Daily reminder

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Why in the fuck would anyone want to visit Spain?

this, don't come here

I never had any interest in flying for several hours to eat shitty food and watch a bunch of proto-spics taking naps. Catalonia is beter.

hey lets spend stupid amounts of money
to go to a place where people already live

Who goes to Spain lol

a lot of people and we want to stop that

I wanna immigrante to eSpange

Tourism is the stick propping up the corpse of the Spic economy why you want it to stop Spic?

Tourists go home
Criminal Muslim shitskins welcome

If their economy completely collapses they can finally have an excuse to rein in their commies and feminists.

The sluts. A simple hello in an American accent is enough for the best that whole peninsula has to offer.

>Ancestors work hard kicking muzzies out of their land, turning all the mosques into churches only to have their decendents invite them in
It's really sad. They just wanted you to have a decent country. Now you guys ruin it.

>Now you guys ruin it.
tourists already do it

ASSpain is the Africa of Europe

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From what I heard, lower-income Brits visit Spain because it's cheaper, sunny and nearby. That particular breed of tourist is infamous worldwide.

Somehow, ever since the Moors left, Spain has been a shithole.
They hate each other, want to secede from each other, are egoistic and greedy and completely blind to their own dependence on each other. They blow their own people up in vain hopes that this will somehow be seen as patriotic and revolutionary one day when the Basque country is established. The Catalans think just because they are rich they can fend for themselves and need no produce and work force and hospitals and emergency services from the other counties.

Spain is a beautiful country with ugly uncultured inhabitants that desperately need a new Arab razzia to rape some brains into them again.

Without tourists you only have donkeys left.

>Tourists who support and prop up our lazy ass economy = GO HOME

>Muslim and African migrants who rape, rob, cost taxpayer benefits = WELCOME

I am already at home

I love Spain for a cheap holiday, it’s a way to nab some nice weather, cheap food and feel superior to a lesser people. You know you’re a fucking lazy breed when you have to take a few hour nap during the workday.

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whatever you say, cousin of Hans

You should be begging for it. It’s one of your biggest job producers.

Spain was the main country on earth during a brief time during the Age of Discovery. And that happened long before the muzzies getting kicked out.

I've been to your country and the most fascinating thong to me was tiny to figure out how a nation of backward moorish rape babies was ever an empire. No wonder we dissolved your empire with barely a wimper.

Super pleb

Moors reigned for 900 years

you got your dates wrong

Seriously what is there in Spain other than nice locations to get totally wasted on cheap alcohol? How do you intend to make money otherwise cousin of Ronaldo?

I second this. The puss was almost white was easier to get than Angeles City, PH. Spanish women are cheap af.

>Seriously what is there in Spain other than nice locations to get totally wasted on cheap alcohol?
Totally agree
>How do you intend to make money otherwise cousin of Ronaldo?
try to improvate other productive sectors of the country,it's the best solution

>Why in the fuck would anyone want to visit Spain?
To appreciate muslim architecture.

umm... why would this even happen?
Any problem with chinks or rosbifs?

Write next to it: "Eventually we will, when we're done sightseeing. Otherwise we wouldn't be tourists, we'd be immigrants."

>What a shitty job producer
What a shitty country

>Any problem with chinks or rosbifs?
nah, they are alright

They will destroy latin america again
And it will be a good outcome

Then why?
Tourism is good income and tax-generator

Your country is a husk of niggers without tourists.

No, it generates poverty at least where i live in

>tourists go home
>refugees welcome

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Depends on the region, Poortugal was muzzie free by 1249, so was most of Spain.

Catalonia is better? Have you been to Barcelona you degenerate fuck?

Hawaiians say the same shit, but there state would totally collapse without tourism.

In 2015 tourism was like 7% of our economy, only in the last few years it went up to 10% or even 15% but at what cost?

It's literally a meme, everyone thinks half of our economy depends on tourism while we have a massive naval, pharmaceutical, textile, agricultural and motor (mostly pieces) industries. There are Zara's or Mango or other clothing stores everywhere in the world but nobody associates that with Spain. We build entire military fleets for countries like Saudi Arabia, but who thinks about that? It's better to believe that Spain is a cheap country with lazy people only good for tourism.

