Why are young white men in Western countries choosing not to marry, have kids...

Why are young white men in Western countries choosing not to marry, have kids, pursue a well-paying career and own their own home?

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I want a wife. I want white children. I want to own a home. I want to have a career that allows me to work reasonable.hours for reasonable pay. Right now I have none of that and work like a fucking slave where I am required to work overtime or not afford bills.

Not enough women that aren't retarded plus young men and soon to be men are starting to get some standards beyond tits and ass.

It's either unattainable or not worth the headache.

already you have outed yourself as a marxist.
you will be executed.


Check. God bless America

Also this

the brain is a dopamine-reward system and its not so much about earning dopamine rewards as it is attaining them. you could implant an electrode into someones brain to trigger a flood of dopamine, but theres no need, since the fingers can do just as good of a job

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>I want a wife. I want white children. I want to own a home. I want to have a career that allows me to work reasonable.hours for reasonable pay.

That doesn`t exist anymore, it ended in the 80s.

Because if the woman gets bored of you she will divorce you take your kids and half your shit. getting married is fucking retarded in this day and age.

It's too hard, and too much work.

Because white have two things shitskkns dont. Brains and responsability. First you get the riches and then come the bitches...

Then why are women attracted to impoverished ghetto scum?

Bible and Theology major. It’s not lucrative, but I’m following Christ. Also fairly big on self improvement so I hope that attracts some decent female in the future. Do the best you can and hope God provides has always been my shindig.

This is so fucking stupid. It's like asking slum kids in Mumbai why they "choose" to shit in the street and shower in the river instead of getting a nice hotel room.

because their sense organ(brain) tells them to pursue arche-types. could be hubby-dubby beta provider or fake tough guy in his leather jacket.

they couldnt care less for a chad with beta-provider skills or an actual tough guy that isnt wearing a leather jacket.

I'm doing all those things at 24 except home ownership, but I hope to attain that someday. Only problem Jow Forums will probably have with me is that my wife is Asian and our child is mixed.

>fuck all earning power
>cant get a gf
>houses too expensive

only NPCs rely purely on dopamine rewards

The "it's perceived by men as too risky and not worth it thanks to feminism" mgtow argument doesn't explain it all. EVERY single guy I know who did nothing with his life played tons of video games and most of them smoked weed. These aren't guys who would have watched TV for 10 hours a day if vidya wasn't an option. I really do think games allowed for it to happen, because games offer such gratifying progression. Spending 2000 hours to get good at DotA feels productive for guys, even smart ones. If they didn't have that option, they would have at least done SOMETHING.

Also these guys have bought into the meme that having a child is plebeian at best and harmful at worst.

That's a mistake. You make your home together. You are unlearning how to be a social man if you wait to marry until you're "comfortable with yourself." You should build those riches using her talents as well, not without her.

They not. You just poorfag. Get moneys first and then tell me you get no pussy

Kinda hard to do so when you still live at home.

There is no point.

I read that only .17% of (white) women between the ages of 18 - 32 are Churchgoing virgins. The rest who claims to be religious Christians had sex at least once, or engage in other forms of degeneracy.

Not 17% mind you. POINT 17%. As in less than 20% of 1%.

They don't exist.

and because kikes ruin everything.

Are you trying to get the rest of the board to mock you?

I want all of those things and am not white. It's entirely in my upbringing as part of a traditionalist, cohesive household.
Truth is, wh*tes are pretty degenerate and propagate poor family form through the generations. Blame Jews all you want, but you're the ones that fell for their tricks.

Why would they. So his white whore wife can divorce him and take half of everything and make him pay her the rest of his life. Oh and get a high earning job so he can pay higher taxes to help feed the minorities and women, fund jew wars and feed apefrica. Fuck that

My girlfriend is sleeping next to me right now.

It's because women are shit to be around. She has an irregular period essentially meaning its happening more than it's not. She's been miserable all day, asking me to be nice to her (I have been) yet she still will cry and completely shut down conversation wise over the littlest things.

She did this literally less than 1 hour ago. She started asking me to get her some peanut butter but I recommended to her that she should make herself some proper food as she's only been eating bacon, dairy products and peanut butter for the past 3 days.

This recommendation by me sparked her current upset. All I've been able to get out of her is that she doesn't think I'm respecting her wants (not that I'm looking out for her health).

