What the fuck is wrong with americans?

What the fuck is wrong with americans?

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We don't like living with niggers

>ask for directions to school
Disregarding his race, there's no reason why you should have to ask a random fucking person in their house for directions. Guarantee you the nigger had a phone with google maps.

black peoples fault

you really think that nigger was asking for directions? cmon son

>inb4 extensive criminal record


i bet $50 that he was trying to rob the place

This. How the fuck do you not know where your school is?

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You try cohabitating with them for a few years and we'll see how quickly your gooky ass is on a roof with a rifle.

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This man was based and i want to be like him someday. a true american hero, keeping those streets clean. the only side effect is the democrats can use him as a voter now.


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I actually did this once lol, they brought me in for cookies and called my mom

House broken in 5x,,niggers afoot. Shoot first

Did he not know where his school was? Was he new?

It's the middle of the fall semester. Has this nigger not been to his own school yet to know where to find it?

This. Asking for directions to your school ? In the time of GPS on cell phones ?
Nigger tried to rob this place and now he and some jewish laywer see their big chance for free money playing the " white racist " card.

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He's 14 shouldnt he know by now the directions to his school?
Why doesnt he pull out his phone and use google maps at least?

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There is a 50/50 chance that if a nignog is on your property he will end up committing a crime.

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I remember this from a while back. Wasn't his school only like 1.5 miles from his home?

Would you have reacted the same /pol?
I hope i would

lmao bring back the 1920s

>inb4 he should have used his GPS enabled smart phone.

Used to deal with this shit all the time when I lived in the Kirkwood neighborhood in Atlanta. Black youth coming to the door trying to see if I was home. They'd look shocked when I answered the door during the middle of the day. They'd mumble something about sponsoring their football team but would have no proof of the team existing, no pamphlet, no sign up sheet, no can or en envelope for the money. Luckily I work from home so I was always there when they came by. If I were a woman they'd probably push their way in. Thank God I finally moved to Dawsonville.

damn dude if you're that slow on the draw dont bother shooting.

Follow main road to school? nah

Head in direction away from school away from where drivers can see and start to check if people are home? Good Boy

>shooting someone as they ran away
>no commissioning of a crime
Nope. I value my freedom. Firefighter is going to prison.

literally and unironically white privilege

That homeowner is fucked. How are you gonna shoot at someone before they do anything AND while they're running away? Dude has major anger issues.

We have niggers.

>shot at him while running away posing no threat
Attempted murder case closed

>every nigger has an iphone
>does not know how to use google maps
fucking lmao

He probably lives in a crime ridden neighborhood. Saw a black person and assumed they were a thief or burglar. Better safe than sorry.

This. The niglet was at the very least 100 yards away by the time his slow ass bother to fire.

>In court, Dana Zeigler testified that she saw a black person at her door that day and started screaming.
>"Number one, he didn't look like a child. He was a rather big man standing there, and also, if he was going to school, we have no schools in our area," she said.

lol where does she think the children in her neighborhood go all day?

Phone was probably locked because didn't knthe password before he stole it

this unfortunately. dude is going to get fucked in court. hard to hear, but you don't shoot at someone after they ran away and didn't do any harm or brandish a weapon at you.

I'm all for pulling guns on niggers that come to my door, but once they run that should be the end of it. he fucked himself by firing once that kid was already like 300 feet away. sad.

The nig nog was casing the joint skipping school, if no one answered the door i gaurantee he would have helped himself to some goodies

Regardless of the kids intentions, which were likely to case the place, the man is going to jail for firing at him long after he began running away. He would have a better case if he shot him dead right on the doorstep.

We don't live in Minority Report, user.

It's full of niggers

>idiot with no real world experience with nigs and the like casing places out to rob them later
Imagine being this retarded.

>thinking a black kid is actually going to school
Nice try, English Teacher. You know better than that.

Common tactic for burglars. You don't even need to canvas the joint. Just go to the door and ring the bell. Someone answers, you give arbitrary story. No one answers, then you it's game time.
I had some guy try this when I was 15 and home, sick from school. He was in our front yard, looking for an entry point. I peeked my head out the window and asked what he wanted.
He looked surprised, then gave a lame story about how he knew my dad and wanted to talk to discuss something.
I just looked at him with a blank stare, and he walked off like a dumbass.

Name one single nigger that has never stolen something

>What the fuck is wrong with americans?

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Dude shouldn't have whipped out his shotgun, but come on. It's the middle of fall, shouldn't he know where his school is?
Besides, couldn't he have pulled out his phone and got directions?

Says the guy who thinks using "but what IF" is a legal argument for firing your gun at a not guilty person fleeing will help in court.

this is true but at the same time fools don't go this far into the court of law for nothing

How can you disgrace flying that flag sticking up for a nignog

You dont think he actually meant to kill that kid do you? Not woth actually having had him right in front of him on the porch? Youre dumb as fuck, that was a dont come back round here shot.

>walking up in broad daylight to your front door to rob the house.
you're the only one stupid enough to believe burglars really act that way

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Nigger asking for directions to go to school, who in the fuck would believe that?

