So all candidates in the upcoming election are shit. Should I not vote at all or choose the best lier and then get shat on when it turns out he lied? The choice is between crypto commies, proud commies and pro lgbt liberal fags...
So all candidates in the upcoming election are shit...
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no, user.
those aren't all of your choices.
you can do anything you want; if you don't like the candidates, then kill them (with kindness).
anyone who wants to, and is willing to deal with the consequences, can reach out and touch anyone else's heart (with kindess).
be the change you want to see in the world.
You vote for the furthest right party that has the best chance of winning.. So if that happens to be cuckservatives then you vote for cuckservatives. Don't throw away your vote on a fringe party
Oh no. Are you the same pole who boils potatoes?
I'm switching to boiled meat and white cheese for now. Still have some onions left.
That is disgusting, user.
It keeps me alive and healthy.
I just spent 37 USD on food for my girl and I, how much could you eat with that on your diet? Convert to Zloty or whatever
If all candidates suck. Go the accelerationist route.
>my girl
she ain't gonna be your girl for long bitch
how do you live like that bro? I’m jelly as fuck.
37 bucks a week or month? I spend at least 100 bucks a week on food. But then again I live in Commiefornia where everything is expensive as shit.
Why so much Cebula?
I've never boiled meat or onions. Interesting. I like boiled sausage and mustard but boiled meat is that like a polish thing to do?
That's like 137 PLN.
It's enough for veggies alone.
If want to stick to meat and onions I would need 246 PLN. Sadly pig meat is expensive. Of course this assumes eating meat every day. I can fit into 37 dollars eating meat every second day. Average price of 1kg of offal and 0.5kg of pig meat is around 6.20. Onions are around 2 pln per kg. You have room to spare and some planning.
It's time to finish onions before they go bad.
onions are good for you and longevity.
every time i see a picture of boiled dinners there is a polish flag above it, is this a polish thing or are you the same user constantly posting your shitty food?
that chosnek not cebula.
post pics of finished product.
iktf breh I’m in Cali too and this place is bullshit
if you are a womyn learn to fucking make food.
ffs I am a man, I go up in the forest, I get pike then I use plants such as "bruse" to make a really good meal. that cost me nothing, because I refuse to pay the fishing card......
while you city skank go on, on how much of these city shit you can somehow make into food. it's disgusting, missleading and please stop.
food is in nature, not a supermarked checkout, cost it 10 cents or 10 dollars, same shit, you are your own fool, you are not free, you are lying to your self
sorry I have seen you for atleast 6 months, but I think you would like the truth. you are lying to your self with this
◄ Genesis 2:17 ►
but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die."
translation for you faggots, FUCK BOTH SIDES.
Too late. Talk politics. It was delicious. My secret ingredient is salt.
this. I once went into the woods and collected shit loads of boletus mushrooms camping. We basically filled the entire bag and then fried them in a pan on a campfire. It's such a fond memory of mine. Wish I could do it more often. Unfortunately I live in LA and driving out into the woods takes forever.
Technically boiled food is healthier than pan fried
You nogga retarded? I can't make food in the center of the 1 million people city, fool. You go get my food and I will exchange my services for it.
Everyone should stop frying and baking anything with carbohydrates.
learn how to fucking make food
I was raised in povery, you have all the means of a modern world and you piss me off. I didn't even have a water closet I had to go poop in a gas chamber and that is not even funny, water from a well
Protip : drinking hot tap water helps you save on tea.
I fucking hate mushrooms, but I guess you can eat them I don't know english words, but like steinsopp and so... I can't stomache it though none of it
pro tip, having a good well and put silver or copper into the water you have pure water with minerals.
"tap water" kys
I live next to a graveyard. Well would literally kill me.
this is the kind of mushrooms you should find right now, people will pay you for this
don't eat them though, you will find them always at grave yeards... yes it's creepy... it's like your ancestors want to eat them.... but don't it's pretty heavy this is what the bersherks did... and they first grow after the first night of frost which have been
it's not like these american psyllablalbla or what it's called it's that shit too, but it will make you really aggro. the bersherks used those so what do you think....
I like you
I'm not a drug addict. Destroyed liver costs extra money.
I agree with the food thing.. But I have to ask.. are you that Shrek guy that bought Mad Max and live in a hole under that polish guys house? With the onion in a cage?
not me