I’m too redpilled to enjoy modern movies my brain constantly points out the innacuracies and the clear attempt to make propaganda. Why are movies so rife with it makes me mad Jow Forums
I’m too redpilled to enjoy modern movies my brain constantly points out the innacuracies and the clear attempt to...
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And the scales fall from your eyes...
Start reading books.
Corporate entertainment is garbage. Read books, nigger.
i watched Annihilation tonight, the liberal agenda in it was so over the top, the worst i’ve seen for a long time, was a good movie otherwise.
I refuse to watch Neta-Lee get blacked. I walked out of Alien Covenant like 10 minutes before the end at the random shoehorned BMWF scene
& redpilled, thank you
i don’t understand why the random interracial scene was necessary, i had to skip it twice. And why was the crew all female? It was never explained in the film. A lot of dumb shit ruined it.
Youre only at the beginning, the redpill will slowly turn into a black pill.
Then you have the choice between perishing like a dog or actually enlightening and learning the teachings of our ancestors.
>my brain constantly points out the innacuracies and the clear attempt to make propaganda
You sound fun
Nothing's more important than fun, user. I only enjoy CGI roller coasters made by (((major hollywood studios))), don't you?
Living your life for kiddy politics
Don't worry, things can always get weirder.
I understand user, it kind of sucks. Pretty much all media now is just propaganda to me. You'll get over it and divert your time to better things.
No, but that sounds pedantic and annoying. I don't like modern movies either, but that doesn't make sperg at them.
You are indeed based and redpilled im going to change my entertainment from shitty movies to excellent books
Yeah I watched the cheesy 2013 chainsaw massacre on syfy last night, it was like a liberals wet dream
>starts off with essentially blacked porn
>black sheriff is the good guy voice of reason in rural Texas where evil white men rule
>in fact every white man in the entire movie ends up being bad guy except for the liberal hippy guy who “respects whamen”
>black sheriff saves the day and let’s leatherface kill evil white antagonist
>antagonist was evil because he wanted to kill leatherface, the literal chainsaw wielding psychopath who had murdered several other people that very night, but was just misunderstood and disabled so of course he should be let free
I can’t watch television anymore
Sadly, we can't change Jewy-wood, but we can send then a huge fuck you by voting MAGA on Nov 6 and in 2020.
At least I’m not eating this shit up like a mindless drone
my dad stopped watching tv shows and movies back in '06 because of all the gays in them
he died in '08, so he won't know the horror of how bad it is today
best year to die desu
Hell yeah bro trump is our only victory he is a literal god emperor king of kings
Have you taken the herbal jew pill yet? Getting stoned enhances everything, and nothing is as comfy as actually being engrossed in a movie.
In a few more years, gays will be the main characters in most TV shows, with straights being the side/supporting characters. Gays have absolutely taken over Hollywood and are now more in control than the Jews. They're known as the "Gay Mafia" in Hollywood and all they want to do is push the gay agenda 1000%. That's their mandate.
Turn off your intellect
Follow in the march
All hail the CNN
And Praise the NBC
Don't forget your daily prayer
For the BBC
that girl is full retarded tho
fag. you have been programmed to feel that way. value and standards are virtues.
I like infinity war.
>Don't let democrats destroy our American way of life
But they already did
I've been programmed to not be an autist? Sweet.
Oh also the hippy guys gf was getting cucked by Tyrone, but it was 100% the girlfriend wanting to fuck Tyrone bc Tyrone was a faithful man to his gf(even tho he ends up fucking thotolina anyways), I know Jews wrote this entire plot
See you space cowboy after you get past this point and then go further.
It's an entertaining indoctrination into "muh too many people, muh resources, muh kill some to save others" shilling.
>less people, more jobs
I don't see the problem.
No, less people, less work that needs done, same ratio of jobs.
The herbal Jew will sap you of your energy and limit your potential but yes I do like it but shall be putting it behind me soon.
What are these teachings? Where do I find them? Who should I study them with?
Moderation in everything, user. You dont need energy and maximum potential to relax in the evening and enjoy a movie
automation takes away jobs. they could stop automation but they won't because that isn't the goal.
you sound like an interesting npc
i was a cineast a few years ago. watched every good movie. standards are high now and moviesare so worse now that i stopped one of my biggest hobbies within a few months completely. i also see just propaganda in every movie now, it is disgusting. they even started to write bad dialogues on purpose to make us even dumber. sometimes i rewatch old classics with others to show them what good movies were. stop going to the cinema and help in bleeding these kike leeches out. someday we get good movies back i hope
how can someone enjoy 90 minutes of advertising. shut up fag. movies are really shit nowadays. don't enjoy shit, dog
Did Italian movies suffer the same fate as American?
