So i just realized filthyfrank/joji is a freemason/satanist by his sybolism
>blood bath humiliation
Who have you discovered to be a devils puppet? Post proofs
So i just realized filthyfrank/joji is a freemason/satanist by his sybolism
>blood bath humiliation
Who have you discovered to be a devils puppet? Post proofs
Other urls found in this thread:
please go back
mf doom. lots of shady lyrics
"Who hear the most grimy suggestions
From brothers with fly names and I.D. questions
That's a Secret like Victoria"
"Let the music take control
Just don't let the evildoers abuse it and use it to take your soul"
"We played the stage standin by the speaker and suddenly...
Who tapped me? I'm bout to get real ill"
"Jumpin Jehoshaphat, who's that?
Cats who do magic be like "tell me how you do's that"
Heck no"
nigga woke?
Oh yeah?
Why is Eminem so old then?
pls go away
check out this SYMBOLISM
dope vid tho not gna lie
tr-travis rather.
s-SAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE (outta humiliation)
probly not but another DOPE vid and DOPE jam
probly not also but nother 'lluminati-influenced vid
brother of the hypeman for these guys is Hari Kondabolu, the guy that made the 'problem with apu' documentary
probly not but maybe tho
"pos-vibe emanator, yes I got my soul tan"
(reference to initiation)
[different jam of theirs]
[[& other lyrics i cannot remember at the moment]]
[[[i used to give a 2much of a shit about this kinda stuff]]]
also killer mike had an interview where he's talkin about kanye i believe, & the interviewer asks about freemasons & he says a few things about them as a group & ends with "peace to those brothers"... & then the interviewer asks "are you a freemason?" & he goes "i don't know, man..." & the interviewer laughs awkwardly & says "what do you mean u dont know lol" ........ killer mike pretty much confirmed, im more confident about that than any of these other n*ggas.
wouldnt be surprised if his buddy "EL-P" is also in on that sh*t
Thanks user
o D*MN . . . AL-RITE . . . UNH . . . WOOH . . . BRUTAL
run with the "CRAFT" eh? hm........................................
i've been sleepin on r.t.j
i mean they're gettin deep into some big ideas so it's hard to definitively label them as parta one thing or another for simply dealing with the subject matter. & i'm not so naive as to think freemason = evil either. so they could be in some sorta clandestine brotherhood but it seems like they're well-meanin ppl...
Are souls losing their value throughout the time like currencies do? Back in the day legends like Jimmy Page used to sell their souls, now a literal who internet memester is doing it.
h'heh. yeh. idk. not to KEEP TALKING and totally DOMINATE this thread, but i think it comes down to influence. if these 'forces' know they can control a sizable chunk of the population thru joji's goofy ass, then he's valuable to them, period. given the internet & a bigger populace, it's possible lot more people spend a lot more time thinking about & witnessing the fruits of joji's faustian bargain than they did jimmy page. culture shifts fairly quickly... while rock music was 'the work of the devil' fifty years ago it seems that occult spirit has shifted over to hip hop, for example, because that's where the influence lies.
hell, i'm fairly convinced that ICE POSEIDON sold his soul, (since he's ON-RECORD and has said so plenty of times) he's creating a ripple effect in the world of IRL livestreaming, & while some may consider him a nobody, his handiwork will ripple out & affect more than meets the eye. the guy's basically making it 'cool' to self-surveil & despite his repulsive nature, he attracts attention & admiration in a seemingly inexplicable way...
Geez, what's happened to him?
this CRIMINALLY-UNDERRATED TODD RUNDGREN song spooks me a bit too... i mean the damn album's called INITIATION & that album art is RATHER MASONIC... the lyrics are VERY "ESOTERIC" & evoke those same ideas of initiation
I think he just really wants to fucking kill himself because he's a fucking meme and always will be
Reminder to you idiots that the occult isn't evil unless it's used for evil.
e.g. the bible is an occult book filled with qabbalistic/tarot symbolism.
>since he's ON-RECORD and has said so plenty of times
Could you source me up on that brother?
MF Doom is woke as fuck. Quasimoto/Madlib too
what the fuck is going on in this thread?
if he was a satanist he'd be mainstream with a contract. He's not.
He's just using the same symbolism in mainstream music to make his music more appealing.
