Good humor is impossible today. The only things that don’t offend people are trannies and buttfucking
Based Steve Carrell
Other urls found in this thread:
today's climate is mostly about how hard white men can get fucked over and that's the primary demographic that can relate to office "life"
so yeah
either make a high-level show called "the market" for kikes or "the farm" with mexicans or "the corner store" with niggers
the 40 year old virgin would be a lot more hostile towards his character if made today. he was almost sympathetic a decade ago (his reasons for being a virgin being a series of unfortunate sexual mishaps and awkwardness mixed with lack of motivation)
Not sure if Steve is unironically based but at least he isn’t a Jew
Scare quotes around "climate". Here it comes. They've targeted him for some reason.
>put "climate" in quotes to prove Carell's point
Way to disenfranchise a whole generation of xermedians shitlord fascist nazi rapist
He's right and I don't understand or respect these sellout comedians who jump on the outrage bandwagon and damage their meal ticket long term to gain short term sjw brownie points
Seinfeld made the same observation about his observational humor would offend butthurt socjus children who wouldn't be able to stand observational jokes told at their expense. Plus he certainly wouldn't have gotten away with Soup Nazi, one of the most famous characters he ever created.
but actually seinfeld is jewish
i raise you they absolutely could not make that movie now.
>Shalom, I would like to apply for a loan
Such a great show
Yeah because Rainn Wilson has a NGO in Haiti and traffics, fucks, kills, and eats children.
Tranies and butt sex offends me
Don't call it a grave. It's what you shilled for, Steve.
>40-year-Old Incel
>awww man I’m a woman!?!
Being a 40 year old virgin is basically being a rapist.
If you want to get cancer, read the fucking comments.
Why is she so damn cute?
so he's admitting he's had racist and sexist behavior in the past. basically a rapist
I'm only a casual on Jow Forums and I swear to God, each visit, I see a new "celebrity" that behaves like this. What the fuck?
wait do you count as an incle if you never tried
Watching a white guy get shot by two other White guys is fuckin hilarious.
for niggers
>the back of the line
Why do you think Taylor Swift for the first time ever used her following to push for a political candidate. She's probably a lesbian that was blackmailed.
The Office is immune, liberals love that shit. It has one of the most popular subreddits.
prove it
rambo probably got sideways pussy in his green beret days
disproved by snopes my dude, try again
>Based Steve Carrell
who the fuck cares what an actor thinks ever?
srsly kill yourself
>try my gookie gookie!
It’s ok user, pizzagate is fake and your government is fighting hard for your interests.
Of course the black guy had black of his head.
Humor has taken a beating. I was talking about this with some friends once and I mentioned I know a relevant joke that I shouldn't say in front of women (it jokes about marriage). One of the friends, a biological woman who goes by neutral pronouns, said "oh but I'm not a woman." When did this anti biology take off?
shoo shoo slimey limey
He's not a true /ourguy/ like Mel or Vince but he's in the category of pseudobased with Mark Wahlberg and Chris Pratt. Jon Krasynksi too
Chris pratt? Fuck off he supported that fucking pedo who directed guardians
He throats kike dick so deep he gags in yiddish
Michael Scott is basically Trump if he got an office job
I tried watching the show again but with the planking meme and dated culture references it didn't age really well.
40 year old incel
I was so disgusted to learn she dated James Gunn irl
Yeah fuck that, I'd be more upset as the show isn't even 15 years old and it's another reboot.
Yes that's precisely the definition.
He's 100% right.
>when the thread is about how leftists are no jokes allowed nofun faggots and then some nu/pol/tard proves the other side has the same faggots on it's team
a comedy set on a huge farm with different areas growing various produce and raising livestock, and featuring plenty of characters, doesn't sound like a bad idea, user.
>boss is a straight white male
>main couple (Jim and Pam) are both white
>Pam doesn't get blacked at all during the series
>they don't even adopt black kids at the end
>Mindy Kaling (I forget the name of her character) never becomes the boss
>Dwight is an "incel" seeming dude
>not. one. single. tranny.
