BASED Professor suspended... for NECROPHILIA?!?!!

Politics lecturer, 32, at Southampton University is suspended for likening abortion to NECROPHILIA on social media then responding 'it's a great tweet' during student backlash

Innocent man!!!!!

Follow and support free speech we're gonna make him the next Jordan b peterson

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Other urls found in this thread:

There is no logical argument against abortion. Not one

Justin Murphy is completely based.
He interviewed Nick Land and also just interviewed Kantbot (Trump is going to complete the system of German Idealism guy)
does like a stream a week, worth watching


fucking phone poster.

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His streams are pretty good

It hurts women

free speech is fucking gay and you're all retarded liberals

cringe and bluepilled

Ever since students became customers universities have been taking the sides of the mass stupidity. The humanities have destroyed universities by appealing to the masses.

He's not arguing against abortion, he's arguing for necrophilia. If you weren't so cringe and bluepilled you would understand this.

Justin "Fed" Murphy

Pro choice
>Her body, her choice
>Her body, her choice
Heroin legalization
>Her body, her choice
Smoking crack while pregnant
>Her body, her choice

As a Jewish male, I find this man incredibly repulsive, and yet vibrantly hansom. I hate him for such a backwards stance, yet I want him to dominate me.


This, this this. Fucking NPCs don't get it

There's a such thing as far right liberals you fucking pussy idiot

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This guy is fucking BASED. He needs to be invited on Louder With Crowder so he can tell his story!

I have recently thought that if the main argument for abortion is the right to control of their bodies, should men advocate for a right to abandonment ? Why should I have to work for 18 years losing control of my body/labor if I don't want to be a part of the child's life . Would women be more cautious with their bodies if they knew they can't live on easy street ?

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libs like you get the bullet, GO TO CHURCH FAGGOT

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>Follow and support free speech we're gonna make him the next Jordan b peterson

Clean your tomb

"far right liberals" lol just lol. racist liberalism is liberalism all the same, enjoy your based racist trannies and fags

> 444
Feudal aristocratic communism will win

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>racist liberalism is liberalism all the same, enjoy your based racist trannies and fags

Try again RETARD

> Describing himself as an "extreme conservative arch-liberal" or "liberal of the extreme right", Kuehnelt-Leddihn often argued that majority rule in democracies is a threat to individual liberties, and declared himself a monarchist and an enemy of all forms of totalitarianism, although he also supported what he defined as "non-democratic republics," such as Switzerland and the United States.

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ah yes, beacons of virtue and piety like the usa and switzerland

just LOL at shitlibs

If you oppose murder then there is

he's literally a communist, you retardz

His personal politics is also pretty interesting.
He's trying to combine Catholicism, feudalism, and communism

>Kantbot questioned by FBI

>Louder With Crowder
Yes!!!! Inform other based podcasters.... We need to get this OUT THERE!!!

Professor Murphy is an AVOWED Catholic man, check out his streams they're EPIC

I think you're on to something here, care to elaborate!??

justin the BASED communist who argues for an idealised version of "academic freedom" the usa had pre-1990, is he Our Guy?

answer: yes, everyone here is a retarded fucking liberal

>he's literally a communist, you retardz
No he's not you fucking NPC he's a based fascist working on the inside in the Cathedral

"married american"

He's literally a member of Antifa

Based and redpilled, he does pretty good YouTube livestreams

Sorry but this twink is cringe and bluepilled. (I'm astroturfing rn). Also, this guy is a fed.

Yeah I heard this guy is a fed. He really does look like a twink too. How long till we find out he's a bugchaser cruising Grindr looking for someone to poz his neghole?

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His wig video was SO based

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I was chewing on his argument a bit. Seemed a stretch, then realized....
ProChoice argument: Baby is a cluster of cells
Necrophilia argument: Body is a 'cluster of cells' This based crackuh is dead on. He just needed to follow through on the argument.


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i found his secret soundcloud

cia has the weirdest hazing rituals these days

Jmurph is akshually the nicest fed in town and he needs to be salvaged from these cathedralite vampires before these leeches take down his main source of income for his sustaining crack addiction

He expands on it in an interview with Here's the key quote.

"If you support a woman's right to choose what she does with her body then there's no reason why you wouldn't support a woman's right to choose if she wants a cold, hard piece of an inanimate dead body inside of her body. If you wanna tell a woman that she can't have sex with a dead corpse, that seems like you're telling her what she's allowed to do with her own body. And I think if you support a woman's right to choose what she does with her body, you're gonna be inclined to support her necrophilic enjoyment."

unfortunate that he looks like a basedboy

Actually his argument does hold a lot weight.

An unborn baby has a heartbeat and they'll not only kill it, but turn its murder into a sacred act.

A corpse doesn't even have a heartbeat. It's dead flesh. There's no reason for abortion supporters to not support necrophiliac rights.


it is killing human being, allow women to be degenerate and reducing the white population.

If I might ask, in what is it simillar? The baby is a living human being, a healthy organism with a life ahead of it. It's a counscious being, capable of feeling pain.