I think you are on the wrong bored... reddit is that way ---->

This. It's not even "unfortunate," it's just stupid. Kid rang the doorbell. Was he casing the place? Maybe. But was he an immediate thread to anyone inside? He had done nothing more than ring the doorbell. Homeowner is a fucking idiot, and now this makes a great hit piece against white men for the leftist media to eat up.

Fucking. Idiotic. Dude needs to get locked up for a long time, maybe as a warning so other retards don't do the same shit.

fucking auto correct

So it's cool you just go up to a random person property??

Robberies occur more often during the day because there is a greater likelihood the homeowner is away at work. Not in the house sleeping at night.

That won't be his argument. His argument would be that he was responding to his wife screaming. It would be reasonable for him to think he was being robbed, even if it was unreasonable for his wife to think so.

The 18" dildo on his porch should have been enough to keep the inquisitive little nig away.

That's murder. Whatever the lower one is. But still murder.

Welp, better turn In the guns and burn the constitution

What is his response when the judge states "kid was at least 300 feet away and didn't commit a crime when you attempted to kill him"

>"he was a good boy, he was jus aksin directions!"

Yeah I don't think so.

Clearly a warning shot.
Not that the judge or any of you faggots were astute enough to notice he aims, relaxes his aim, then aims more upwardly and releases the shot.

Niggers are that bad

Hey guys, remember that time you got lost and knocked on a strangers door to ask for directions? Yeah me either.

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No soliciting, no trespassing signs are all over that guys front porch

the white man fears the black man

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Why lie about tripping?

Should have lied that you thought the kid was reaching into his jacket to pull out a gun, and your adrenaline caused you to misjudge.

What kind of shit lawyer did this guy get?

the "kid" is like 18

Pattern recognition. White kids don't chimp out and murder/rape people who show hospitality. Niggers on the other hand...

>t. faggot whose conception of reality comes from Hollywood and believes the average burglar is a savvy European dressed in all black who operates in the shadows of night.
You don't rob a house at night when the people are home.
You rob it during the day.
Do you know how to tie your shoes? I'm genuinely concerned for your safety in this world.

This nigger rang the doorbell of 3/4 of the houses he walked by.

No fear we just want you dead

>white privilege is not being part of a race that is 8% of the population but 65% of violent crime

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thats literally how 99% of residential burglaries occur you moron. would burglars rather burgle alone while the white wageslaves are out cucking themselves for the leftist masses, or at night when the homeowners are there?

Looks like the guy has his hand in his pocket so it looks like he's holding a gun

>ayo open up, just want directions
>don't you have a phone with gps??
>ayo just open up cracka

it's not a capital crime my dude

Nice jump cut there.

why me?

If you put up signs it's trespassing

>not helping yourself to everyone's home when they're at work and the neets and shut ins won't do shit

i wasn't lost per se, but i was looking for an address, and nobody had any numbers on their mailboxes, so i've done that

Actually it is a crime... trespassing

FYI he was found guilty today on lesser charges today:


>14 years old
>doesn't know how to get out of neighborhood
>goes to a random strangers house
>.....to ask directions to school
Ridiculous fucking story even ignoring the fact its a nigger.
Guy should have blown his fucking head off.

common scam tactic, they ring the doorbell to see if anyone is home and it looks innocent enough, then rob you if you dont answer.

kid is lying through his teeth harder than kasey ford.

Why is the kid asking for directions to school when we are already 1+ month(s) or so into the school year? Unless he's new to the area that doesn't seem like a convincing story. Especially questionable considering almost everyone has a phone with Google maps or something handy at this point. They don't even show a time on the surveillance video, so it's difficult to ascertain whether that story is even believable or another incident for the narrative.

The guy in all seriousness didn't need to shoot based on the footage. Having the weapon is all the point that needs to be made if the kid was casing the place.

Do you really think it's acceptable to shoot at someone, a fucking kid at that, for the crime of ringing your doorbell? He wasn't stomping around on the grass. He wasnt fucking with their furniture. Her was just standing there until the dude came out with a gun.

why did little niglet run opposite direction from where he cam

I’d do the same. Get the fuck off my land.

this. I see nothing wrong here

That is the proper usage of the term white privilege. Your group doesn't have a profile that tarnishes the non criminal pool of people. You have the benefit of doubt because of historical data and because people and police are usually simple NPCs who go on patterns ... well..

It's funny how the polack ratifies the most important leftist talking point without even knowing it. Is there anything that isn't a sham with you guys?

His response would be that he was on an adrenaline rush and in fight mode.

Furthermore he had been broken into 5 times before so you could easily get a shrink to testify that he has PTSD and was triggered, same with his wife.

That's not going to get him off, I think he'll definitely be found guilty, but in the biz we call this "mitigating circumstances" and use it to get defendants lower sentences.

Trust me, I'm in the profession.

Technically, if the homeowners are present, it's a robbery, not a burglary. But aside from that detail, your point is solid.

get off my lawn

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well damn man it aint much of a warning shot if it connects
THIS is why they dont like when people give 'warning shots'. if you wanna warn people with gunfire you might as well keep a blank in the chamber and have the rest in the pump thingy be live shells

The retardedness of the black apologists in this thread is astounding
It's my fucking property you leftist cunt, don't come on my property PERIOD