>they made fun of Stanley (who is black) for being fat
Absolutely problematic. Not 2018 and not rainbowpilled.
Same with the inbetweeners. All the gay jokes, sexual stuff about women etc. The writer did an interview and basically said that you couldn't get away with that sort of stuff these days. What a shame, it was a great show.
This is the stupidest thing i have ever read
wow he looks old n shit. Is that the clooney guy?
>inb4 Carell gets #meetoo'd
Why would you be an incel (involuntary celibate) if you're not trying to get laid? How can your lack of sex be involuntary if you're not even making an attempt?
That's not to hard to believe
What other shows would not be made today? It’s been a while since I’ve seen it but I don’t think Reno 911! would have been made either (or would it? It was kind of degenerate if I recall, it’s been like 10 years though)
will they be farming beets?
>doing a movie where he beats up Nazis innhis makebeliev doll village and is protected by muh stronk womyn
wait so is the office actually redpilled and based? my girlfriend really wasn’t shilling shit tier normie trash to me this whole time?
shoo shoo slimey limey
are you unironically a jew? most of that isn’t funny at all it’s just degeneracy for shock value
Olympics of suffering right here
Trump is more like a smarter version of Robert California.
>"You don't even know my real name, I'm the fucking lizard king."
Sorry women and gays, The Office won't come back until the day you elect another Democrat, now get to work! Do it for Her! Do it for Jim and Pam!
well, duh that was the whole point of the joke, it wasn't because the writers were afraid, it was the actual joke, office wasn't really redpilled, but it was a good show, and it didn't try to pander to anyone, and it wasn't afraid to make uncomfortable jokes even if they were vanilla tier
They definitely could not do this show these days. The diversity day episode, Michael always making fun of Oscar being gay, and any of the jokes that they did about women throughout the show are just a few that come to mind that would immediately disqualify the show from being aired in current year.
Plus bitches would accuse jim of sexual harassment these days
it's le so randumb xD 2quirky4u shit, overall not worth watching but it did have some decent scenes
It's literally playing everyday on Comedy Central.
He was literally a cast member of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart dumbass.
He was on the Dana Carvey show before that.
shoo shoo slimey limey.
Shoo shoo slimey limey
shoo shoo slimey limey
Sopranos for sure. Tony was fucking b a s e d af. And he trolled his cunty sjw daughter meadow so that was funnay.
The red pill doesn’t go down smoothly newfagbro. Welcome.
why do normies like the Office so much?
It's not bad, not superb, but not bad.
why do white women seem to love this show so much?
Its all about people. There are plenty of relationship mini-dramas they eat up in between all the comedy.
Hollywood writers are putting out trash while this user is sitting on a gold mine
>the characters are all pretty likeable
>Michael, the main character is lovably dumb like Homer Simpson sans the traits of being a borderline alcoholic, etc.
>Jim an Pam are a sweet couple; Jim is a good guy beta who Pam eventually leaves her blue collar fiance for
>chicks seem to think the dude who plays Jim is really hot in my experience when talking to them about the show (evidently Emily Blunt agrees)
>there's a gay Mexican who isn't a total gay stereotype (as in: he's not one of those "HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" types)
>Dwight is very weird, kind of psycho yet also somehow quite a good guy; lots of good quotable lines for people to regurgitate
npcs love basic content
Only recently started watching it myself after so many of my friends recommended it to me.
Am pleasantly surprised at how funny and unrestricted it is. There are moments with too much cringe but the characters are well fleshed out.
Dwight's fucking lines are gold.
Muh feels and omg they're such a cute couple, I could totally see myself doing all these cute, quirky things at work! Omg Kevin we're just like them
shoo shoo slimey limey
Yeah it's genuinely pretty good. A lot of people here will shit on it, but they'll shit on anything. I will warn you, though, and it's a spoiler so stop reading here if you don't want it:
Arbitrary words here so that perhaps your eyes don't accidentally read the spoiler: once Michael leaves the show around season seven it goes downhill faster than an obese kid on a sled. So at that point you may just want to stop watching it. It's not zombie Simpsons-tier, but it gets rough.
This, would never even get past the pitch.