Was seeing everyone unhappy at the Clinton 2016 party really worth sacrificing our nation's stability and international...

Was seeing everyone unhappy at the Clinton 2016 party really worth sacrificing our nation's stability and international reputation? We need to go back to normal leaders.

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Trump is the most normal leader we've ever had. A leader that actually cares for his people. Can't wait for Israeli faggots like you to get massacred soon.

Yes It was and, no we don't.

>international reputation
This one went overboard with dubya my burger friend.

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>international reputation

I won't lose any sleep over the Canadians hating us.

"normal leaders"

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Tongue my anus, faggot

Haha, your ass is still blasted.

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"Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

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boring bait


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Nice meme. Fits into this board really well with all of the faggot shills constantly posting how much they want to fuck non-white girls.

We elected the more normal of the two candidates we were given a choice to choose from. Cheeto Chad or mentally deficient vagina. We chose correctly.

>Trump is the most normal leader we've ever had. A leader that actually cares for his people.
Caring about people is irrelevant when you don't have any idea how to do the job. Would you rather have a really compassionate guy with no experience conducting open heart surgery on you, or a guy who doesn't care so much but went to medical school? Hillary Clinton was better qualified to be President than any other candidate in US history, it was ridiculous she didn't get elected.

>sacrificing our nation's stability and international reputation? We need to go back to normal leaders.
What are you talking about?

Just wait for your conscription and accept your death you Israeli faggot. Fucking proxy kikes

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I respect America much more after Trump won.
And yes, their salty tears were delicious.

best night ever

>Hillary Clinton was better qualified to be President than any other candidate in US history, it was ridiculous she didn't get elected.

Oh, I'm laffin

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Would you rather have a really compassionate guy with no experience conducting open heart surgery on you, or a guy who doesn't care so much but went to medical school and wants to donate your organs to your neighbor?

what were her qualifications shill? think of one job she had prior that was a qualification she wasn't an abject failure at.
>fired from white water investigation for ethics violation
>first lady to impeached president
>senator because her apponent died in a plane crash, passed no bills
>removed as SOS before she could be inveestigated under oath over TS clearance violation (lost her TS clearance for violation today)
>failed 2x presidential candiidate

>international reputation
Bush fucked us up the ass with that, and Obama added salt by having a limp dick. If you had eyes you would see that this country desperately needed a businessman to do business things and unfuck the economy. Hillary is a politician who will do politician things. This country doesn't need that right now.

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if you overlook ALL of the reasons she SHOULDNT be qualified to be elceted your left with the ONE and ONLY reason they ran her twice


kill your fucking self

expanding brain meme
low-voting trump for his policies and america first attitude
mid-voting trump to piss off clinton supporters
high-voting trump for the lulz

>Trump is the most normal leader we've ever had
This but unironically. I don't have to guess at a hidden meaning at what Trump says because he means what he says and says what he thinks.

obviously it was worth it.
now we have a pro 2A SC justice.
for that reason alone, it was worth it.

>We need to go back to normal leaders.

The ones who made the problems Trump is fixing? No thanks.

Absolutely worth seeing spoiled rich roasties cry. These girls great-great-grandfathers would puke if they were alive to see what disgusting shit their offspring believes in.

Imagine working hard to be in the top 10% back in the late 1800's America and finding out that your eventual grand daughter would support infinite rapefugees and murdering unborn children, and she would be using money she inherited from you to support such an insane cause.

Fucking easy-lifer cunts got rekt.

Also our nation is now more financially stable than it has been for decades so fuck you too OP.

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his insults are inspiring. theyre the most benign and accurate insults he can use, and takes 100% of the media attention for at least a week.

>some, i assume, are good people

right? i wonder how long it takes a decision to reach SCOTUS. a year? maybe in a year we'll have full-retard guns and cheap silencers?

>Would you start nuclear war just to have the privilege of watching TYT meltdown again for the first time?

>international reputation
Oh no. We don't have a leader that'll suck the collective globalist socialist cock like a desparate whore. Whatever will we do?

