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what a degenerate evil cunt.


Poor kid

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Why the fuck would that cunt do something so traumatizing to that young child? She needs to be arrested and charged.

another kid's political dreams ruined

Women are biologically incapable of lying. I don't care what the video showed.

Women are doing to rape what YouTube has done to UFO sightings

It was assault in my mind.

how does it prove her wrong? 9 year old niggers have raped 80 year old white women to death before.

>if it make what I hate sound stupid, maybe other people will hate it too
goddamn you're stupid

gotta be a liberal

even if he did it
you're a grown woman. he's 9. fucking deal with it.
you can teach a kid that this is wrong to do without calling the police

Yeah the kid looks like a real gangbanger rapist. We should believe all women

#BelieveHer and all that shit right? Women can lie

A woman, lying?
You're kidding.

Attached: mshckd.gif (360x210, 725K)

You have to be unironically retarded to not go MGTOW. Women are subhumans that should all be fucking slaughtered the instant we get working artificial wombs and sexbots.

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She was a cop and conservative

the kid she was trying to frame was black

#believewomen, clearly the camera is part of an alt-right consiracy

Let's not forget guys he is still guilty of being a nigger

Clearly a felony I do believe, I mean I'm no lawyer but it seems pretty sketchy

Believe Women. This boy must be destroyed. His entire future must be destroyed. Also (((Klein))).

>that woman, identified as Theresa (((Klein)))
oy vey

Yeah the kid looks like a real gangbanger rapist.
yes i stated that it is in fact a nigger

Who do we support here, the white woman or the black kid?

Jesus. Please let this continue. The new generation will be literal Nazis. I want that to happen.

Women are trash.

T. a woman

she's wearing fucking nazi boots has the
stature of a male. that's a god damn daughter
of lilith, look how hostile it is.

We need punishment that fits the crime.

Lie about being sexually assaulted? You get raped.

Based nig coppin a feel on the batshit crazy white lady.

>let's have this thread again
No thanks, Moshe.

>Why the fuck would that cunt do something so traumatizing to that young child?
Check at this guy out

Attached: 114ea8a3-1a43-4ed3-8c09-78a9b0304967.jpg (665x340, 32K)

She isn’t white. She’s a kike.

That's Amy Schumer in a mask. Ford never existed and the story and old pictures were fabricated.

They tried to make the story about a white person calling the cops unjustly on a black person.
The Jews never stop. Ever. Wow.
Yea this has nothing to do with feminist Jew hysteria. Nope.

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I think he is being ironic

that's a kike, not a white woman. arrest the niglet anyway Minority Report style. He will rape or worse.

emmitt till: the sequel

it was probably an accident if it did happen

Protect your children this halloween. I predict that there'll be inocent blood on streets.

>implicit threats of rape towards a white woman

Photo confirms. (((White woman.)))

Attached: the nose knows.jpg (575x536, 50K)

It didn't according to video

(((Theresa Klein)))


Wanna smash?

>Young nigger vs crazy feminist
Im with the nigger and that shows just how disgusting feminists have become

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>How to create more black republicans


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Hahaha oh well. Victim status: sexually assaulted (barely brushed against) by a 9 year old. Confirmed. Bitch went apoplectic... God I think I am an alien because I can't even understand this.

Klein or (((Klein)))?

Libs having no idea who to defend

Attached: 1508642026437.jpg (800x449, 61K)

Her name is (((((((((((((Theresa Klein))))))))))))

>breaking news, some people are crazy!

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t. man that lost the last little bit of surprise he didn't even know he had

>Theresa Klein

Attached: Vase.png (541x758, 245K)

White woman trying to get a future BLACK BVLL lynched what a surprise.

some women are literal demons. succubuses

Woman acting crazy?
Quick, emphasize the racial aspect or people will start asking questions!

what's with the tiny hand

Yes that 9 year old is gonna vote republican 9 years from now when half the planet is submerged and boiling because of republican policy and the republican party or the united states doesn't exist anymore

fucking braindead inbred

>9 yr old.

hipster gets spooked by a preteen spook?
im ok with this. let them fight it out.


This. Seh looks so straight from uncanny valley, when I first saw her face around here, I thought that she is a tranny. Just look at the eyes, way to young looking and the skin does not change color.

They said "white woman falsely accuses black person" more than once. But when a black murders or robs a white there is no mention of race at all. Even when looking for tips they will give height, weight, and tshirt color but not mention that their skin is as black as tar.

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Making fun of #metoo will get me a cute gf i swear!

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> conservative

She was a radical feminist.

It's not too late goys

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That woman isn't guilty of being a kike which is an even greater crime

The surveillance footage shows that kid's backpack (not the kid himself) just brushed against her backside as he left the store with his mother. Did you bother to watch the link?

bitches need to start getting arrested for this shit. its an epidemic at this point.


I know this sounds insane but her name is Klein. I think she did this to make white people look bad because constant tribal warfare seems to be the natural state of her people. And when I say her people, I mean the PNPs, by PNP I mean the Paranoid Narcissistic Psycholpaths, in other words, Jews.

You realise white women were sicking pigs on minorities long before feminism was a thing?

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Isn't that the faggot metalhead alt-right e-celeb? The one that wears his leather jacket and sunglasses inside?

jew mean Jew

>Theresa Klein

Attached: hands of merchant.gif (132x140, 58K)

It was one of the leftist ad hominems from during the campaign. He has tiny hands.

lmao this, good way to put it

>She was a cop
She was lying about that, too. Later denied she ever said it.

>This will definitely happen, and it will happen in 9 years

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>Surveillance video noticed her wrong

Looks like his backpack hit her.

But does it matter? She felt like she was assaulted, isn’t that all that matters?

The truth. In this case the kid really dindu nuffin.

jews are basically hipsters before they were cool

she looks real (((white))) to me


kek'd 10/10

Damn so much this

when women used to falsely accuse men it was to start a lynching. i dont even get the point now, what's the larger motivation for these cunts to try and ruin someone's life?

>elect a orange rapist pussy grabber child molester baboon as president

>"why american women are so scared!?"

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Klein . ring any kike bells ??
Thats why.
Personally i think the entire thing was staged to create black on white tension

"Drumpf has tiny hands" has been a leftist joke for years. The NPCs who call Trump a bully laugh when comedians joke about his hands.

>Those replies
Twitter and YouTube are more fun to shitpost than here these days.

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Actually, I think Styx is more passable as a woman than the kike in the story.

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You know, it's funny. This is a rare occasion where he literally dindu nuffin

Just to be safe, the child should never be allowed to have a career.

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