Compare it to the corpse, which after death becomes for all intents and purposes an inanimate object. Even the religious argument for it falls flat because in all modern beliefes the soul leaves the body in the moment of death.
> mfw no consent
do you ask consent to a fleshlight or a blow-up doll? Can a cadaver experience any trauma or be forever scarred by non-consensual activity? Also, about the families of the deceased getting triggered, they can go to their safe spaces and cuck it out there, since of the involved parties only the necrophiliac is a conscious being, and derives enjoyment from the activity. The body itself couldnt care less.

If they want to ban abortion, you should be able to sign a waiver if you allow necrophilia to be practiced to your body, that you own while living, in the same way you would leave material pssessions on a will.

unironically save babies, mollest corpses if permited

Always archive

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Do you think that will fly during academic review?

If dogs humping each other in the park being rape culture did I dont see why not:


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BASED, redpilled, and high IQ (>140)

his nasally ass voice.. Based as hell... REDPILLED as hell....

What's the fine for necrophila?

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guys got a neckbeard and a turtleneck
he must be smart

>free speech is fucking gay and you're all retarded liberals
You realize that under a more serious Liberal regime, you would be gulag'd for uttering this statement after being denounced as a Nazi, right?

lole. Okay, this might just work

This guy is in this thread right now

Justin, if you see this, you kinda gay but keep making streams, get BAP on too

BAP would be huge. Jason Reza Jorjani would be cool

>advocating women to shirk responsibility in favor of pleasure is good for society
t. Schlomo

Also Justin your feudalism patchwork thing is way too obvious and on the nose. you need to get way weirder

>libertarian communist

Fuck off. He needs to buy a helicopter and throw himself out.

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>Justin Murphy is completely based.
I dunno man. He seems like he has some edgy views but is fundamentally a leftist faggot.

He's fundamentally a troll

he's a good gateway to accelerationism

The cathedral (zog, msm, ...) is fascist, therefore kekistan is antifa. Justin is kekistani, therefore justin is antifa.

Fight me on Twitter you Alt Right bitch coward

a commie troll
>he's a good gateway to accelerationism
accelerationism is the faggiest ideology in history

I only know who you are because I coincidentally watched your interview with Kantbot on YouTube last night.
Your role in the interview was beyond sub-par, but Kantbot's responses made it worth my time.

I think that about covers it. Now adoption, I have a friend that got pregnant completely unplanned by her bf of 6 years, they were not ready for children yet and they gave the child to a very wealthy couple, that life will enjoy a beautiful life.

As long as he's not a kike lover or intimidated by them he's alright in my book.

How are you enjoying your time on Jow Forums? Hope you stick around and post, would be nice to have some decent debate around here.

He's an anarcho-communist, which is a Jewish ideology. So he is a kike-lover.

Kantbot was autistic and coy as fuck
The stream with Gio was 100x better

Lmao I'm not Murphy you idiot. This is @mcrumps. Debate me on Twitter you bitch

Yes, obviously if women are allowed a unilateral choice to kill the kid men deserve a unilateral choice to give up responsibility, especially before any abortion deadlines. But then liberals will go double standard on you, decrying men for "forcing" women to get abortions as if admitting it's now something bad.

"Justin" since this probably isn't even you and this is an anonymous board can you say if you're gonna get fired?

what is the topic?

Who? Give me a quick run down on who you are

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he is a fed anyway

>Kantbot was autistic and coy as fuck
I'm so sorry he didn't give the answer you wanted to your deep and insightful "Are you a racist?" question.


serious? got a link to any of his work where he claims that.

>serious? got a link to any of his work where he claims that.
His twitter says he's a "libertarian communist", which means anarcho-communist or anarcho-syndicalist.

So I just looked this guy up and he describes himself as a 'Secular Catholic, libertarian, Communist'.

This guy is a fucking retard. Academia is filled with nothing but retards. The fact that he managed to do one thing based should come at no surprise as these things happen from time to time. Like Jordan Peterson. He did a couple things that were based among his avalanche of blue pilled bullshit.

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admitted on stream


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It's called Christbol, and we dab on faggots, jews, and whignats.

>we should just spend generations being mad at our retarded neighbors instead of duking it out every once in a while
Accelerationism is infinitely less faggy than cowardice.

I'm an intellectual and a blogger exposing the avant garde of fascist thought and shutting it down before it metastisizes

What are your credentials, other than being an internet loudmouth?

despite his edamame look, and adherence to utopian politics vs pragmatic, I think he was spot on in describing abortion as the murder of the unborn

He's a onions brainlet

I'm guessing he takes cues from this guy, who is pretty fucking cool. I don't buy into his ideology, but he's a great writer, radically opposed to modernity, and consistent in his argumentation.

>I'm an intellectual

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I'm a grad student and a prominent online thinker. I'm not some manbaby coward posting on Jow Forums all day

hi crumps whats up dude

Men have a vested interest in a fetus that is half theirs, and abortion removes their rights to their fetus
>protip this argument doesn't reframe leftists sick view of fetuses not being human. I believe humanity starts from the moment of conception still