The rest of the world made fun of Bush Jr as well, nobody really gives a shit what a bunch of socialists in Europe think about us. They're literally destroying their countries and cultures by allowing browns to flood them.

And election night was endlessly entertaining. I couldn't believe Hillary never even bothered to show up to the night of to give her concession speech kek. Her meltdown was probably catastrophic, I'm sure she was curled up on her bed with a bucket of Ben & Jerry's watching the post-election coverage and crying herself to sleep.

>now we have a pro 2A SC justice.
Three in the near future

im really looking forward to king abdullah meeting trump, or some shit going down where they ally. abdullah just seems like a darker trump

>International Reputation
Did the Romans sit around worrying if everyone was their friends?

>was it worth sacrificing our nation's stability and international reputation?

without a doubt

Why the fuck are you here on Jow Forums? If your goal in life is to be as annoying as humanly fuck possible...well done. I suggest you aim at higher goals than uber annoying as fuck.

>Fake News created real pain
pic related

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Of course it was.

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This, why would I want someone "qualified" for a position if I know his goals are the opposite of mine?

Trump is the first normal leader we've had since Truman.

Seeing the surprise turn to despair on everyones face. Priceless. I imagine I'll see the same flawed polls and the same shocked faces 2020. Cry, bitch.

>Hillary Clinton was better qualified
Her only qualification was that she married a state attorney general who helped the CIA smuggle cocaine into the country and later became governor and president. Her husband is the only reason she ever had any political office instead of just being a sleazy lawyer.

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>not posting the more accurate version

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Name 1 country that has a positive international reputation.



How much are they paying you?

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I'd inseminate that crying redhead.
>party in my pants, baby


>ooooooooh, the tears of unfathomable sadness, yummy! Yummy, you guys!
November 8th was the greatest night of my life.

It was worth it and pussypilled

We dodged a bullet in 2016. The migrant crisis was still full bore. Clinton and Mercal would have definitely struck a deal where America would get hundreds of thousands of Jihadist refugees.

Watch your step Pierre. If we stop defending you, your flag is going to lose 2 colors, real fast.

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>don't know how to do the job
One of our most renowned presidents was a fucking peanut farmer. One of the most effective, if not THE most effective president was Teddy Roosevelt, with whom Trump has DEMONSTRATED very similar policy execution and goals. Trump is a corporatist though so he won't break up big tech like he should, but other than that so far Trump has lead pretty much exactly like Teddy Roosevelt. The job is about leadership and direction. The media constantly slandering him with bullshit from anonymous sources that they cannot corroborate or prove is actually fucking sedition, not protected by the 1st amendment.

yall are just mad we are getting better and moving away from your party's socialist globalist bullshit.

its because white people are mad at capitalism lol

Better analogy would be a skilled surgeon who wants you dead, fucking idiot.

Cry more, faggot.

indeed, i felt like if it didn't have to happen just like if we traspassed reallity and jumped into another universe another reallity something like that. Did this happen to you too?

Indubitably chap!

>i felt like if it didn't have to happen just like if we traspassed reallity and jumped into another universe another reallity something like that.
That's because you recognize on some level how horribly unqualified the guy who won instead of Hillary Clinton is.

Fuck yes, got to watch it live... watching The Young Turks meltdown was glorious.


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He's right though.

I agree with this post. If you're like me come check out the blue wave general

yes id do it again in a heartbeat that night was glorious and fucking magical and we have not had to go to any wars or sacrifice our stability and we can now tell the rest of the world to eat a dick its fucking awesome


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Is being a leftwing faggot with no balls who denies his nation is crumbling thanks to the left and their nigger cohorts worth it

Totally worth it.
Doing it again in 2020.
Cya there faggot.

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KEK yea!!

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True, she was really great at putting together Islamic terrorist groups. That is a major qualification for the presidency.