Maybe in a couple years they'll ask for his soul, but he aint there yet
you're not familiar with the meme? zozo? the broken ouija boards?
i guess it makes sense that you haven't heard him say it, he doesn't do it often
Nah in my opinion he's being humiliated rn as part of the initiation rituals...too much specific details that he put in that wouldn't be there if he was faking
His a emo, never listened to his bad songs . Only liked that "welcome to the rice field video.
wondering the same thing
these levels of autistry are way beyond
nAAAAAAAAAAAAAh. 'tspretty simple. i'm linkin some vids & lyrics that're a tad shady & imply some arcane knowledge / freemasonic tendencies. if your literalminded ass could look past a few playful affectations it'd be pretty straightforward. i take a few liberties with the language cause i mastered it a decade ago. i'm a literal genius my dude. 'smack the shit outta your dumb ass
you haven't shown any examples of anything
MF Doom is fucking woke. But, like us, he takes pride in his ethnicity. So he is the enemy. But. He sees injustice and degeneracy so we much ally.
erm---- yeah good luck finding paperwork that definitively links people to their local mason lodge. i haven't PROVEN anything but i've shown examples that are on-par with OP's shot in the dark. freemasons are notoriously insular, if it was public knowledge we wouldn't be specul8in
Why would it matter even if he was a freemason. The man hasn't been relevant ever since he stopped being Filthy Frank.
cant forget about these absolute classics
altho its kinda cheating cause its a given most of these fucks are in on something sinister
lol that was a great one
Kinda Gay
Christians will burn in the Hyperborean hell.
Nigger gibberish isn't misic
WOOH.. brutal.
'tsnot what this thread is ABOUT though.
it's just prime SPIRITUAL REAL ESTATE for SATAN.
i often remember what "JOHN TODD" said about the music industry
how you put a SPELL on YOURSELF when you sing along to songs
and that WITCHES put SPELLS on the MASTER TAPES on full moons
that a WITCH cant put a spell on a CHRISTIAN but you can get a CHRISTIAN to cast a spell on HIMSELF
pretty POPULAR figure given the time he was talking about these things, even has a wikipedia entry
makes y'think about terms like "broadcasting", "programming"...
'sa place across the street from there called "KENKA", highly recommend it
TENACIOUS D played on that 'rock band satanist' theme a lot but i don't doubt they were legitimately into it
there was some really weird shit on the second disk of their 'complete masterworks' dvd
like... beyond reasonable comedy and into some gruesome ulterior-motive shit like the 'butt baby' skit
& sneaking 'lucifer' into the 'tribute' lyrics
pains me to speculate cause it's nostalgic as heck for me
hell i wouldn't be surprised if the purpose of "VEVO" was to put a curse on any video released under that name, since putting a curse on a 'master' seems ineffectual for modern-day media consumption. they essentially monopolize the most popular music videos to appear on youtube. 100+ million views you can bet your ass there's a vevo logo in the thumbnail
'the hell else is up ... ~cig-flick~
sometimes i imagine it's called a "PENTHOUSE" because there's a giant pentagram engraved into the floor of every penthouse of every important skyscraper in every important city in the US. i mean, i was puttin up walls at a family member's house & couldn't help carving a little insignia into one of the studs before the sheetrock went up, why wouldn't some important people do something like that on a larger scale? i UNDERSTAND the HUMAN URGE to implement arcane insignia into something you own, i can EMPATHIZE with it.
of course this is all WILD speculation.
although look how shkreli reacts when charlemagne mentions the fact that he's been to bridger capital, a low-key (but apparently very important) hedge fund in nyc
martin seems shocked beyond the idea that charlemagne is hanging out with very rich people.
he's very hush-hush about it, there's definitely another dimension to it all that they dare not speak of.
Stop posting on this site you are fucking embarrassing.
> But, like us, he takes pride in his ethnicity. So he is the enemy.
Are you retarded? re-read what you wrote
>Has same beliefs = enemy
---NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. my posts mimic a perfectly natural speech pattern that you'd find amongst any group of upper middle class dudes shootin the shit in the backyard around the fire. you go freak out about 'muh kikes' s'more. go smash a commie or drone on about whatever wack bullshit you bought into a half decade ago & still obliviously opine about. i am smarter than you. more famous too. sit down, man
really bringin' it full circle
>blood bath humiliation
how is that a humiliation?
