talking about earlier. When I experimented with it earlier today, I was able to function. I was able to drive normally without having to think words in my head.
But the takeaway as I went about my day for about 4 hours living this way was that it was a live without volition. As though I was removing myself from the process of acknowledging my own control of my own life.
I get what you're saying about the solution just "being"; but I can't imagine living a whole life where you just wait for "inspiration" or "revelation" and just go with it hoping that it's the best.
And that's what we're talking about here. Again, IF the study is true that 17% people have no inner speech at all and 80% of people use it less than 50% of the time, it would seem as though their life just floats down the river, with no rudder, and no captain that guides or checks the direction.
ok weicb i fdszluied realised that spirits tatese diasgusrting
Has anyone noticed the extreme amount of schizoposting since the Q phenomena happened?
Yes. Literally every big advantage that has made itself known has caused massive waves of schizoposting. Kavanaugh was the latest just before the NPC boom.
People lack critical thinking skills. They seem incapable of thinking of events rationally and logically without some sort of magical retard thinking.