Alas, your moderators seem to have deleted the previous attempt so i will ask once more.
What are your thoughts on the influence of beings outside your realm specifically on your political sutuations and leaders.
Whether you refer to them as aliens, demons, gods, angels, interstellars.martians, ayy lmaos or whatever terminology you decide.
Do you believe they have impact and in what way?
Exo-Political Questions
Other urls found in this thread:
Wrong board faggot /x/ is that way
Oh, they are among us, as a matter of fact, they are so subversive that we had to get rid of them, so we gassed them, sadly we didnt finish the job.
I have already consumed the mass esence of x.
My intention now is to analyse the political dynamic and this area is best suited for that purpose.
Kek what a way to turn this into a pol friendly thread
The book of Enoch is true.
The Watchers and their offspring are a plague on actual humans.
I’m glad you’re done larping as an alien
Fuck off space nigger, we're full.
tell me everything you know about Ur and Saahld
Do you believe that they were influenced by forces beyond or do you believe they initiated, orchestrated and implemented all their goals from within.
The offspring would have been giants, with certain unique physical attributes. The seed of the forbidden union would be easier to identify
pls abduct me. im tired of living as a human. i know deep down that im an alien
pls be my ayy lmao gf
The greys are not welcome on Earth.
Grey lives do not matter.
Can you send one of your galactic Jews to abduct me, I'm fucking miserable here
You have to go back
They’re gonna probe your little boipucci
dont be a hater. im the whitest guy on pol, but im actually a space alien
As i previously stated, i have no desire or need to infringe on your physical space. My thirst is only for knowledge and i will depart once it is quenched.
Humanity enslaved itself, The invasion happened long ago and was much more subtle than you seem to expect. The beast is already within.
are souls or anything meta physical real? instead of helping humans you are going to shitpost in Jow Forums of all places? take me with you or this is a larp
>Humanity enslaved itself, The invasion happened long ago and was much more subtle than you seem to expect. The beast is already within.
nothing new to me, give me some intel please!
Just trust me on this.
>The offspring would have been giants, with certain unique physical attributes. The seed of the forbidden union would be easier to identify
Not all of their offspring were or are giants, many of their offspring look like humans but are pure evil nonetheless.
imo, they have been piggybacking any successfull society, supposedly for 200 years now.
They are easy to spot nontheless, their behaviour has been memed through history for thousand of years.
first they approach you in a friendly manner, but don't get too excited, they just want something from you, if you give them what they want, you will get a "fuck you" as a reward, everytime.
If you dont give, they first threaten you, then slander you and take your wealth while bending the law.
It's hard to notice when it's happening to you, but you can spot it easy when it's happenning to other people, dont be shy, name the alien, let other people know, stay united and you will prevail once they burnt all of their cards.
You're a fucking mutt, look at all those ethnicities.
i meant 2000 yeas, not 200
a white mutt. more dna variance is better. im the best of every one of those countries instead of some inbred white nigger
No comments on if aliens are real or not.
In science fiction, the Stargate SG-1 TV series did a great job of depicting aliens on modern day earth.
Are jews aylmaos? It would explain why human laws never seem to matter to them, and how they more often than not outperform the goyim
Thoughts can become reality. Transcendental alchemy
Be careful what you wish for, you just might summon it.
I am not one of the greys
BTW, if you get "Comet" tv station, an alien centric SG-1 episode is on tonight at 8pm EST.
Not quite ayyys, the fallen angels are not aliens in the popular sense, they are what would be more accurately considered extra-dimensional, their offspring are among Jews, but not all Jews, though Jews don't care enough to remove them so the point is academic until the humans among Jews repent and follow Jesus.
First we deal with the heretics then we take care of the ayy lmaos brother.
>Thoughts can become reality. Transcendental alchemy
ive noticed a lot of weird coincidences that happen based off my thoughts. can you explain what it all means tho? how can each of us control reality? if thats true how come aliens didnt abduct me yet when i spend nearly every day looking at the stars wishing to meet them
what major events will unfold by the end of this year?
Well, if we could stop such a force, i would only object to stopping it if they really did have good intentions for humanity, or at least view as as things that deserve compassion. I would say equals but we most likely would be inferior to these beings. I would see them as brothers in life, we would finally have something else to talk to other then our-selfs. The things we could learn and the possibility for a better life is a real thing with this. Yet if we look at history, the inferiors are often snuffed out, so fear is a factor. As long as we aren't snuffed out or enslaved. It could only be good for us right?
>how come aliens didnt abduct me yet when i spend nearly every day looking at the stars wishing to meet them
it doesnt work like that. and i have no affiliation to the jew.
yes there is more than the physical
I am simply here to gather random knowledge. I have no jurisdiction beyond that. I only give tidbits of information to stimulate feedback from you and create a quid pro quo situation.
You are looking for answers from without. you should first find balance and truth within. when the time is right and you are jdged worthy, then floodgate will be opened for you.
The differences were much more obvious as opposed to the variance today. If the old deviants were allowed to exist organically, Humanity as you know it today would have been wiped out.
you were going to tickle my sense of humor by saying 200 years. 2000 years is still a funny joke. think more young one.
