Remember when our president was smart and respectable, and not the dumbass degenerate we have today?

Remember when our president was smart and respectable, and not the dumbass degenerate we have today?

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Literally who?

HEY. Do NOT make fun of Donald Trump like that. He can't help how old, senile, flaccid, gullible, and lost he is.

Obama is gay

remember when the government and media made Obama into this uncle tom black man because they dont like unruly negros

>I remember

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i miss the wedding droning

they made obama "smart and respectable" because the hegemony wanted to literally on purpose have this ideal yes sir black man literally serve and essentially be a slave to the government, and you applaud this. daily reminder people the president doesnt really "run" the country

>Dumbass degenerate

But, user, Obama is no longer president...

>I remember this man. I voted for this man on the election of presidency 2012. This man was our president if you do remember. We have today!

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>Remember when our president was smart and respectable
T. Boomer

We really gotta keep him from those nuclear codes

He was such a great guy, he was nice and won the noble peas prize

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>not the dumbass degenerate we have today?
not to mention white. ugh.

a politician has obtained office. one can support such a candidate.

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I remember Reagan, yeah. Trump is the president we need though.

Don't you remember? that time people elected a monkey for the president

No i don't member that. I remember some CIA assets, some adulturing perjurers, some texan retard son of a CIA asset, and another CIA asset, muslim, gay, and foreign born too.

i barely remember the do-nothing PR spokesman in chief we had before
proud to have a real president in office now

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all i remember from obama(real name angel domeh)
Barack Obama & Larry Sinclair: Cocaine, Sex, Lies
& Murder

obams personal pencil sharpener was butchered
so he can become president, Larry Sinclair the
unmentioned legacy of obama.

uh um uh uh uh uh um uh um okie dokie

came here to sage and say op is a fag


I don't like Trump, but Obama is worse. He was the worst president or leader of any country to ever exist.
He was completely detached from reality, was a racist, islamophobe, warmonger and liar. Everything he promised, he broke. Guantanamo, oh how he promised and promised to close it.
Obama is only dancing around being nice and hugging everyone. This is something the Queen does while someone else rules the country and she only approves or disapproves of strategies by her PM.
Obama was a president. He escalated a war into practically a world war with more or less every muslim country involved.
Never has there ever been a greater threat to world peace..or stability than Obama.
Trump is a joke compared to him.

Also, his "health insurance" was an abomination and did more harm than good.

Remember when Trump accomplished more in less time than Obama did?

Liberal tears are still flowing.

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I remember when Obamas' mom used to give a floor show with beer bottles. Obama would collect the tips while she impale herself on a bottle of schlitz

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this juxtaposition in the catalog was just too good for me not to post it, OP. Kindly fuck off.

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Yes. Yes I do.

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take that dragon energy and make germany great again

>Remember when our president was smart and respectable, and not the dumbass degenerate we have today?
What are you talking about? - Hillary LOST the election.

No need.
We are great already. I can only take that energy to keep it from losing it's greatness because of that eastern parasite we were forced to annex in 1989

gay nigger faggot married to a tranny

Yeah, I miss ol’ Teddy

remember when your president drone bombed innocents?

worst american president to Israel ever. worst than carter. Trump is our prayers answered. you're welcome, americans.

Remember when we had a king nigger? That was embarrassing.

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>t drone bomb

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You'd probably have to go back over 100 years to find a US president that fits this criteria.

I don’t recall.

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t. this thread

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