>She's only doing this to become famous and release books, making millions!
>completely disappears from public life
The people that made this prediction will NEVER admit that they were wrong.
She's only doing this to become famous and release books, making millions!
this. literally nothing to gain.
>completely disappears from public life
because they have no more use for her dumbass
Can you see how there's no way that you're wrong? And how that's obviously an absolutely idiotic way to go about logic?
Nice strawman you got there faggot.
Hope that cuntwhore is dead
A good grifter always leaves town.
Didn t she make like half a million just from the public donations? Also she probably got more than that behind the closed doors to even make all of this up.
So nobody ever said that?
>probably = actual verifiable proof
Don't be an idiot.
she's hardly gonna be showing up on the fucking view right now
The timing was suspect as hell. It was a pitiful distraction and stall tactic from the Democrats. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together realizes this.
She disappeared because even democrats didn't believe her lying ass. Maybe they thought she was legit. She got torn apart out there and they aren't going to support a living-walking failure. All it does it remind people that democrats are failing around the country, in law, and in social politics
Definitely not a last ditch effort from a woman who knew the true character of a man that was going to help rule the country for the rest of his life. Instead, it's just another tactic of the ENEMY, THE EVIL OTHER SIDE.
Prove it.
Nobody said it was to get famous. But she did already make a million dollars.
Yeah mate because there wasn t anyone behind her, not even the dems! Prove to me that she didn t get any money from it ... .
She already made millions
You can't write a book in two weeks
Only completely disappeared because MSM has moved on.
Remember the parkland shooters? Remember the imprisoned children? MSM finds a new narrative and moves the fuck on
She made enough money from gofundme to not need to write her shitty book. Also the ones who predicted she would write a book are literally retarded as there is no memory to write from
>collects near 1 million from gofundme
>just disappears and didn't do it for the money
>But she did already make a million dollars.
>Prove to me that she didn t get any money from it ... .
>She already made millions
>She made enough money from gofundme to not need to write her shitty book.
That makes her smart.
Are you retarded. She had one, obvious aim here: to stop Kavanaugh's appointment. That's all there was and is to it. Not money, nor fame, or anything else. It was a political ploy.
>Christine Ford
>ever existing
fucking newfags
You are dangerously easy to manipulate. Where do you live? I want to come and convince you why it’s only right that I should fuck your mother
Huh? We predicted well ahead of time that as soon as Kavanaugh was confirmed, you'd never hear about Ford again.
If she, or the Democrats ACTUALLY cared about this supposed "rape", there's no way they'd let that go like that.
did you not see the gofundme that was raised for her? for what exactly was it raised?
her reasons were purely political and financial. Otherwise she would still be proceeding with this rather than dropping it the way she did.
It makes her cunning, and morally bankrupt, not smart. Anybody can be a piece of fucking shit for simple gains.
I live in your asshole. It's very spacious.
>implying Kavanaugh isn't going to be impeached sometime in the future
yeah alright chap
I'm sure she just gave all that GoFundMe money back
Niggas just sage the fag, mass replies and the one who makes em need to be purged out of this world!
So you are a piece of shit. I knew it.
STOP being SUCH a FUCKING loser!
>Gained nearly $1 million from crowdsource websites
>book deal worth nearly $2 million
Really makes you think.
A woman ... prove it. Checkmate
Fuck of Sam
Ford looks like she drank a shit load more beer than kavanaugh. Look at that weathered face.
she was literally paid a million dollars for a false testimony she hasn't been arrested for.
Nice try though
How retarded are these liberals? Every time they try to make a point they expose how fucking stupid they are.
Nah, I'm sure someone somewhere said it. Some also said she was that fat fuck female comedian in disguise. Some said she didn't even exist and the woman at the hearing was a doppler. But most of all people said that she would disappear afterwards and you'd never hear from her again, because she had served her purpose (and failed), and was no longer needed. That last is what most people here were actually saying, basically everyone, yet you're just picking one of the lesser claims that some randoms probably made n a thread or two so that you can make your faggot arguments against it instead. Whatever works, kill yourself, etc. etc.
Babylonian whores will die with the boomer witches who birthed such sinspawn. No losses in the game. Sword, pen, fire. The test of time is not rock n roll destiny nor is it paper fiat producers of pedo puppet pageants of sodomite faggotry. The scissors cant cut a lefty check to bounce reich. The time is everlasting.
Life is worth its faith and deeds of which hers are nonexistant to a judges resume pale shadow woman is a cancer fleeting till death. No more.
Also > bethesda
Aka cia 60s suburbia disturbia of aylmao
Really hotwires my hippocampus.
>she hasn’t been arrested for
Wait a minute... this is an EXCELLENT point. She literally engaged in high level political meddling with zero evidence. I’m but a humble phoneposter, can we try to start a petition or something asking donald trump to prosecute her on grounds of treason or something. I am so fucking sick of letting these goddamn dirty demonrats constantly getting away with this shit! We NEVER have an honest debate about anything if CBF doesn’t get prosecuted for this.
>"completely disappears from public life"
2 weeks..