Just got my white gf pregnant

>just got my white gf pregnant
>want an abortion

why shouldn't I get an abortion Jow Forums? I'm not ready for a kid I can't handle the responsibility

give me your best pro life arguments to dissuade me

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your sex doll can't get pregnant you retarded incel.

give it up for adoption

>Has sex
>not prepared for the consequences

Why should the child have to die so you can be comfortable, faggot. You made a decision, live with it.

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but I can afford it and im too retarded to raise it


Thanks for being an #Ally!

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can't* afford it


Don't kill your baby

Then you shouldn't have had sex you retard. Suffer the consequences, maybe this will learn you a lesson.

fuck you!!

Nigga if that baby is white its worth like 30k cash. If its not white flush that shit down the toilet

make her get an abortion lol

Are your and her parents around to help take some of the responsibility? How much money do you guys have saved between you? Is your relationship with your girl a strong one? I’m anti abortion but I’m not going to condemn you I just think you should exhaust all possibilities why it would work in your mind. Also, realize the joy that comes from parenting is something that just can’t be understood until it’s experienced and from an evolutionary and biological perspective, it’s basically our duty in life

your own fault dumbass. should have worn a condom

is this real

Are you a nigger?

Murdering your own child always results in Divorce

She will not be able to understand it but she will feel it definetely
Her hatred to you

A reliable man is supposed to protect the wife and his kids, not kill them

Altho if you are black or muslim you should definetely abort it
and get yourself vasectomi

> my white gf

If you are not white, spare this child a lifetime of non-acceptance. If you are white: we would not be having this conversation.

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No you didn't. You're a faggot incel who felt like role playing on Jow Forums. Fuck off, idiot.

kinda felt the same before I had kids
now I have four, the best thing i ever did

why didn't you use a condom for god sake!!! it's easy, now you will have to live with the consequences

Uf you were to lazy to but a condom on your dick, deal with it. Put the kid up for adoption. There are a lot of ppl who want to raise kids in a stable home. Just don't murder baby's man.

Should have thought of that before you got her pregnant.
Now you have to decide whether you'd like to carry the burden of having murdered your unborn child the rest of your life or take responsibility for your own lack of forethought.

go ahead loser. No one wants your genes to pass. My friend did it and in the short term he really wanted it. Ling term now, as we all grow up I see him for what he is.
A pussy who killed his own daughter

>living with the fact that you were responsible for an abortion for the rest of your waking and sleeping life

I had an oopsie kid with a mother of 3 who moved back to California and her ex husband is paying child support for my kid as well as his other 3 and there's no father on his birth certificate.

I contributed to the white race and dont need to pay the consequences of being a parent. Still have a savings fund for him though.

another clever anti-abortion thread from the Conservative policy institute

been pushing these threads for weeks, hope you're getting your money's worth

Does pol approve aborting nigger rape babies?

lol your worse than a nigger.KYS

no im white

lel you are worse than a nigger now kys

Jow Forums approves of nigger death in all forms

Get your shit together and BE ready. You have, what at least 6-7 months to sort your shit out. Buckle down, git gud, and raise a proper human being.

Nice bait thread retard. Abort yourself.

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Yes, kill yer spawn and by all means KYS

You can make it work user. Plenty of great fathers are thrown into the job. You have a chance to create a person and raise them. This is an awesome responsibility and something you should be proud of and grateful for. Remember, not all couples are fortunate enough to have children. One day you will look into your child's eyes and not be able imagine life without them. It won't be easy. Nothing worthwhile ever is. However, you have this chance, this wonderful opportunity, to do something that really matters. Chances like this sometimes come only once in a lifetime user. Take it. Become a father. You'll love it. You will feel overwhelmed at times. Just keep in mind that plenty of people have done it before you.

You stupid fuck. Contraception is so easy to use. You should have to live with the consequences of your choice. You couldn't be bothered to wear a condom huh? It just doesn't feel as good huh? If you have an oopsie, you can just kill it huh?

You are scum.

Is there any kind of nefarious objective behind being anti abortion cuz I can’t think of one. Not a race obsessor like a lot of this board

People fought in wars and raised kids through famines, pestilences and natural disasters, but you want to murder a child because you're too much of a coward to take responsibility for where you stick your own dick. Just think about that for a moment.

It would preferably eutanized after birth
safer for the mother

Take responsibility for your actions you worthless fuck.

>already married
>not ready for a kid
You're ready for a kid. Kids are, no joke, the easiest god damn things in the world to raise. If they weren't we'd have gone extinct a long time ago.
>but that's just "survive" I want my kid to be the best
Feed them, change them, make sure they stay warm and get sleep. Read to them. It's not hard. When they're older you just make sure they're eating healthy foods. If you want to get fancy start a college fund early. It will be a couple years before you need to worry about anything more than that and by the time that happens you'll be more than ready to handle it. As for an argument to dissuade you, presumably some day you'd want a planned child. Every time you look at them you'd realize you murdered their brother/sister out of ignorance in your youth. That's the kind of guilt you'd never be able to let go of.

Do it, your genes are weak anyway. All fields.