I asked if she wanted me to cook her some proper food and she said okay, so I went and cooked her up a small meal of fresh veggies. Came back to give it to her and she's wrapped herself up in blankets and is refusing to speak to me, so now I've got a bowl of veggies that I've made her just sitting on my desk, now cold.

It's shit like that that is driving young intelligent men into pursuing their own livelihoods and homes. They don't want to have kids because women are a pain for the majority of the time.

That is great advice, sadly women now days lack that type of commitment, they all want immediate rewards.

Because this world is no longer worth investing in. A wise man will stockpile weapons, ammo, water and food. The final collapse is coming sooner than you think.

I own my own home 2 cars and a small businesses. I cant afford to have kids on the 10k I make a year

I hate western society and I hate women. Just being honest. I'd rather not slave away for a society that will one day finally decide to give me scraps of respect and scraps of what other guys have gotten handed to them their whole lives.
So until then, I just live my life. Work, work out, do fun things now and then. If it were up to me I'd live as deep in the countryside as possible with no contact with the outside world at all.

It's known as the MILF effect.

Honestly Jow Forums, I just don't get it.

For example, imagine you're 45 years old. Which scenario would you prefer?

>arrive home at 6:30pm
>your suburb is quiet and safe
>you pull up and walk to the front door of your detached 4-bedroom home
>as soon as you open the door your young son and daughter come running to the door excited to see you
>your trusty dog also joins in the fun, barking and standing with its paws on your jacket
>your wife says her usual greeting, in a familiar but loving way, as she prepares food in the kitchen
>while taking off your shoes she comes into the hall and kisses you and asks about your day
>you sit on the sofa with your kids on your knees telling you about school, while your wife prompts them to tell you certain things
>while eating your dinner as a family, you notice it is snowing outside
>after a brief run to the store with "Sport" (your son's nickname) to get cocoa you sit as a family and watch a festive movie from the 1990s
>after reading to your kids in bed later on, you kiss their foreheads and join your wife in bed
>she has taken care of some minor issues with your utility bills while you were at work, and a few other chores you would otherwise have to do in your free time
>your wife can tell something is up and encourages you to open up to her, and you are amazed again at how well she knows you
>you say you are feeling bad about your father being along in this cold weather
>tomorrow, she says, you'll dress the kids warm and go visit your father for the day
>you remind each other of your shared love and she falls asleep in your arms


Bought apartment, have gf, regularly fuck without birth control. So yeah.. 2 of my closest friends just revealed that they are having kids, another 2 getting married next year.
So not feeling it really.

That said, statistically 1-2/3 of us will get divorced and single parents within 10 years time. So feels rather hopeless, as modern marriage/relationships have an expiry date.

Dump her right now.


Man, I usually agree with other sentiments on this board but this one I don’t have any relation on. My wife cooks, cleans, takes care of our 2 children, is currently giving me a 3rd, and by god she loves riding my dick every night. This is no joke. She will watch hockey with me, loves that I am a man and can fix shit when needed and get shit done. And yes, she is white. They are out there but everyone wasted their 20’s getting drunk and fucking roasties instead of building a foundation of a family. Compared to my peers, I’ve got the last laugh.

Women are garbage and I dont want to get divorced.

Probably the best answer.

Men get married to their first serious girlfriend after their first serious job.

Not before not after. And if they are elite they will just fuck a ton of girls.

Want men to marry, get men well paying jobs young period.

you forgot the part where she will let a stranger cum deep inside her pussy becauase he gives her attention

and the part where she had at least 20 guys before she turned 20 and you have to live with that thought forever

I was going to marry someone but she was murdered by a drunk driver and even though it has been several years I can't just feel anything for a woman like I felt for her.

Here's your answer. Millennials are especially fucked in this regard. No way to gain capital. No self-reliance taught to them. Nothing of their own. Millennials were sold into peasantry.

The question is if we're going to stay there or not. Not all that surprising why they try to live in a fantasy land instead of reality.

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white sharia is white kids, women are not part of the deal, at least settle for that or plan for the divorce beforehand, rig it, then act surprised when it happens. women can not ever raise children anyways. with 1.5 billion people aborted hell even giving birth to a child is a tall order these days toddlers are unironically safer being babysitted by a pack of feral niggers and pitbulls. women are not human and we planned for that which is white sharia, at least have kids man

Because they are pushed to the fringes of society. Made to be someone to be laughed at.

>this thread, again
No thank you, rabbi.
Sage and report

She was a virgin before she met me. She's never had sex with anyone else besides me.

If you don't mind, tell us exactly what happened to her.

