White ethno-nationalism is civic nationalism

Sorry to break it to all the brainlet NPC's out there, but the ironic thing about white nationalists is if you were to ask them what they think of civic nationalism they'd probably call them "cucks" and how race is the most important thing. The delicious irony of that is if you identify as a white nationalist then you are a civic nationalist. You can't define white nationalism any other way other than to say you're a civic nationalist, because "whiteness" is about culture it's about what is perceived about being part of western culture. Which let me make clear I'm not suggesting that race isn't really or that it's a social construct, no race is VERY real. However on this board we see constant disagreement on which ethnicity's are white. "Are Italians white?" Are Greeks white?" "Are Slavs white?" Are Spanish white?" Many on here will say "no." Which is funny because that is where western culture originated from, ancient Greece, ancient Rome. Apparently they count in the minds of many anons. Now let me ask you a question as to where the line is drawn when it comes to western culture, for example Romania, would you consider Romanians western? They're practicing eastern orthodox, but that comes from Constantinople which is the eastern Roman empire and what can be more western than the Roman empire. However they use the Latin alphabet instead of Cyrillic, so are they west are they east? Can you see how in culture there are gray areas? The same can be said in biology where things get even more complicated now I've been on this board for years listening to you guys spin your wheels endlessly arguing over what is white, never being able to come to a consensus and guess what? You never will, because it is bullshit. Now this is where things get really complicated see whiteness is a descriptor of culture however its become conflated with race and now you have people believing "white" describes something in biology which it doesn't.

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When we look at the groups that are generally accepted as being white for example German, English, French. Now would you say there is no difference between and Englishman and a Frenchman? Or would you say those are the same thing? Because if you believe as I do that race has to do with biology as those of us who are true racists know this goes more than skin deep. For example, because I don't have any Ashkenazi DNA I will never be susceptible to Tay-Sachs disease and because I don't have any African DNA I don't have to worry about Sickle Cell, which tells you that there are different between different humans. In fact I would go so far as to say, and this is where things get really racist, that the term homo sapiens as just one species is kind of deceptive. There are distinct sub species, but we're just compatible enough to produce offspring. English people are rude, Irish people are drunks that can't hold their liquor, Italian people talk with their hands all the time. This is true shit and it's genetic, all the different ethnicity's of "white" people are not the same.

Now about IQ, a lot of people make the mistake of assuming IQ= intelligence and I'm not saying that IQ is bullshit or that it doesn't measure something real just that it only measures a specific kind of intelligence. Now intelligence comes in many forms. A great example of what I'm talking about is a man by the name of Chris Langan who for a long time held the record for having the highest IQ and despite this he is a dumbass. Now Chris writes a lot of editorials were he talks about race and he has expressed some rather short sighted ideas on the subject. Once he wrote about koko the gorilla now if you remember koko the gorilla was famous for having learned hundreds of words in sign language. Now kokos IQ was measured and it was measured between 65-90. Now Chris made the argument about African immigration into Europe expressing how dangerous it is by comparing kokos IQ of 65-90 and sub Saharan Africans average IQ which is between 65-70. Which by the was this is my evidence that Chris Langan is an idiot despite his incredibly high IQ. Because if you believe a gorilla is more intelligent than any variety of homo sapiens than you're an idiot. A humans brain is so much more advanced than that of a gorilla as gorillas doesn't even posses the theory of mind and that is to say, if you're interacting with a gorilla and then you were to leave the room once you later return to that room it would never occur to the gorilla that you might have experienced something outside that room.

The gorilla would never ask you a question like "how was the weather?" Now just to reiterate a white nationalist is a civic nationalist. Hitler wasn't a "white" nationalist he was a German nationalist which is a true example of being a ethno-nationalist because being white wasn't good enough you had to be a German. So get fucked stormfront, get fucked reddit and embrace civic nationalism.

Yes, basketball-Americans are violent stupid pavement apes and (((merchants))) are greedy and sneaky. Yes, it's hardwired into their DNA. Nevertheless, race isn't as simple as you may think. Indians and Japanese are both "Asians" but Indians don't fap to futanari and there are no designated shitting streets in Tokyo, so what does "Asian" really mean?

I'm glad you think you got it all figured out

what a stupid thread, holy shit

Great argument.



Do you really think anons are going to be bothered to carefully read all this stupid shit?

Brevity is the soul of wit.

Thats the point. Jow Forums is full of NPCs. Under this post there will be a brainless zerg rush of idiots not even reading any of what OP posted

Dude you just invalidated mine and so many neo Nazi life’s. Wtf man? Why would you do this?

OP thinks /pol is uniting under the label of ethno nationalism. He is then arguing that by uniting under this label, they are paradoxically contradicting it because they justify this label through civic nationalist premises. What OP doesn't understand however is that the label has no bearing on /pol's views. Instead /pol is justifying itself through the skin color and racial features, not on any sort of views of nationalism at all.

/pol also believes that it is only through having a single race of people that any sort of nationalism is possible.

Sorry OP, go back to your SJW board. Work something else out. Come back. We'll see if you have any good ideas.

>western culture

Dropped. Western culture is not white culture, it is its cancer.

>posts porn
>expects an honest response

Cute girls kissing isn’t porn.

This all sounds more or less correct. Looks like we’re really civic nationalists.

OP I can barley keep up with braap threads I don’t know if I’m up for this.

Dude the NPCs on this board won’t be able to engage with this thread.


>posting long winded whataboutisms poorly attempting to conflate civnat and white nationalism.
>intelligent position deserving of merit and quality response
Pick one

>Now this is where things get really complicated see whiteness is a descriptor of culture however its become conflated with race
No faggot, whiteness was never a descriptor of culture. Shill harder.

>show me your wares

>when whites want to be left alone

>when whites start to band together
What even IS white lol????

Man....this really activates my almonds

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Not at all what I said. Is this your NPC response?

What a worthless thread.

People say ethno vs civic
Its possible to have both. This is what the west should have had but its been hijacked.

Firstly Ethno nationalism for white people should be accepted as normal. This would go a long way to healing the harm inflicted on White people

then civic nationalism for all citizens who are not white. With strict immigration and a steep reduction in useless non-white people via deportation.

End result is an enshrined right for
whites to be whites and a honourary respected class of citzens.

>hurr you're just an NPC!!
>whiteness isn't reallllllll
stay mad my dude

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I said several times race is real you stupid fuck.

Cohesiveness has to do with how alike your nehibors are to yourself. If you're both similar in appearance and intelligence, and you're not a jew, you're welcome in my ethnostate

You said "whiteness" wasn't and your "proof" was that people come on here sometimes and say that "hurr X isn't white". (Great logic lad)

Europeans are all more closely related to each other than any of us are to non-Europeans. French and Finnish people are "different" in the sense that two different shades of blue are different. They're both still fucking "blue" though.

French and Finnish are still "more similar" than French and ANY non-Europeans. THAT is why White Nationalism makes sense, because although we may feud we all recognize that we are complimentary parts of a greater whole White-Europeans.

Civic nationalists think EVERYONE in the world is similar enough to mesh together, and that is obviously not the case. Pre-modern America proved that White Nationalism was sound, Post-modern America is proving that Civic Nationalism is insane.

>What is Europe:

>European Crusade:

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Yawn. The people who say X isn't white are either trolling or are butthurt shitskins. Pol is full of shitskins and a good portion of them are more white supremacist than most actual whites here.

Here is the problem with that, "Western culture" is complex and constantly changing. So saying that "whiteness" equals culture doesn't help us.

nigga do you really expect anyone to read "all that shit" by (You)?