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Are you white?

you have no choice. pucker up buttercup you will pay for the child one way or another if she decides to keep it.

You will be fine, many people have kids when they're not ready and they manage to make it work.
If you don't get this child now there's a good chance you will never "be ready" and just have a childless life.
One of the reasons not to abort is because you are murdering a human being. Are you a murderer?

Also, the "not ready" excuse is a meme. Plenty of amazing people have been raised by parents who were "not ready". Your finances are less important in raising a good child than you being a decent person. You live in the US. You have opportunities available to aid you financially. That is not a valid excuse to extinguish a life.

From a secular perspective you have to think, is life worth living? When you wake up every day, do you kill yourself, or have a cup of coffee? If you have that cup, then you understand at least on some level, that life is a beautiful thing that needs protecting. Every life has a positive impact on someone around it, to end it mindlessly is doing the world a great disservice. You'll never regret keeping a child, but that life withheld did make the world harder for someone. Wheter that someone is a lonely child who would have had a best friend, a girl missing her high school prom date. The child you have has an impact on the world, unwritten but wildly significant. To take it away is to hurt the world, it's selfish and unnatural.

someone has to fight for israel, who better than an amerimutt

>asks for advice why not abort
>it's murder
>nah that's not good enough fuck you I want to be a nigger with no responsibility

If you can't murder a 1 year old child because you cannot afford it then you can't murder a fetus. There is no argument otherwise if you think a human being has less value than a mole or wart you callous NPC piece of shit.

Your irresponsible act will not be solved by murdering the child. Own up to it and be a father. Stop playing video games and become a man.

The only argument for pro life is Christian.

Christians also believe the world is 10,000 years old...

Make your choice, user. Abort the fucker and call it a close call.

What if he thinks it's ok to murder a 1 year old?

Christians don't believe that the world is 10000 years old ..
They believe that the world has a start and an End
and it technically it does
with Big Bang -> Heat death of the universe

> make your gf have long term psychological and physical trauma with a possibility for her not to be able to have a children ever again because you can't man up and take the responsibility
Men are shit.

You're a moron, let her abort the baby.
If you're not responsible enough to choose any other contraceptive method besides the pull out, you're not fit to be a father anyway and we don't want your genes surviving the next generation.

grow the fuck up and take responsibility, you liberal manchild

you have a chance to have a child. don't blow it. who knows if you may ever have the chance again.

shit like this is..
1) why the white population is dwindling.
2) the reason for the single 45 year old cat lady.
3) ignorant as shit.

Yep. Okay. They don't believe in the Great Flood either, right? What do they believe? One day it is everything in the Bible which is infallible and the next its oh no no no we Big Bang now.

You kike lovers are holding us so far back.

Let there be light...

Getting an abortion or not getting one is not your choice to make. It is your gf's. Her body her choice. You can talk once you grow a uterus.

Women always depend on their men
She will take him keeping silent for a yes

You sound like a mysoginist incel. It is not the year 1900 anymore. Get with the times.

are you trying to be ironic ?
cause I love it :D
we are getting too hive minded here

> Cute young momy with nice legs, hips, ass and hair
> Cute baby
> Nice home

I want.

Kill yourself instead you bag of shit.

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Current Year!!!
Stop trolling for once leaf

What's your race? If the kid isn't white, kill it, please.

>acts like getting someone pregnant is like catching lightning in a bottle
>calls someone else ignorant


Also, white people have always been a minority. We don't need to outbreed anyone. We have superior tech and a sophisticated understanding of what it means to be human.

Get an abortion instead of raising a kid your not ready for that you will fuck up

Don't wait for a perfect time, because it doesn't exist. You'll be alright as a father, that you are questioning your ability to raise a child already puts you ahead of most people having kids.

Hi Tucker

You're literally a subhuman and should commit suicide if you can't raise a child. It's literally not that difficult.

you should have this conversation with your girlfriend - not us.

>give me your best pro life arguments to dissuade me
How the fuck is anyone going to convince you if you lack the empathy required to say to yourself "Hey, would I have wanted to be aborted?"

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maybe he would have
Leftists are more than happy for some self mutilation
They also take pride in their disabilities so this is not something new

based white bull forcing a cuck to pay for your genes

Just deal with it like a man, try to be a man.
Everything will fall into place as time goes on.
Don't worry about it all.

yes because all that materialistic shit is going to prevent your kid from becoming some wigger cumskin.

This. Before you know it you'll be in your mid thirties and the prospect of children starts to disappear.

>why shouldn't I get an abortion Jow Forums?
You should get many. Keep fucking your gf and getting her pregnant. After a few abortions you'll have your own Shakey's Pizza Restaurant.

Just kill it, who cares. It’s just a clump of cells. Also you don’t get any say in the matter. It’s your girlfriend’s body so it’s her choice.

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Scumbag prolife move: Convince her to keep it past the first trimester so its unabortable. Then say you cant do it and give it up for adoption. White babies get scooped up instantly. its 14 year old black niggers that noone adopts. Make sure to give it to a catholic adoption agency so no transfags pozz the poor thing.

/qa /b /bant
not /pol

because killing people because they are inconvenient is wrong
