What do you think about Bolsonaro? Will he lead Brazil to a better place? Destroy it? Or start WWIII?

What do you think about Bolsonaro? Will he lead Brazil to a better place? Destroy it? Or start WWIII?

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He will lead a path of enlightenment that the west has been overdue for.

He is racist, sexist and don't like minorities

i support bolsonaro but I believe at the same time Brazil is being (((mossad'd))) right now.

I just want to know if that his final form or not.

I simply dont know what to think of him, its either voting for the same shit again for brazil or something new that seems dangerous, i mean he has a lot of potential but i dont know where is he going to direct it towards

your a communist and your day is coming soon

I only know that thats the cover of his game bolsomito 2k18 if you are interested in playing a low effort game about beating lefties up

The problem of brazil is not political, but race, they are too dumb to even understand that.

>Or start WWIII

No one cares about brazil man.

Well, bear in mind, it's Brazil. Destroying it in WW3 would be leading it to a better place. Certainly wouldn't make it any worse.
...you mean pure European white people? They're the minority in your country, he doesn't like them?

>Will he lead Brazil to a better place?

> Destroy it?
It`s a good thing.
He`ll destroy the Evil.
> Or start WWIII?
Kek wills it.
Genocide our Enemies.

Sounds good to me.

We all laugh at brazil, but remember how ww1 started, 2 meme countries declared war on each other, but then germany jumped in, and then all the other countries and everything ended as we know

That's why he's good for Brazil

It's like the 2016 USA elections all over again. The left are calling him a nazi, fascist, etc.

Based Kike lover!

Who even CARES about you.

What enemies, or even friends, does Brazil even have?

He is unironically shilling the Imperial family and paving a way for the restoration of the empire

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At least they have more reasons than "hurr durr he said grab em by the pussy"

Well he is against affirmative action and is pro-gun so I guess he's based

How in the hell could Brazil start WW3?

He has done nothing wrong so far

He is also white*
>Italian ancestry so not white according to Varg Vikernes.
>Blue Eyed so White according to Varg Vikernes.

A conservative christian,
patriotic & pro-gun

against commies & degeneracy

Head of a big family
4 sons & 1 daughter

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Varg is a retarded larper only idiots and NPCs listen to his rambling nonsense

How in the hell could austro-hungary and serbia start WWI?

They bettermake some drastic changes or Brazil will fall into chaos.

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He will lead Brazil to a better place by removing most environmental restrictions, he is an agro biz dude. The economy and standard of living for most Brazilians will go up.
The amazon rain forest which is both the largest carbon sink in the world and essentially the planets lungs will get turned into a huge cattle farm and palm oil plantations. It will be a huge loss for humanity in the long run.

t. looking to invest in BraziliN ETFS

Tbh I don't see him as some kind of savior. If he becomes president he will have a LOT of obstacles to accomplish what his government plan is aiming to do.
I don't know if people are just forgetting what is politcs or are just fooling around

You really expect us to entertain a scenario where the world goes to war over Brazil? You are just some shithole NPC of a country.

>bolsonaro already declared he will free Venezuela to solve the Venezuelan crisis
>Venezuela has russian bases and chinese factories
It's not that hard user

Hell, is all hypotetical, but as i said before a world war starting because of two jokes of a country already hapenned

China funds the Venezuelan dictatorship and USA is naturally interested in keeping at least some order in their backyard, I don't think it would be WWIII-tier but it could turn into an ugly proxy war if Brazil invaded memezuela.

He also had a great grandfather that was a nazi soldier
Godspeed Bolsonaro

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big if true
varg is a cancer


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He is married with a mongrel.


Thank god, someone who knows what they're doing.

He also says he would've joined the nazi army too if he was born there

makes me love him more.
crypto fascist?

He is the average boomer conservative brazilian

word going around B has literal fascists advising his campaign

i heard some people in brazil trying to link his stabber with hezbollah. is there any truth to this or are the jews trying to mossad brazil? i thought his stabber was just a leftist hired gun

i can tell he is the real deal. i knew as in the micro second it took me to process his face -- this is a man who hates degeneracy.