I am also sorry for your loss.

i'm not marrying material, i'm honest. i fail at life, i don't want to set even more failures into the world, others do that constantly. especially in todays sjw centric world, i don't want a queer

Women decided to quit being pleasant, loving, caring, wives, and mothers. Our fathers also gave us the heads up how it was and how it would get worse. Women don't want to be cookie cutters? Fine! Men get choices too. DEAL WITH IT!

Get over it , pussy, you have genes to spread. Chicks are replaceable.

If they don’t exist I’ll continue on regardless. My adventure does not revolve around women, it is focused on persuing my God and giving the lost and hopeless of society a symbol to rally behind. To better themselves, to see that Satan hasn’t won in this world, and we should fight to the last to protect what is true and just. Men need to be men again, so women want to be women. Just my two cents, and good luck to you sir.

A drunk driver ran a red light and t-boned her in the middle of an intersection as she was heading home from work
That sounds awfully degenerate

you don't live near a city. you got your gf knocked up early and probably shotgun wed that shit. pumped out another kid. your wife's prospects are shit because she lives in a podunk town so she knows you're her best optioin. And I'm totally cool with that. But if you live in an urban setting, women will become materialistic whores. I don't want to hear some from larp from you about how you live in an urban area. If your story is true, you don't.

1 in 6 chance those kids arent yours

Because they have broken out of the illusion that is perpetuated by the corrupt corporate imperial government. The strength and morals of strong family propagating good women was enough to live within a happy family. That has been destroyed. 90% of women of NPC thots that only know hedonism. Thus, living outside the sphere off illusory control is preferable.

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90% of women today are trash roasties
the other 10% are taken or won't even consider your fat ass

>well-paying career
need 5 years of experience for an entry level job
expected to work unpaid overtime
get paid peanuts

>own their own home
no point, better off renting

murder is intent to kill you fucking brainlet.

Because deep down young white men have realized that the West has no future. Our governments tax us to hell to pay for jewish wars, welfare for the niggers and sandniggers who will eventually ethnically replace us in our own countries, and feeding niggers in Africa, which will lead to a massive population crisis and even more migrants streaming into Europe and the USA. Our media is controlled by kikes and glorifies miscegenation, single motherhood, and young women slutting it up until they settle down with some faggot beta provider. If I had children with a woman today, my grandchildren would likely grow up in a country that is only 30% white. It will be a hellscape of poverty, crime, disease, and ethnic conflict. The West is finished and young white men know this.

They are. You're just being left behind as the genetic waste you are. There is no white genocide. White people are getting laid just fine. You're just not getting to partake. You'll be forgotten to time like the rejects of past generations.

The real redpill.

Sorry, user. As you grow and mature into your future self, you'll be able to feel it again.



I live in a city and I hate almost all the women here with a burning passion. I'm glad you understand, user.

if only you knew how bad things really are.

Women will be forced to suck BBC's and it will be hot

Even Jow Forums has a hard time accepting this but you nailed it spot on. God help us, God help the west collapse as soon as possible.

We're for sure going to stay there.

Because western women are by-and-large trash and it's nearly impossible to buy a home on a single income

Source: guy trying to buy a house

>you arrive home from work to an unlit, unheated, silent rental apartment
>the place is unfurnished because who knows when you'll decide to move on to another anonymous rented living space
>your married colleagues left work a little early today for the school theatre performance, but you didn't complain
>you immediately undress and sit in your well-worn leisurewear
>you sit in front of your computer and drink high-sugar drinks and eat easily-prepared meals for one person
>eventually you can't resist the temptation and jerk off your barely-erect penis at some high-intensity, ultraextreme pornography and feel good for about 0.5 seconds after ejaculating
>in the bathroom you notice all the wrinkles which have formed by this point, the balding hair, the rough stubble, the sunken baggy eyes, the gut and unsightly distribution of bodily fat
>you are too defeated and jaded to burden yourself with any sincere emotional experience
>it's barely 9pm and you know that what you are experiencing is boredom, even though you always prided yourself on never being bored
>you look for some old video games in your one small shoebox filled with nostalgic items
>you come across a photo of yourself smiling as a kid with your buddies, your arms around each others shoulders
>you instantly look away as if it's a bright light glaring in your face, ashamed at letting that young kid down
>you visit Jow Forums, whose userbase has grown to the point where there are over 100 boards mostly filled with hate-filled, callous teenagers comparing their favourite consumer activities
>you can't keep up with most of what's going on, and lurk for three hours until a brief thread appears titled "OLDFAGS GET THE FUCK IN HERE"
>you realize most people in the thread were born after 2000 and have a brief, aimless, mutually depressing conversation with one poster born in 1994
>you get into bed at 10pm and lie in the darkness again unsure whether it's Tuesday or Wednesday, but don't care either way


there is no "need" for it today
it's been turned into a fashion, forced into a definition as a symbol of oppression, and had new competitive symbols made out of its bones

+1 dopamine

>Why are young white men in Western countries choosing not to marry, have kids, pursue a well-paying career and own their own home?

