/pol stays silent on Muslim takeover of Kosovo?


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WWIII will come from some damned foolish thing in the Balkans

Aparently not, you just said something. But next time actually say something. This is pathetic.

jewsus didnt save them so Islam must be better


Removing kebab is a good thing, but Kosovo is not my war and Serbians are toxic people I want nothing to do with.

When they came for the Serbs i said nothig because i was not a Serb, when they came for the Italians there was no one left to say anything.. .....

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Albanian Muslims are taking over Christian Serbian land of Kosovo.
Serbian forces pushed them back in 1999, but they returned with help of NATO forces,

Why is NATO supporting Muslim Albanians instead of Christian Serbs who have monasteries on Kosovo that date back to 13th century?

Roach here.

Blame US, NATO and UN. They created all this Salafist/Wahabbist scums there. Serbs were dealing with them pretty decently.

Slobodan Milošević and Radovan Karadžić did nothing wrong.

Kosovo je Srbija.


Probably the closest in my life time we have come to war iwith Russia when NATO bombed Serbia

this is pretty much my understanding of the event as well.

Standing up to Musilm Jihad is a foolish thing?


I wonder if conflict will arise again in the Balkans
I hope it does, it could serve as the catalyst for revolution across Europe

Vae Victis. better luck next time

Fuck off cunt. You will side with fucking muslims again.

>Serbians are toxic people I want nothing to do with.
I found the Serbs to be quite nice. Very welcoming people.

Ok. Italians don't want to get involved in war to help Serbs.

But why do you guys recognize Kosovo as independent state? It's direct support for Muslim expansion in Europe.

Who are the non Muslim, who are the good guys?
Maybe I'd come fight for you guys if i ever work out who's who

No gives a shit you larper.

stop kosovo larp and draw the line,
in one hand big patriots in other hand I see none of you in national museum or art gallery
spoiled brats if any of you had any actual balls he'd put a bullet down anyone walking down EU/NATO path in our gov. first then take care of your land
I'm so sick of so called nationalists
while you larp gov. is giving free gibs to muslims from god knows where , free food free money to so called refugees as you record niggerish rap songs
god will send archangel michael down and burn everything and everyone
stop posting this nigger shit song ty.

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This is the truth, unironically.

Bill Clinton (president of USA at 1999) tried to win some political points (votes from Muslims) by "solving conflict" at Kosovo. - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_bombing_of_Yugoslavia

Mockup empty “churches” were build everywhere during the 90’s, mostly in strategic places where a road or building would probably be built by city planers, their only purpose was that when they are destroyed to blame “islamism”. They sure planned afrd is things don’t go their way

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it was closer during the macedonia war

The world seems to have a huge hard on for Muslims. I have some in my neighbourhood and I don't see why.

Roach again.

Wahabbist/Salafist movements are connected to Saudis which is an ally of US and one of the most important parts of petrodollar system.

This guy gets it. And have some decent song, brat.


>But why do you guys recognize Kosovo as independent state?
Every Italian who give a fuck know that Kosovo is Serbian clay stolen by filty analbanians. What our government do is not what the people want.
If you kill all the analbanians I will be more than happy, but still, I don't like Serbians.

>and I don't see why
That's because your people haven't been at war with them for 1000 years.
Your grandkids will get it, but by then it will be too late.

lol we're salafist and wahabis now? Haven't been on pol for a day and already out of date.

Christian Serbs were a majority in Kosovo until Communist Yugoslavia. Communist leader of Yugoslavia (Tito) turned Kosovo into Albanian Muslim land.

In 1999 Serbs tried to takeover their land, but were stopped by NATO. - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kosovo_War

Christian Serbs were handed a final blow in 2004. - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_unrest_in_Kosovo

"UN peacekeepers" did nothing to prevent Albanians from destroying Serbian churches and monasteries and expelling Serbian people.

no you're USA now

It did arise in 90s and US/NATO sided with islamists.

We have enough niggers, kthx. You can keep the Albanians.

Theres nothing to prevent its already 90% muslim

it's the product of your politics, you take it

>seeking approval from a s*rb
You should spend more time with your father.

please get out
noone likes (you) roaches
: >

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He's quoting Bismarck, you boor.