Captain America would vote Democrat. That's all I'm sayin'. Not so sure about Iron Man, he does like the color red

Captain America would vote Democrat. That's all I'm sayin'. Not so sure about Iron Man, he does like the color red...

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Is that why he's the weakest superhero?

>Cap does what everyone else says is right
You should specify when you're talking about nu-cap.

Hahaha, WAT? Fucking Hulk is backing the Democrats? Oh shit yes I gotta vote for them now! Don't know their policies, don't care, just gotta back up my big green bro!

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Marvel is gay

>Captain America teaching an ISIS terrorist in Syria how to launch an rpg, a decade later a single tear rolls down his cheek as a terror attack to rival 9/11 is again performed on American soil

Black Panther would unironically be the only avenger to support Trump. Kanye should try to procreate the super hero as himself to piss off shitlibs.

You know who else likes the color red? Hitler.

yeah Ill vote for this guy not your faggot ass demoshits libtard shit.

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>captain (((america)))
>jewish science experiment who can throw a fucking frisbee

>iron man
>brilliant genius of mechanical, electrical, and software engineering
>no funky science experiment
>no special powers
>instead he built a badass fucking mech suit by himself and uses it to kick ass
>huge advancements in clean, sustainable energy production

i know who i would support

These actors killed my interest in seeing anymore marvel movies. Why does holyweird not realize their influence is disappearing faster than a faggot in a dick factory?

Too late for you to register now, in my state.

What is it with these "hollywood tough guys" having political views of an emotional woman? I'm talking about faggots like Ruffalo, Baldwin, and de niro.

Makes sense he is a wanted criminal in the MCU.


>harry potter
>star wars
>comic books
it's really amazing how open they are about their NPC programming.

Have they ever shilled this hard for people to register and vote? I’m seeing it everywhere.


>Black Panther
>Ethno-Nationalist Black man
>Champion to the throne of the only bastion of black success
>Builds all to keep niggers out
>Uses strength and ability to fight as entity of rule
>Hates CIA niggers
>Doesn't want to work with or against Europeans

Robert Downy is some vocal faggot anyhow. I hope he gets hit by a car.

Another reason to pirate marvel shit.

How the fuck are there people not registered to vote? I mean, we're talking about low agency here.

Y'know, after waiting for the blu-ray to pirate infinite war, I'd been thinking, "Wow, that was good enough that I might start paying to see these movies again."

And then they talked me back out of it.

then he gets the super solider serum injected and runs out to buy a maga hat

Captain America isn't real. Superheroes are for children and autistic, wrinkled teenagers.

I was listed as "inactive" even though I voted for trump. Just found out.

>wasting bandwidth on that garbage

I'm kinda laughing at the idea that Chris Evans is a pussy because he's cap without the serum.

Captain America would vote for Pat Buchanan
Any other answer is retarded

Unlimited bandwidth.

That's not even the real Tay

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Yes, but not for the midterms.

Oh I figured it was "Avengers: Marketing Disassembled"

Basically since Obama left office they've been pushing everything as hard as they can as often as they can. There were like 30 different YouTube campaigns against Trump during 2016 but the Dems don't want to think of any of that influencing people's opinions. They'll keep doing this shit all the while screaming RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA

I still haven't watched one of these stupid capeshit movies.

The real Captain America from the comics would vote Republican. He fought the commies and Nazis. He is a patriot, which modern day Democrats are not.

If you want capeshit to die vote Republican. Not even meming

Lol based thanos will btfo 50% of their registrations

>modern day Democrats are Nazis

Dis nigga here speak the tru tru

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>Tfw "Thanos" is the psychological term for a desire for death (i.e. a suicidal impulse)
>Hence all the stuff in the comics about how he had the hots for Mistress Death. He "desired death".
>tfw leftists are society's Thanos (the concept, not the character)

Nobody gives a shit about this faggot manlet. Fuck off.

>Cap votes for big gov and police state
Yeah, no.
Not saying he'd vote republican, but he's far closer to libertarian than liberal