In short: Inflation. Income Taxes. Interest Rates.

Wholly has to do with social engineering from the top down, mostly the Federal Reserve.

Because its far cheaper in everyway to get a hooker once a month.

Kek jokes on you. I have it all and I live in a shit hole. You should kys today.

It's like a lot of effort.

I am Jow Forums have an awesome job awesome car etc. Lots of fun to be around BUT I still have to wine and dine women and shit and most women can't contribute to my house so its really like taking on my purchases.

That said the second a 7+ out of 10 jumps on my dick and I don't have to work for it I'm down.

The best thing you can do as a white male is go to Asia and make little hapas

Truer words have never been spoken

I know that's what it is legally but if you can't control your behavior and end up driving under the influence I feel like that's pretty uncaring enough to be intent on killing another or yourself.

kill yourself oldfag

>making about 200K (swe)
>own a house in Oakland

Can't imagine getting married. Most women just ignore me anyway.

Because they are depressed?

Was that film (Her) any good?

I avoided it because it looked like propaganda and it would only serve to infuriate me. What kind of person dresses like that at their computer.

Bullshit without dopamine you would just sit staring blankly at wall incapable of anything

flag checks out

I live in a town of 8000. How am I supposed to find a hooker? Prostitution is illegal in my country. And in my town we don't have an area where prostitutes hang out.

I pray to God every single day that the west collapses and that I get to see it, but even if I don't live to see it, I hope it happens as soon as possible.

I have a career and a house. But I'm not getting married.

Type these things offline and post them rapidly instead of doing it all out in these boxes.

I think the majority of millenials will. Which is really sad. A handful of us will pull up out of it. Don't be surprised to see millenial men who didn't fucking castrate themselves looking for 20something-year-old women when they're in thier 30s and 40s to start families with.

Because my job is psychologically draining me and I don't really earn enough money to support women and their demands. When I come home, I want peace and quiet, other people have only brought me problems.

>be at work, dead tired
>fuck, I have rush across town to go to the fucking school play
>spend 2 hours there, dead tired, kids screaming, you have to make small talk with other idiot parents
>'man I wish I was at home watching the game in peace'
>get home, wife wants you to do shit, kids want you to do shit, the only time you get a moment of peace is when you're on the can
>lay in bed annoyed, there's a ringing in your ears, wishing you could sleep in for just 1 hour
>repeat the process every day

Cite that shit.

Divorce laws are rigged, so you have to be very careful with who you pick. Plus if you've seen the dating scene out there, these women are not marriage material.

Most women I meet are on tinder, and of course they're usually just empty headed cum dumpsters. Good for that, but not for spending your whole life with.

See above, plus cost and women being in the workforce now meaning that no one can stay home to raise kids.

I'm doing this, I have a $60k starting marketing job lined up after graduation. Piss easy, I just do research for a company and give them advice what they should focus on marketing wise.

Homes are very expensive, in my area a 2 bedroom is $700k

I feel like today's 20-somethings felt like they were promised more. Especially the college faggots. My father always told me what was real and I got sent to a great business school. Schizophrenia took me out but my friends did real well for themselves.

Idk, too many kids believing in false information or being hit by the fact they're not as great as their parents told them

stfu faggot. you've never had a few drinks and drove a car? gtfo

Spoken like a real mangina.
>ow my sueen. I will do everythibg with her. Ow let me lick your asshole
Here in israel there isonly one golden rool for asuccesful relationship:
Two seperate bank accounts. Preferably in different banks

i have never seen a white person say this, only shitskins.


Some "men" these days have never had to compete for anything, or if they did, they didn't like it.

Life is a competition. You have to have a goal and actually work for it. Living with mom requires no effort or chance of failure, failure is guaranteed so it become comforting.

Dating requires effort and possible failure exists, safer to just stay in the basement.