I mean the fat nigger from RTJ is actually a freemason
YEAH? that's what i was sayin. do you have a CONCRETE SOURCE? cause i'm not totally sure the guy in the interview i saw was him & i'm having trouble locating it.
this. please fuck off
>When you want to be deep and esoteric
>but you're filthy frank
I feel like I saw a picture of him with a necklace or something one time but I cant find it. they always do the hand symbols tho
mmm... yes. yes makes sense.
i was wrong tho.
i FOUND it
i actually FOUND it
Seriously stop posting here!
notice how this black cock looks identical to the coloured one except he has black feathers. THIS is only skin deep. Then remind yourself that actual human blacks have different skull shapes and look totally different, blackness for them is much more than skin deep...
i just--- i think what makes me so uncomfortable about it is the idea that--- unless one initiates themselves into one of these modern-day mystery religions, the afterlife will not be so pleasant. like they know the shortcut to navigate the hereafter. if that's not the "RUB" & it's all about corporeal power, fine, fuck em, idc. but if they're IN on some SHIT that makes it EASIER for them to NAVIGATE the HEREAFTER, I WANT IN, u feel me? if i KNEW for SURE that's not what it was, i would not spend a moment thinking about it.
'b'derrrrr! my attention span is so SHOT & i'm so PETRIFIED that you said something i'd have to come to terms with & actually rebut that i simply have not read the reply! i choose to remain bizarrely frustr8ed by your unconventional sentence structure & the way it made me feel when i read it! this is actually what one-dimensional ninety-two IQ chucklefucks like me believe! & guess what? dint read that either! hah hah c ya sucka'
sure thing m'man ~condescending baccpatt~
(((vox day)))
(((peter thiel)))
no fucking shit Travis Scott is part, he jumped right into the Jenner family, not a coincidence. That and his videos have tons of symbolism, though they're pretty dope.
Again I'm not going to read your posts.
Quit posting on this site this is your final warning.
Closing the thread.
no1 cares that yr 'tism is actin up my dude get over it i am above you in every possible way no offense
he's wearing the phyrigan hat just like sam hyde
'the hell else was i skeptical of..
i think i covered it
got it covered pretty much
back in ~2011 i heard 'new world order' three times in one day on cartoon network & adult swim
three times same ominous phrase, 2x on cc 1x on [as]
like, WHY shoehorn that into children's entertainment
& it's saturated with witches & spells & other creepy arcane symbology
children's entertainment
very very strange
somet strange stuff happenin over there...
obligatory . . .
if you're gonna point out all illuminati symbolism in music you would be there for days. better just to ignore it once you're aware of it imo
DISNEY PARKS in general always creeped me out..
wouldn't be surprised if the ENTIRE GROUNDS was "HEXED"
here's a RARE SPOOPY LOOK at the top of cindarella's castle
meanwhile you go after the music/celeb stuff and miss that Jow Forums itself is no different
4 channelers
"meme magic"
every old meme being an occult affiliated animal (cat, owl, frog)
4 leaf clover = druid shit, also resembles the cross of malta (which makes sense because Jesuits control the chans since they introduced the guy fawkes mask and we are legion as in demon or ROMAN legion)
"CHANNELERS" .......
can't say i'm COMPLETELY surprised
'remember youre here forever' always rubbed me the wrong way
wasn't aware of the JESUIT ROOTS of the GUY FAWKES MASK tho...
i never fooled myself into believing this was a haven thats immune from those forces... at this rate we could cut to the chase & find some dubious symbology in the win/mac operating systems, or even at the hardware level. ("SATA" drive?... USB = pitchfork? trident?) i just assume i'm at the very least COMPLYING with SATAN's methods of control when i'm on this machine & connected to this "NET". unless i'm in some ROLLING HILLS tending to my CATTLE i assume a level of compliance. (but for the record i reject u satan get behind me)
godby thread....
You're looking at this as if it were orchestrated. All of the transcendental spiritual faiths are a rejection of paganism. Paganism is a very base, ritualistic expression of the human id. Of course an anonymous imageboard on the internet is going to express the same rituals and insignia that emerged in paganism because both of them are base expressions of our id.