How do we solve the Falklands territorial dispute?

Should we give it back like we did with other overseas colonial territory like Hong Kong, Singapore, and Burma?

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make more numberplates

>give it back
to fucking who? Argentina has zero right to it and the people there have zero interest in being handed over. You don't pass your belongings off to a passing stranger just because he says he wants them and they're nearby.

t. northern irish republican
falklands are british

Traitorous talk

They are yours. The people there want them to remain yours. If you need to give territory away because of distance then France might as well give us their Guiana first.

it should go to Argentina this is an awful precedent in a world where China is claiming the islands in the "South China Sea" that are nowhere near its shore

>Argentina claims lands that don't belong to it just because they're close
>China claims lands nowhere fucking near it just because they're in a sea named after china
>Britain handing over said territory will somehow reduce this

Britain saying "fuck you faggot it's fucking ours and until the people there say otherwise you aren't fucking having it" is the best approach to both situations. There are territories within the UK that shouldn't be part of it and which will likely leave it in our lifetime, the Falklands isn't one of them.

I've never understood why they could not just agree to divide the islands in half right down the middle. A British side, an Argentinian side.

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Why should you give them back? Falklands were british most of the time until the spanish captured them. The spanish held a minimal presence there for 22 years until Argentina became independent. A few years later, the british took it from the argentinians and held it to this day.
Please don't be idiot and don't even think of giving your clay to the argentinians.

Yes, that is what based Corbyn is proposing

It is solved

LOL! That's crazy. Oh well. Corbyn will never be prime minister.

>How do we solve the Falklands territorial dispute?
Vote Corbyn.

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how come Chile can't have it? they're pretty close too

They’re white and speak english. Plus it’s stragetically important.

Why would you give it back unless you’re an absolute cuck? Oh, wait, it’s the UK. That’s right.

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>give it back
Literally a 99% British territory
you are not getting that

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>The people that live there are British
>They voted to stay part of Britain
>Theres oil

No fucking chance of Argentina getting it

Because what is theirs is theirs. I dont want my country to tolerate theft.
How would you feel if some guy stole your wallet and start claiming it as theirs?

Argentina never owned the islands at any point in history

>What is the Argentine Confederation
>Who is Luis Vernet
>What is Uti possidetis juris

Key word is "owned" which they never did, they just put out a claim on them

it was solved the last time the brits turfed the argies out.

rightful british clay.

case closed.

>give it back
>implying that Argentina the meme country existed before the Falklands
kys faggot


Attached: Falklands-permanence.png (800x146, 5K)

What a cuck

>Should we give it back
t. Argencuck on holiday

Because the people there want to be British? Not everything is a map painting simulator like your video games.

Look at this graph, it actually proves the British should own it. The UK owned the Falklands before the Spanish did. If you want to give it to the “rightful” owner, I guess that’s France.

This. Make Argentines more buttmad than ever.

>Not everything is a map painting simulator like your video games.
Not everything on Jow Forums is meant to be serious

I support it, hardly anyone lives on the West side

Keep 'em. The people there speak English, are probably all white, why the fuck would you make them argentinean against their will? People in Argentina in general want the islands, they forget the hostilities initiated in 1982 were initiated by a military dictatorship, (bad bad mean military dictatorship that murdered marxists like it was a national sport). The vast majority of people here get all nationalistic about two fucking ice cubes of an island when the whole of the patagonian region --which is legitimately argentinian-- in fact belongs to super-rich politicians and foreigners. Fuck the Falklands, you can shove them up your arse as far as I'm concerned. If you want to give anything back to anyone, start by getting the Muslims out of your territories and back where they belong. Bleeding heart faggot.

>EU meme flag
>supports cuckery
Checks out.

lmao irish are literally white nigger keep sucking jewified anglo cock subhuman

also stop making this thread i see it every 2 weeks or so

>5 million chinks migrate to Cornwall
>They vote to become part of China
>UK naturally doesn't accept it
>"b-b-but the people want to be part of China"

What an idiotic argument. The islands were taken by force and had their population transplanted. They should go back to Argentina.

The islands weren't populated before the British got there.

i will never support an irish because they are a filth nigger race
