civnats in every thread. Major influx in redditors. This board is dead. Any white man looking for the truth should go elsewhere, more than half of the threads here are literally just bots/shills replying to each other.
Shills have exceeded actual posters
>board created NPC meme
>proceeds to parrot the same unoriginal talking points
>likely all fed to them via here/e-celebs/shitty books
there was nothing of value to begin with
>if you disagree with ethno-nationalism you're a shill
McKill yourself. This isn't an echo chamber. We don't have a unified platform.
Good riddance. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out, bitch. Anons who accuse everyone of disagreeing with them as shills are the worst people on the board.
Jow Forums has always had a large civnat base.
That's why we supported trump in the first place.
Stormfag ideology has historically been only a small but vocal minority.
> we
JIDF are not people.
>shitty books
everything i know i learned from reading beat generation literature
>Shills have exceeded actual posters
It's been like it for years. Getting the shills to use your memes to shill, is thus the only way to win.
This board has been pure shit for years, e everybody is a retarded NPC who whorship celebrities, authority figures, the gov't and the corporations, they adopt failed philosophies that don't make any sense and yet they see themselves as freedom fighters.
>Jow Forums has always had a large number of shills.
fixed it
Sadly, there is nowhere else to go. Ironically, OP might be a shill, he has only posted once
Honestly there's less shills here now than there was 6 months ago
the only option is to fight back
True, and many of them were stormfags
haha! I was referring to how often you hear "think for yourself and read Evola!"
fuck off
>Any white man
>1 post by this ID
It's probably literally this. There's a few trolls running around but I think the jews gave up
the election is in less than a month. this is normal. the payout is on nov 6 when we collect their salty tears
Jow Forums was literally made to be a containment board for stormfags. It's the only reason some of the global rules don't apply here.
>muh shills
t. npc
>he doesn't actually know what a shill is
Fucking hell
You better believe in shill threads, you're in one
t. stormfag
i was telling you about myself. beat generation writers encapsulate the "spoiled rotten liberal kike" meme perfectly
ah, I see, so your education came from reading about beat authors and running the opposite direction, I thought we were unironically about to have Kerouac poetry slam
Oh that's what's going on. Well Ill just say it, the happening is going to happen soon. This is a mass effort to distract and destroy networks of communication. Its time to prepare for war.
>because Jow Forums is a board of peace
It's just a blackpill kind of Friday.
we live in the kali yuga era of pol
You're either a nationalist or you're not. Civic nationalism is the opposite of nationalism.
Autism must not be allowed to hit critical mass anymore. It takes the wrong people at the right time to make the lulz happen, and oftentimes it costs the people targeted dearly.
They can't stop it, just slow it down.
>That's why we supported trump in the first place
From what i can tell many here wanted to accelerate SHTF by voting him, plus he wasn't Clinton.
t. lurker
>That's why we supported trump in the first place
NPC confirmed