I like movies too. You just have to be more discerning. Find older movies or even movies made in the 90's. Lots of good stuff out there that isn't gay.
you mean pedos. gayness is just their sideeffect. they primary push for pedophilia and interracial shit.
I know but what if you randomly come up with an idea to radically improve your life? Your less likely to come up with something like that stoned of your ass but like I said I like the herbal Jew a hell of a lot just know I need to stop at some point in the next year or so.
I stopped going to the movies years ago. I don’t miss it. I’m smarter now scouring the Internet for knowledge that interests me and dedicating my body to fitness and attitude to my work.
You’re well on your way to improving yourself. That’s the true red pill, user.
It just makes good movies like Bladerunner even more fun to watch desu. Stop spending so much time watching movies and spend more time reading (preferably non-fiction).
That movie was trash even without those scenes
Here's a thing I do: When I watch a movie, anytime I see a propaganda tactic, I pause the movie and write it down on index cards I have in front of me the whole viewing.
I then put the index cards in some shoeboxes I have and I memorize the propaganda tactics they use so that when I get to Stage 2 ("How would I have done this movie?") I utilize them to hammer down narrative elements or whatever I'd like to imagine the "audience" to believe.
there are some all time italian classics but we don't watch national movies in europe. hollywood and uk movies usually
if you want a great italian movie watch "la grande bellezza".
you poverish, smelly mexicans cant comprehend what its like to have well produced, masterfully composed movies. just a white person thing, the only race capable of culture
The man is Italian. Have you ever even seen an Italian movie?
anything foreign reminds my of PBS after school programming, so prolly not
Cannibal Holocaust is the best example. Absolute Kino.
Definitely senpai reading is a great habit to get into.
just ignore him, he is not worth the time ;)
I have read a few of these but shall get on a few more
>that pic
Homeless Laverne & Shirley?
let's think long and hard about it...
where is behold a pale horse?
I love you all have a great life!
>few more
>in the next year or so.
lol you could literally stop right now.
The secret is to get rid of your stash - like flush it - and throw all paraphernalia in a dumpster.
Your right user.
Watch more movies goyim
Mathematically it's a stupid idea though. If you kill half the people it will take less than a single lifetime for the population to double again. Depending upon how much people fuck, it could be as short as 20-30 years. All of that time and effort only to rewind the clock a little bit.
Start listening to folk music, marches, symphonic music ect. I'm an audiophile, so I get that that it's easier for me to say that and harder for others that love visual things.
American music like civil war songs, John Phillip Sousa, ect. It doesn't matter how far back you go if you listen to music produced by (((mainstream))) you're going to see kike influence just like old hollywood. It will still all be Jewish crap and Jewish subversion. So make sure to listen to actual folk songs or songs by Americans produced by themselves. John Denver is a good example of this from what I can tell it's just good wholesome music. Of course there's nothing wrong with listening to our cousins music either but there is American folk music free of subversion. Plenty of Irish folk songs, German marches, ect too though.
Then obviously there's Wagner, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Bach, Beethoven, Rachmaninoff, Mozart, Handel, ect.
There's tons of music out there user, free of Jews and it's all there for us to enjoy.
Bladerunner 2049 was great. But yeah, I can't sit through most movies now. Too much propaganda.
On that note I can hardly deal with advertisements even now a days. It's all filled with kike shit, even the radio. It really is a sad state.
blackpill is codeword for kike shit.
It’s literally impossible to enjoy what they did to Luke Skywalker.
I know that feel.
I used to love spy shit like mission impossible, now i just see it as police state propaganda. Literally promoting the idea the government has the special right to kill people for its agenda.
Rewatching some movies ive even noticed the "terrorists" actual legitimate concerns they were fighting for...
(((WHY indeed)))
At least i dont give the hollywood jew a cent these days.
they have to dumb down the scripts for china...
>t. Stalin
Sodomites are basically Pedophiles. This why the current LGBT movement is pushing for this shit. Original founder of the modern LGBT movement itself was also the co-founder of NAMBLA or whatever the hell that degenerate institution was/is.
I knew SW was dead 1/2 way through TFA..... the moment they had New Black Guy actually talk like an inner city nig he had Captain Silver Suit backed into a corner. NBG sounded like Turk from Scrubs pulling doing a bit. That was the moment I knew that what I loved as a child was dead forever.
Mission Impossible is still awesome.
>Star Wars
>inaccuracy in movies
You mean there's no sound is space? Engines dont revv and lasers dont go "pvvu pvvuUU!