Who was Christ's father?
Does the Jew work for Satan? Who is Satan?
if my thoughts influence reality, they would be the good aliens who abduct me
>yes there is more than the physical
I am simply here to gather random knowledge. I have no jurisdiction beyond that. I only give tidbits of information to stimulate feedback from you and create a quid pro quo situation.
i would literally be your slave just to see space. its bullshit aliens havent contacted me yet, even just to manipulate me. im sick of physical reality, i hate having to eat. this world isnt meant for me. im about to suicide any day now just to see whats on the other side, i hope it wont be a mistake but it seems like my only destiny now
What are we in your eyes?
Wolves howling at the moon, a beautiful sight to behold.
In ancient times, there was a group of humans who believed they could leave the earth by travelling east or north until they reached the edge of the world. The results of their attempts are quite interesting. You seem to be a spiritual descendant of theirs.
I am here to gain information from you, not give you foretellings. so far i fear this eems like a one sided exchange. suffice to say a minor war will erupt soon. it's ramifications will be felt during the next solar revolution, but the stage has already been set.
No aliens have visited this planet. No human has ever been in the presence of or communicated with an extraterrestrial life form. All UFO sightings are either hoaxes, misinterpretation of natural phenomenon, conventional aircraft or, much much rarer but still plausible, government black projects. Case closed.
>The differences were much more obvious as opposed to the variance today.
I am aware.
>If the old deviants were allowed to exist organically, Humanity as you know it today would have been wiped out.
None of the deviants should have been allowed to exist, it was a sin of Israel to not finish their mission to kill them all.
>think more young one.
Oh, you either have a demon taking you for a ride or are one of them, poor bastard.
Reminder that the judgement revealed by Enoch stands.
>I am here to gain information from you
then ask questions
For the user's in this thread, the Earth is quarantined, it's blocked off and no one gets on or off.
The cringe Satanic stuff the elite partake in (cannibalism, sacrifice, adrenochrome) seem to be mimicry to the whole Reptilian people. The same people seem to be situated from Orion/Sirius as all the iconography matches to that.
The galactic politics is a bit more strained than that though with Earth included.
>In ancient times, there was a group of humans who believed they could leave the earth by travelling east or north until they reached the edge of the world. The results of their attempts are quite interesting. You seem to be a spiritual descendant of theirs.
im going to take that as a compliment. can you tell me more? id be willing to try nearly anything to gain "ascension" or whatever you want to call it
what knowledge are you after, friend?
the one i saw was nearly 9ft tall
had green hairy skin
big black eyes
but was good
its like he/she was checking up on me
looking over me
i havnt seen it in a few months now
but it shows up whenever things seem to be going wrong
i stopped being afraid of it years ago
it seems to think of me as its kid or something
i dont know what else to say
Who is the god of the Old Testament? Is he an evil space nigger? Is the god of the New Testament different?
>You are looking for answers from without.
not really, just putting puzzle pieces together.
How about we cut the bullshit and you just simply drop some truth bombs about those evil ayys.
i re-read your original message and to answer that: the majority of people do not believe aliens or metaphysical beings exist at all. we believe everything is how it seems, and our scientists are so arrogant they think they have figured everything out already. they are wrong though, not all of us are that stupid. i dont not believe in the heat death of the universe. free energy will exist somehow.
I believe if they’re around, they have a completely unfettered view of the evil our “leaders” engage in on a global scale and have full knowledge that the average citizen is brainwashed and knows nothing about any of it. So they take that knowledge and STILL decide to interact with “leadership” that’s crooked, oppressive, and evil instead of going directly to the citizens.
Point being is they’re fucking evil.
You never start a sentence with also
>You never start a sentence with also
or what?
Ethiopian jew detected
Good job giving your dna to the kikes
You have failed miserably as a race to efficiently co-exist with other humans differnt from you, Even within those subgroups there is great imbalance and sadness.
What chaos do you think would emerge if a truly different race of phyhical beings chose to interact with you?
There is a South African parody film among you of the results.
Or you will come across as a moran
they have my DNA from my time in the us navy, so it would be stupid to care
Free energy is implicit in existence. Think about how your thoughts emerge or where they come from.
If you look into the center of the sun there's nothing there. If you take a look at how light interacts with a magnet there's nothing at the center. If you could look at the very center of an atom you might see there's nothing there either.
There's something that is able to propagate out of nothing, in fact dynamos are a free-energy machine, it's just that you have to turn it instead of using the already dynamic electric fields.
>Or you will come across as a moran
thats your opinion though, and no one care about your opinion.
>What chaos do you think would emerge if a truly different race of phyhical beings chose to interact with you?
humans were meant to be rules. hyper advanced aliens who could kill us with their minds would only make us better off
They Live!
Read Odom's manifesto, learn their gives.
>Free energy is implicit in existence. Think about how your thoughts emerge or where they come from.
our thoughts could be powered by the calories in the food we eat. dont use a wrong example to "prove" other things
I give you a 3/10 for larp
No Moran
Thank you for your service but that sucks they have your genetic code bro you might as well just get microchiped now
>Free energy
It is real, I have seen a bulb glow cold.