He's leading brazil to chaos

>Bolsonaro accidentally admits him and his party received bribes from the one of the companies that used to give the most bribes, "all parties receive bribes" says Bolsonaro
>Bolsonaro is portrayed as the destroyer of corrpution but was for years in the most investigated political party of the car wash operation and never denounced anyone
>Bolsonaro said that Bolsa Familia was a program to support vagabond people that didnt want to work, a program for the government to buy votes, and a program that was gonna damage the country's economy. NOW HE IS SUPPORTING IT!
>Bolsonaro critized lula for being a populist, now he's adopting populist politics to get votes, using a traditional hat from the northeast region to get votes
>Bolsonaro declared that if he was elected president he would make a military coup and implant again military dictatorship
>Bolsonaro promotes tax evasion
>Bolosnaro was very much against privatization, declared that it was an absurd, and the old privatizer President FHC was a criminal that should die, but now he endorses it and neoliberalism, oh what he doenst do to get votes, sweet populism
>He said brazilian economy was being subdued by the interests of first world country, but now promotes economical & military "partnerships" with the usa !
>He praised Hugo Chavéz of Venezuel, now he hates him
>Bolsonaro is about to allow most of people to have guns, arguing that when you have a gun you can't be robbed or assaulted and guns are the best answer to crime, but he was assaulted and declared to feel hopeless even when armed!

I have the source for all this. And no, I'm not pro haddad, I hate PT and I think there is no hope for brazil

stop spamming this shitty ass pasta full of lies

Everything was fine but the last argument, come on, what do you expect? Him blowing some guys face in the middle of campaign?
And also, guns cant stop every crime, but its still better if everyone has them instead of only criminals

The investigation is clueless till now, but we have plenty of thugs to hire so we don't need hezbollah here desu, probably just a hired fanatic leftist, he was a profissional tho, was stalking Jair for a while and made up an alibi

Allright here are the sources. Not one single lie.
youtube.com/watch?v=uM8f2tWjrp0, www1.folha.uol.com.br/mercado/2018/10/bolsonaro-preve-r-100-bi-para-super-bolsa-familia-e-vagas-em-creches.shtml

You didn't get it. In the 90s, bolsonaro was assulted when he was armed, he said "even so I was armed, I felt hopeless", now he claims arming the people is the best way end crimes. Pure hypocrisy. Armed people still can be robbed and assaulted. Emotionally unstable brazilians are only gonna kill themselves. I agree that arming people is good, ONLY IF it is in a country with minimal equality and emotional stability (ie switzerland an finland), which brazil is not.

my mom listens to this boomer youtuber from Brazil who swears up and down the guy was hezbollah, and then said Brazil has hundreds of mossad agents inside giving bolsonaro (((good intelligence)))

I won't bother with all the wrong shit but

>Bolsonaro accidentally admits him and his party received bribes from the one of the companies that used to give the most bribes, "all parties receive bribes" says Bolsonaro
He doesn't "accidentally" say anything, he openly says the president of the party wanted to give him the JBS bribe but he wanted to donate it to the chamber once he knew where the money came from, it stayed in the party's fund.

>Bolsonaro is about to allow most of people to have guns, arguing that when you have a gun you can't be robbed or assaulted and guns are the best answer to crime, but he was assaulted and declared to feel hopeless even when armed!
Gun control did nothing to fix the crime rates here or in any other country, and countries with gun control have higher contact crime rates. That's the main purpose of lax gun laws, it makes criminals think twice before attacking someone.

>He praised Hugo Chavéz of Venezuel, now he hates him
He praised him in 1998, when he was elected and way before he showed his true commie colors.

Shoo shoo MAV, no one will fall for your misinformation here.

You know what is the problem with the left? They have been crying wolf all this time, calling every people they dont like a fascist and a nazi, and then when someone like this shoes up and people start to realize that hey, this guy might be a real fascist, nobody cares because now fascist only means right winger

Brazil was far less violent than today when it was armed, ignorant idiot.

>recicled trash meme flag
prepare to be genocided commie trash.

The left here calls literally everyone fascists, even the judges in charge of corruption investigations and a fucking native low energy environmentalist candidate.

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Will Bannon run for president? If not, will his nationalist-populism outlive President Donald J. Trump?

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not sure who this guy is, is it Olavo?

>What do you think about A FUCKING JEW

Well he's a JEW.
He's pro US & Israel
OPENLY wants to privatise Brazil's assets for the (((BANKSTERS)))

He's a Mother fucking piece of shit.
Sorry Brazil fags you just got cucked hard.

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no its a channel called crystal vox hes got about 150000 subscribers

hm didn't know this guy, gonna check, so many recent right wing youtubers

It’s destroyed already, he’ll make it worse and carry on the proud tradition of Latin American countries of being totally unable to function.

His only potential is for military dictatorship and self enrichment

None of the above. Things will stay roughly the same, everywhere, forever.