We could live without tourism but nobody is saying we have to stop tourism but change the model, we get extremely shitty tourism and we want to curb it, which is natural, we have self-respect, we prefer to be a bit poorer than be the trashcan of the first world.

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ppl go to Africa for holidays?

Portugal isn't Spain

nice circumvention of facts. inherited that from your circumnavigator ancestors?

tourists don't pay????
Or is it somr government sheningan?

its nice, so much more chill than visiting an american city

soon nigger soon

only if you stop accepting our sweet northern euro transfers

oftherwise deal is off

Then govt. should develop the environment for tourism.People go to farther reaches of earth to see the unseen and you are telling me that your country has nothing to offer?

You summed up Barcelona's politics pretty well actually

This is the worst industry that you could have in your country , it inflates the prices and housing rent


>But refugees are welcome (plus benefits)

>Europeans: Tourist coming to spend money in our countries GO HOME!!!
>Europeans: 3rd world vagabonds coming to beg for money and consume welfare are welcome!!!

I think they mainly mean British tourists who are awful drunks that puke and shit on the streets and start fights

Why do you fags keep saying this, we're talking about Spain. Although they are in the European Union they are far from being as cucked as the northern euros, and I assure you that the majority of them hate rapefugees as much as the next Jow Forumsack.

no police?

This thread is infested with crooked teeth pseudo saxons envious of their countries not being visited and our balconies killing their feeble minded manchildren by the bunch. Germ*ns, Angl*s and the rest of the jewish tribes permanently forbidden from talking on this thread

Can someone give me a quick rundown?

Euros hate money and spaniards HATE working.

Many many many Brits.

Idk,youd have to ask 75 million people

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Yeah, your well-known industries are enough to make you rich hahahahahaha

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I have never left my country, I have no reason to leave my country. My country is the second largest country in the world. You can fit all of Europe into my country. Why would I leave my country? I got a lot of my country to explore.

It's like you're begging to be a third world country lol


Span is europe's mexico.

Spain is our retirement home.

Learn your place.

I mean, 90% of your country is a frozen hellhole wich each region being indistinguishable from the other.

The left:
>how could you possibly object to other people coming to your country? they will stimulate your economy! what do you mean they will cause changes to your society? THAT'S RACIST YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO SAY THAT
Also the left:
>wahhh i don't want tourists, they're causing changes to my society!



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He is a retarded Spaniard, if that country had any critical thinking it would still be relevant today as opposed to 400 years ago.


this. Barcelona is the fucking worst.

what is the name of your naval military corporation??

ITT. Anglos talking about things they have no idea


An american would visit Spain to avoid getin shot

Spain is Britain's Florida

Could insert canadians for Brits as well

The entirety of Western Europe is just a tourist destination for Chinese and Americans.

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So they can experience getting stabbed or truck of peaced instead?

Probably a graffiti made by a far right personnel, not the left

capitalism destroys everything.
it destroys art
it destroys food
it destroys fashion
it destroys sports
it destroys borders
it destroys even your daily life
fuck capitalism.
partition of the usa now.

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I visited spain once. except for barcelona it was a complete waste of time. not awful, but boring and kinda squalid.

>90% of your country is a frozen hellhole

Are you stupid?

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thats not spain thats catalonia

The vast majority of your country is a useless frozen wasteland.

Also, the USA is larger than Canada when it comes to land area. Water area is basically fucking useless.

Also, the USA's land is much more usable than yours since, like I said, most of your country is a useless frozen wasteland.

Why did spain discover you

>Transplants telling tourists to leave.

>except for barcelona it was a complete waste of time
Barcelona is a shithole and the worst part of Spain

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See a bullfight?

that great lake peninsula is rightful american clay

I saw so many old English pensioners in Málaga it was crazy

Why the fuck would I ever leave #1?

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>Second most visited country in the world after France
>Top 3 best food in the world
"Yeah right who would go there im a retarded mutt i know better despite not leaving my town in my entire life"

wasn't it in spain where that American tourist got beat up protecting the woman from africans?

Navantia. Shit company as everything in this country. Talented engineers emigrate to serious countries.