Trump BTFO

Trump BTFO
Whatever chance the GOP had in the midterms just went down in flames. Why do you keep having so many scandals??

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its over again

Yet again the far left believes it can read minds.

>Cuomo the Homo shares his thoughts

KYS faggot!

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I agree but we should ask sources familiar with his thinking to be sure.

of course. do u think i would spread fake news on the internets

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The fuck is wrong with these people?

I wouldn't doubt that people like Lemon and Cuomo are blackmailed pedos.

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At least that would make some sense. Only other option is that they're huffing glue between takes.

Yeah! Orange dorito Hitler is bad. Upboats for you OP.

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That sucks

Oh no a suicide watch just flew over my house

>our psychics confirm

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Because the left creates them

>thought crime is now a thing
Splinter the Media into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind.

Psychic friends network now?
Coumo should play tonights lottery hes got the ESP.
Picking on the black dudes mental health
Really ??

Chris Cuomo to me always looks like he's thinking about betraying our nation and joining ISIS. When will we proceed with the execution?

>trump was probably thinking racist thoughts
what level of kikery is this?

Meanwhile on CNN they are calling Kanye an "uneducated negro" and basically implying he's a house nigger, but it's OK because they got their token black people to say it.

I dont know how much longer I can wait for the day of the rope guys....
They are really pushing it man.

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I don't get it. He did not say that. Watched it 10 times??

'Blacks Loves Trump' and 'He's Blacker Than Obama' is what he said....did I miss it?

at this point why the fuck not the US of A as officially became a big joke a sad one at that

Your desperation is palpable.

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the cringe is painful

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what the fuck?

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I love when Israelis show their flags and try to relate in Jow Forums, it really shows everyone just how scared you stupid kikes really are. Nobody fucking likes you and you had to get this board to add meme flags back because you're fucking cunts.

this is your edgy time. good for you.


You saw the Yair Netanyahu stories, right? They like memes too.

More like commie news network.

Last effort level.
The kikes are getting frantic at this point.

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Leave my jewish brothers alone you fucking redneck

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Yair Netanyahu is going to prison too. That whole family is corrupt just like the entire illegitimate nation. Fucking Israelis are so disgusting all they do is lie lie lie lie lie and when confronted with facts they try and change the subject.

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Lmao wtf is with that wojak?

The lesser Cuomo is salty.

How does it feel to know you're the most hated people in the entire world?
How does it feel to know that one day you WILL all be killed?

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Kek you listen to Rich Zeoli, don't you?

>How does it feel to know you're the most hated people in the entire world?
the most admired and superior people in the entire world. west robbed our mythology, theology and culture because we are GREAT, and you are a poor imitation. it's the frustration that you'll never be the original that kills the antishemite, and not accepting it.

>How does it feel to know that one day you WILL all be killed?
here WAY before you, and will be LONG after you ,you nothing but a stain on history.

No, should I?


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Meh, he's just generic Boomercon talk radio my dad listens to. He ALWAYS refers to Chris as the Lesser Cuomo whenever he talks about him.

SPEAKING of which, whatever happened to that tape they said they had?

Why wasn't that bitch thrown in jail?

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Kek. I'm a generic Boomercon, too.