>We need to go back to (((normal leaders)))
Read: deep state and globalist certified

>Was seeing everyone unhappy at the Clinton 2016 party really worth sacrificing

I just wish the fat bitch would go away. No one has ever been as thoroughly humiliated as Hillary was in 2016. After spending her entire life planning and scheming to be President, cowing the entire Democratic party, running with the full force of the establishment, the media, the deep state, even some faggot Republicans working to effectively ensure her victory, and she still lost. People dislike Hillary Clinton so much that we elected a guy we dislike more, just so that she wouldn't be President.

I hope she runs again and again. She's the embodiment of everything people hate about the Democrat party.

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he means he wants THE ESTABLISHMENT again.
he wants THE MAN again.
you know, they very people that liberals claim to be fighting against, but unknowingly support because they're useful npc's

if you don't want normal people to have the opportunity to be president, then make a law stating such (good luck getting it passed though)
until then, Trump is your President.

also, how is Hillary qualified? she's good at corruption and taking bribes, but she's not a good leader.

Don't get me wrong, I was sick of Hillary back when Giuliani got prostate cancer and dropped out of the Senate race, but she was arguably the most prepared to be President of anybody running in 2016. She spent eight years watching Bill run the show in the 90s, and her time as Secretary of State got her around the world. She knows exactly what the Presidency requires, day to day, month to month, year by year, and she's on first name basis with a bunch of world leaders. She's been right behind Bill and Obama, watching them deal with crisis after crisis, years of military briefings as the top secret intel about the wars changes. All that time shadowing real Presidents, you get a good handle on how things work, what Presidents can do, so that when shit goes down, it's the 50th time she's been in the situation room instead of the first.

Trump is infinitesimally a better President, but after he was elected and working on taking over the reigns, he wasn't aware that he had to staff the whole operation, he was expecting it to be like taking over a company as a new CEO, instead of building a whole operation from the ground up. I think there was definitely a learning curve for Trump, figuring out how Washington works, recruiting his team. Hillary had all that shit figured out in the years before the election.

He's still kind of figuring shit out. It helps that his natural abilities and political instincts are off the charts. As for most prepared ever, George HW had a good resume before he spent eight years as Reagan's VP. Shadowing the President from 1981 through the end of '88 leaves you pretty ready to take over in '89.

You know that he is the most pro-israeli president ever, right?

Retarded magapedes.

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shitposting on election night was the stuff of legends.

>normal leaders
You mean pussies who submit to China? Yeah, no thanks. I'll go with abnormal, and superior, Trump.

>everyone unhappy at the Clinton 2016 party
2016? lol. We ain't about done with you mother fuckers yet.

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Still won

Riiiiiiiiight, the "normal leaders" who fucked up America in the first place. You know, there's a reason people voted for Trump. It was precisely to get away from those traditional/globalist "normal leaders".

dumb fuck

When will you stop beating your wife?

Hillary Clinton was better qualified to be President than any other candidate in US history, it was ridiculous she didn't get elected.

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Go on...

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Greatest night in my pol life

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lmao yes and we are going to do it again in 2020
and again in 2024
and again in 2028
and again in 2032
and again in 2036
and again in 2040
and again in 2044
and again in 2048
and again in 2052
and again in 2056
and again in 2060
and again in 2064
and again in 2068
and again in 2072
and again in 2076
and again in 2080
and on and on the crying will go forever and ever
fuck you

Worth it. Would do it again.


>Trump letting anything happen to Israel.

They are still that butthurt to this day.....he wasnt lying about winning

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The only thing sacrificed was a cow.

Yes. 100% worth it.

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It has been theorized many times before that a business leader (like Trump) could shake up our incompetent bureaucracy in a very effective way, which he has done, mostly for the better.

You are woefully misled if you think this administration isn't in a good spot due to it's unusual break-from-the-norm rather than actually being in one because of it.


It was the greatest morning of my life. Had to work all day after pulling a double so I ended up sleeping through all the good stuff.

Went to bed expecting to wake up to Hillary in the chair, and was blessed with smug Alex Jones memes instead.

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