Your thoughts do not come from your brain. The brain is an interface between the soul and the body.
If they were merely powered at a biochemical level then you'd have no access to the spontaneity of thought.
All those names you have given are human derived terms to attempt describing vastly abstract concepts. I could give you a thousand different answers and they would all have some truth.
The real names are important.
Suicide would be a mistake. and even if you chose that trajectory, their is a vast sleep and emptiness. You would ultimately regret it.
An experiment.
>Suicide would be a mistake. and even if you chose that trajectory, their is a vast sleep and emptiness. You would ultimately regret it.
thank you, i wont do it then. but i could really use some guidance on what i should dedicate my life towards
The majority of humanity would begin simply going insane. Committing atrocities to one another, I fail to believe we would even be capable of stopping the influence or disrupting. Our technology would not hold up. These beings would be far more advanced then us based on the fact we are incapable of visiting them yet they can visit us.
If they are like us, we would simply be exterminated. At no point have we ever stopped doing that.
>An experiment.
ive had a lot of dreams where i was told by aliens that they would save me from dying because im an experiment of theirs and they dont want me to die until some test is completed. is that somehow true? can you tell me whats being tested? id literally want to help them
Was Hitler trying to save humanity from fallen angels?
Moran is an old joke from the conspiracy theory discussion forums that were popular in the 90s and early 00s.
alot of those are transferring energy wirelessly and arent free energy. i believe free energy will be real though
>Your thoughts do not come from your brain. The brain is an interface between the soul and the body.
>If they were merely powered at a biochemical level then you'd have no access to the spontaneity of thought.
can y ou explain why you believe that? wouldnt you have to be a god or something to know that?
Tesla's fundamental discovery is that there is a massless fluid that permeates all of reality and that what we know of as electricity is a linear motion in this fluid and what we know of as magnetism is a vortex motion in this fluid.
Wave forms can be generated with peaks higher than the sum of their parts, this fluid varies in density based upon the local conditions and can be concentrated and then harvested to generate excess electricity, the wireless component of his work was based on his discovery that certain waveforms could be projected to particular places and times without the inverse square law affecting the power because they essentially left real space for the duration and distance of travel.
Read Tesla's lecture "On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena", it is an astounding discovery and it has been suppressed because it threatens those who want to control and enslave mankind.
I haven’t seen Stargate in forever; how did they have them interact?
Because you can induce the soul to leave the body. All you have to do is let the body fall asleep and keep yourself conscious.
I want to fuck an alien girl.
i was thinking about that recently. i was thinking about how gravity waves can propagate through space, and they move like a wave through a fluid. space itself is a fluid right? sapce time cant bend unless it actually is something
crowley did all kinds of drugs yet were supposed to believe the guy saw some extra dimensional entity. and all i see is a pic of 'lam' so what the fuck is lam and what does he do.
The aliens are working with our government and have worked out deals where we get fiber optic and nanotechnology, basically the equivalent of beads to them, in exchange for biological material. We are already the the subordinates of the space jew.
I hope your wish is granted, and that you live to speak the tale in a dying shitpost.
They aren't that pretty.
>in exchange for biological material.
all human components can be replicated easily. they can take our cells and grow them in vats if they wanted. and why would they need to ask our government? it has to be more than that, something they need that cant be replicated
I will tell of my tale when I have at least achieved a harem of +5 alien girls.
Coexist among them like you've done with arabs, asians, and blacks.
Intresting perspective. does this theory of yours hold if the labels like aliens, extraterestial life, or UFOs.are replaced with the concept of simply forces outside your horizon.
do you believe the vast space of the cosmos is devoid of life expect on your on planet?
And regardless of the negatives of humanity, do you believe the perfect balance of your planet is simply a result of chaos or non sentient forces.?
Have you ever spoken to Enoch? and do you know his true significance.
It is "quarantined" as you stated but their are "gateways" in and out. Hman means are obviously nowhere near enough to reach these gateways but there are ways to access them with the assistance from others. These gateways give access to other dimensions, other spaces or other times.
Your tree still needs deeper roots before it can withstand the tempest
in layman's terms, your random opinions
They have science now. The nephilim of today look exactly like a normal human being, to the untrained eye. Look for blondes males with very little in the way of facial follicles, they have the angelic fairness in the face.
>Suicide would be a mistake. and even if you chose that trajectory, their is a vast sleep and emptiness.
Why would this be the case if there’s souls? Is the soul but an essence and there is no afterlife? Or do you mean because suicide “condemns you to Styx”
All I know is that they were supposed to be able to take a few hundred people once and instead have taken tens of thousands. They didn't honor the specifications of the deal and have taken much more than they were supposed to. Thousands of missing people and electrogravitic technology in the hands of a few because of the space jew.
There are no other dimensions, spaces or times user. They're all uniform.
yeah i'd really enjoy having a conversation with an alien. i feel like i would learn a lot, i would definitely feel inferior tho.